Vancouver Titans vs. Los Angeles Gladiators - FINAL

Papa gator we have a Charlie Niner on the field, repeat a Charlie Niner on the field, request permission to FailFish? Over. - edited for more comedic effect -

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Titans tied the attack run record for Gibraltar (Dallas Fuel).

that was fast i was feeding the ferrets and i missed the entire round lol

The gladiators looked like this throughout the whole map.

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that is one angry/nervous ferret, war dancing like that.

36 to 0 in kills… this is not a game but mass murder.

Gladiators… look to my definition of ‘insanity’ to understand why this is happening to you…

and to my previous statements on how to fight Titans…

Because seriously you’d think people would have learned this lesson by now…

Can OWL just die already so we can get role que already

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Realistic reenactment of the final moments of the map:

Final Score


WATCH LIVE: TwitchOverwatch LeagueESPN3

Don’t think they’ll sleep too well after that map. That was pretty brutal.

Thanks for joining me everyone… remember, the Professional Replay Client should be coming out tomorrow to download on PC (requires a valid PC license to Overwatch). Download it and watch this massacre from every POV, every angle, and in SLOW MOTION!

Good night everyone!

nobody cares about goats. thsi game is a run-on joke at this point lol

I don’t get why teams try to go goats versus goats against the Titans.
When teams try something different the Titans usually have a hard time winning the map like on Paris.
Goats is like the only thing the Titans can play at a level above all the other teams.

So, I received a poke from WyomingMyst regarding this thread…I apologize in advance for suddenly dropping off the face of the earth, I had pulled an all-nighter Saturday night (due in large part to the fact I got home from work very late that night) and ultimately decided I needed to reset my sleeping patterns so that I could work Tuesday without any…adverse side effects.

After watching the VOD for this match, I once again must remind the Gladiators (and the other 18 teams) that you CANNOT beat the Titans in a GOATS v. GOATS matchup. And even then, the Titans are more than aware that GOATS will likely be nerfed soon, judging by the fact they are experimenting with a few DPS comps with mixed success. So I highly encourage everyone to stop playing GOATS versus the Titans. If you don’t, I guarantee that Wyoming, Vancouver fans, and the Titans will be having a celebration in the city of Vancouver once they capture the second OWL championship.

Also, I can confirm a Charlie Niner occurred, and the sign regarding C9s at Blizzard Arena has been updated accordingly.

Anyways, just so everyone is aware, I will be working this coming Thursday night, and I will also be traveling with family Friday night-Sunday to an amusement park in Michigan in celebration of two special days…Father’s Day and my Dad’s birthday. So you will likely not be seeing me in these match commentary threads.

Until I see you next, PLEASE keep a body on the objective, so you can help control the outbreak of C9s. See you hopefully soon!

Yupp, we all already came to that conclusion. All except certain OWL Teams of course. :smirk: One does not simply beat goats-gods-teams with goats.