Venture 1st impressions thread

The dash can drag people into the air and cancels upward momentum. You can spike people using the Chateau jump pads into the water. 10/10 hero.

please let us mute a single heros voicelines, thx


Super fun to play as. I’m having a lot of fun comboing her abilities in different ways. I hope they go this direction with future heroes instead of making more generic/boring hitscan characters.

My only problem so far is that I’ve had Pharah shoved in my face in a couple of the few games I’ve had so far. I’m so tired of her countering most non-hitscan heroes.

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That ult needs to be dialed back. Eeesh its crazy powerful.

Otherwise yeah why not. Another toy for dps mains to feed their brains out with. A touch too powerful imo in terms out damage output. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were OP on release, like Mauga.

That being said, a good Pharah/Echo will make life hard for Venture. Pharah in particular.

I didn’t find them fun, but I can see how others would. Their gameplay style felt unique, so that’s good. I think people who lack mechanical skills will thrive with them.

they kinda act like beefy reapers from what I seen in unranked/arcade

i tried playing them for a bit but theyre really weak without backup, at least once theyve wasted all their combos

you could say that well “the person they combo’d should already be dead so it doesnt matter”, but the 8 second cd for each ability is miserable, leaving you to save them unless you want to die or trade

the health on ability mechanic is a little bit absurd too, since +50 hp is enough to get out of engagements scott-free, whereas someone like doomfist has to deal damage for that health

if anything they are sort of a mid range reaper

They seem… Fine?
The Burrowing, ngl dislike it. Not from a balance perspective, but having to look at the ground to track an enemy and avoid damage from them is… Counter intuitive?
Probably just the learning curve. MH has yet to let me play them, but I have played against a few and outside of Burrow being annoying I don’t really have many notes. Their ult’s shockwave range feels deceptively long, but it’s not massive and probably another learning curve thing.

Fun factor is insane though id slightly nerf their melee damage and give primary 5-10 dmg per shot just so they can 3 shot with directs (I think that is fair imo)

As a french player, we got a voice actress with Quebec accent and it’s very cool ^^ And I appreciate her sens of humor (remember I talk voice actress, not Venture). To avoid any misunderstand, and as a french player, we don’t use pronoum manner (he/him, she/her, they/them etc…), I will just call Venture

About venture, my first impression :

very fun to play
very strong at closed gap
can go on top, but used all CD
strong melee
good ult…

but the primary gun is very short (maybe 25 meter can be good)
burrow gets a long CD. Can you reduce it to make combo : drill dash → burrow → jump after emerge → dash ?
ultimate maybe more shockwaves (5 or 6) OR goes through the shield ?

In resume, it’s high risk, high reward (like doom). I’m fine with damage but only if it’s takes big risk. Venture lacks at long range (pharah-echo mercy), vs tank maybe Reinhardt and sigma can counter Venture (I need more games to check)

Venture is cool but can be better by up the CD and primary weapon range ^^

i’ll tell you what i think about venture: I’m against characters with a “haha i am invulnerable hehe” button, and venture has one. i think it’s not good design. “get out” abilities should be designed like tracer recall, genji dash, sombra transloc, IMO. not reaper style “LMAO I AM REMOVED FROM THE GAME”.
apart from that I like venture’s kit

Fun hero but absolutely gets decimated by anything with burst range or flight.

shes annoying as hell i thought moira or sombra would be the final annoying female hero but nope they had to bring another one into the mix and honestly it makes me feel liek teams will demand someone play her or another stupidly high dps hero or be reporting for throwing

Visually not too appealing or relatable in any real sense anyways. The voice is a little bit annoying on par with Kiriko.

Gameplay wise, fun to play and be but not fun to play against.

Bad concept from the start. Light Flurries is void of creativity.

I pressed the drill charge move and it made me feel good. When it was on cooldown, I felt bad. That’s a real curious feeling; one ability instantly improved my mood and made me feel like I wanted to use it more.

In 2010, I played a game called Bioshock 2. The protagonist also has a drill and you can do drill charges and other fun things like that. Venture’s drill move, they’re simple drill CD move, made me feel happy in the same way Bioshock 2’s drill makes me happy.

We need more drills in games. I’m reinstalling Bioshock 2.

Rewarching that anime with spiral power. Forgot what it’s called so might be tough.

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Venture seems to have low damage output, I was able to play winston and not be threatened by them at all.

only things i would change at the minute is maybe making the animation/burrow faster when you use the skill and maybe a slight attack speed buff.