Valorant doesnt allow 4 stacks, OW shouldnt allow 5 stacks

In Valorant, there is a rule where you can not 4 stack in ranked. The rule is there to prevent someone who is solo queueing to be put with 4 people in a discord call who refuse to work with the solo player (who may have better comms and skill, but gets shut out because the group wants to have a feeling of superiority).

In the same sense, I think Overwatch should not allow 5 stacks in the game. With the already apparent lack of proper competitive play, a solo queue being forced to play with a 5 stack that refuses to join voice and does not communicate or make any effort to properly work as a team with the solo queue is the most annoying thing in this game.

Another downside is that groups often get pitted against each other, so imagine the 5 stack on the enemy team is willing to work with their solo queue, the game suddenly becomes an absolute stomp as it is basically a 5v6 (or 1v6) situation.

The perfect solution to this would be to have “queue preference settings”. Just something as simple as little on-off switches preferences when queueing. The “on” option would mean you agree to what the switch says, the “off” option would just mean that you have no preference.

Ideas: (yes, I know this would increase already long queue times, but guess what, making the game better brings more players which also shortens queue times, this would also hopefully make gameplay experience more rewarding making more people want to play Tank and Support)
“Prefer not to have someone chat banned”
“Prefer not to play with groups”
“Prefer not to play with solo queue”
“I use VC and want others to use it too”
“I don’t us VC but like when others do”
“I don’t like other people being in VC”
not so thought out Ideas for if the player base grows substantially for Overwatch 2
“I prefer dive/rush/brawl/poke/etc. team comps”
“I want my supports/tanks to play Mercy/Ana and Rein/Zarya” (idk about this one)
“preferred maps” (I don’t like this one, then Junk OTPs could just pick Anubis and Hanamura, Hitscan abusers could just pick Havana and Junkertown, and those annoying flying heroes could just pick Lijang tower, but please lmk what you think)

Oh, and I think it might be cool to still pick a “preferred roll” when flexing, that way you don’t get dps players on support when they wanted Tank or something along those lines.

Anyways, that’s all I can come up with atm, please lmk what you guys think (in as nice a way as possible :+1:)


More options are certainly nice but can have negative effect as well.

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True, but I do believe that every change has both positive and negative effects, I really don’t think there is a change that could be made that would be solely good or solely bad for the game.

Overwatch has an extremely diverse (though currently small) player base so it’s near impossible to please everyone, that’s why I think adding preference settings will help everyone to at least some degree.

Limiting group options to 2, 3, and 6 would dissolve the problem. It’s not difficult to implement. Of course there’s always the guy who whines “Waaah I play in a four staaack with my frieeendds.” That guy can deal with the new rules.

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They’re always there, doesn’t matter what game, they’re always there

why not just play valorant then?


You answered the reason why this won’t be implemented in your own OP
 :slight_smile: :wink:

That’s a better solution but sadly still won’t be implemented.

The real issue here is the players that refuse to use in-game voice chat which is perfectly functional.

Perhaps a better solution is ways to promote/reward the use of in-game VC vs external ones
? :thinking:

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Do you like that doctors have chairs in their waiting rooms? Why not schedule an appointment with a doctor?

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Better game tbh.

do you like breathing air? you should stop.


Interesting. Your ego is so fragile that having your lack of logic questioned makes you wish death upon people?

i didnt wish death upon anyone, i merely replied to your comment with the same sarcasm you gave.

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Telling someone that they should stop breathing is wishing (or implying) that they should be dead. Including some nonsense about “sarcasm” after the fact doesn’t make it any less emotionally unhinged. You need to chill out and get a grip.

did someone hurt your feelings? you should go see a trained professional and talk about it! it sounds like you really need to do that.

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I don’t even understand why we can even have a week comp arcade solo-q only just to see.

Thank you for taking my quote out of context, makes my job of forming a rebuttal really easy. I already addressed the issue of long queue times saying that this fix would make the game more enjoyable which would help increase the player base which in the long run would make queue times shorter in the end. Sometimes you gotta take a hit to become stronger.

Last time they tried something like this, it was 50 Gold or a Lootbox for playing tank, they need a way to create REAL incentive, and right now, they don’t have a way to do that.

That’s cool and all that you think that, would you mind explaining how this contributes ANYTHING to the conversation at hand? Or how a tactical shooter and a hero switcher ability based game can be properly compared/contrasted?

I’m going to assume you’ve never taken any argumentation or debate classes before

He wasn’t sarcastic in the least bit, he was providing a well thought out rebuttal to your fragile argument, if you knew how to properly respond to someone during a debate, maybe you wouldn’t be countered so easily.

This isn’t a half bad idea
 except that almost no comp players even touch arcade, they’d have to somehow create some BIG incentive to get enough people to play it for further data.

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its right there, learn how to read.


My dude, you have got to stop being mean to people, it completely derails your main points of argumentation and makes you seem really rude. That isn’t sarcasm, I understand he didn’t use emoji or a ton of punctuation, but if you pull your head out of the ground and actually accept the fact that you might be wrong, you’ll realize that he just genuinely had a better argument than you did.

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my bruh, you need to learn how to read, its very important


that’s not sarcasm dude.