I know, just like your logic.
You risk being offensive by virtue of thinking. You risk being offensive in the pursuit of truth, it’s inherent. Your “boundaries” don’t exist.
I know, just like your logic.
You risk being offensive by virtue of thinking. You risk being offensive in the pursuit of truth, it’s inherent. Your “boundaries” don’t exist.
You guys must be really bored at work.
Are you sure you’re not just purposefully being obtuse?
Yeah it does help pass the time. 3 PM here so 2 more hours to go.
Nope, I never resort to malicious tactics in a debate.
… I’m just going to end this debate since… well… Yeah.
There are many reason why I can be silver.
Saying “You are silver so you don’t understand the game” is rank shaming.
Aldo, as BadWidowEU already said, this is ad hominem. My rank doesn’t invalidate my points.
My opinion is as valuable as anyone’s, and this obviously includes yourself.
If you cannot discuss my points other than by rank shaming, it shows that you’re not here to discuss, and I have better things to do that listening to your gibberrish.
I might have misunderstood what you meant here, apologies.
However, I do believe it is irrelevant to the conversation.
Not correct. People are allowed to vote during elections in most countries. The huge majority of them have no qualifications about politics, yet their vote carry as much weight as a politician’s.
Fun fact: Saying someone’s argument is not good because of their rank is also ad hominem because a low rank player can be right as well.
Never said your opinion is not needed or is not valuable. That would be actual rank shaming. I question the validity of your opinion because of your lack of experience and “qualification”.
The reasons why you are silver is because you are not objectively good at the game which can be for variety of reasons - positioning, hero knowledge, composition, mechanical skill etc. Again, this isn’t rank shaming, this is an observable state. Who do you go to study with? The student who got F on the test or the student who got an A? It’s simple observation and logic.
Your points are wrong.
For example:
Zenyatta is weak against flankers, Mercy is good against flankers because of her mobility. Not the other way around. A hitscan DPS is not easier than a hero with no mechanical skill requirement.
In any discussion of whatever field/subject, expertise and qualification matters.
My friend, if I have to explain to you how elections work and how democracy is a myth, I think this is gonna take some hours and honestly I don’t think we will get very far, nor do I have the inclination to waste of my time in such a way.
Again, by your silly logic anything and everything is offensive because anyone can interpret anything as offensive. Also I’ve never said anywhere that a low rank player is 100% wrong all the time.
Ad hominem doesn’t have to be something offensive though??? There’s like a bunch of different variations.
“ad hominem, is a fallacious argumentative strategy whereby genuine discussion of the topic at hand is avoided by instead attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself.”
I’ve already discussed all of his arguments, they are objectively wrong. I also question the validity of his opinion because of lack of expertise on the subject matter. Again, repeating for the 3rd time, in any field or subject, expertise and qualifications matter, this is not different. This isn’t rank shaming, or bullying, this is objective analysis. I ask the question again: Who do you go to study with? The student with an F or the student with an A? Come on, this isn’t rocket science
I would study with the one that’s willing to help.
Hahahahaha, way to dodge the argument.
I answered the question, didn’t I?
Daily reminder: Sprinkles supports calling people cultists.
Sprinkles said he didn’t call anyone cultist like 2 days ago, hmm
I don’t know why you guys are still wasting time here. It’s clear he’s stuck in his ways. He’s not worth it.
Man that’s not toxic at all lol
You know, you could not be a jerk and this wouldn’t even happen. You could also not try and do nothing but cause trouble. For all the discussions I’ve seen you in, you’re not once talking about the subject. You’re attacking OP if they disagree with you. Not their points, but OP.
You even attack them on other threads. Great warrents for discussion, ammi right?
Wait… I’m pretty sure you’ve attacked various OPs in their own threads, including mine. Isn’t that statement from you, kind of “the pot calling the kettle black?”
This, I personally find that building an ult and then knowing when to use it in the most opportune time way more engaging an challenging than a fixed 30 second cool-down that is spoon-fed to me no matter how good or bad I play.
~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.
You’re part of the problem.
Well, I think you won the #1 award to the Delusional Person of the Millenium. I’m sorry, but this is the best thing I can say. You are trying to tell us that the Earth is flat. Everybody has debunked your arguments, even Mercy haters like Seagull and Taimu or pro Mercys like Anymetic, Vale, EeveeA, etc. It’s clear that you are the one who is clueless about how this game works.
I’ll tell you this. Please, google a bit. Search videos, information, anything. We have an entire year of collected information behind us, so you can’t teach us anything now. Please, stop inventing stuff, your unconditional hate towards something doesn’t mean anything but that you unconditionally hate something. You are not fooling anyone. The Earth is not flat. Please, move on. Mass rez took skill. E rez not. Valk taakes no skill. Soldier is easy. Mercy takes mechanical requirements, even if they are not the same as Ana’s. There are dpss incredibly easy to play (search one star dpss). Mercy’s healing mechanic is more complicated than Lucio’s. Some hitscan heroes are really easy too. Please, this is not rocket science. Aim is not all the world in Ow and if you think otherwise… you bought the wrong game.
Please, stop using only fallacies, lies, childish arguments and twisting everything. You are fooling no one.
No, they aren’t correct, as you said. None of them are flat out wrong. Please, bring real arguments as a back up. Unless you do that, you will only wasting everyone’s time.
Oh, and please, stop using insults as your only argument. We have showed you tons of real and irrefutable arguments with plenty of back ups even from pros. You are only bringing flat wrong statements as if they were the only truth in the world and insulting everyone.
Never saw a more subjective statement. Following your logic I could say that objectively I am the God Emperor of all human kind. A great lie, but hey! I’m being objective here because I’m saying it. Also, when everyone is telling you that your reality is wrong, you have a problem about how you look at it.
Win what? You already lost all credibility days ago. You are only spamming the forum at this point, bringing no feedback at all, whereas the rest of the people bring facts with back ups and all that’s necessary, not just flat and empty statements. If you think that you must win this discussion, you are only showing right that you are not mature. That’s all.
Confirmed that you are spamming the forum… sigh…
Saying that Mercy takes no mechanical skill requirement is flat out wrong and delusional.
Yes, it is. It brings an ilusion as if that people were a sect. That’s harassment, tbh, as they are just normal people who deserve to be treated like normal people. Sects and cults don’t exist but in some kind of crazy conspiracy. Following your logic we could start talking about the “Mercy is fine” cult, the “nerf Mercy” cult, the Hanzo cult (well, this one has even a religion btw, or it was Torbjorn?), and the same for every single community and micro cumminity in this game.
Also, the megathread has been permanently blocked because of false flagging. I don’t know, but I doubt a lot that the Mercy players have something to do about that.
What kind of feedback is that? I’m sorry but if you wanted to sell us that you are being attacked, attacking people doesn’t help.
Which arguments?
I don’t hate anything. Also please don’t parrot my own statements, try to be at least a bit original.
Nope, that’s why it’s gone from the game. One among many reasons.
Please, show me a video playing soldier, let’s see how easy he is when you play him.
You need to look up the definition of mechanical skill (pssst, I will help you, it’s called aiming).
Hahahahahahhaa, yeah holding M1 sure is complicated. And because I know what you are going to say next, Lucio needs quite a lot of situational awareness and positioning to actually be an effective healer.
Such as? Widowmaker, Mcree? Please, show me a video again if you playing them and show me how easy they are.
Where exactly?
Already did, you cannot claim for a second with a serious face that Soldier is easier than Mercy. If you claim such a thing, you have no idea what you are talking about.
Delusional isn’t an insult. Where? What irrefutable arguments? Supported by which pros.
Such as?
A hitscan DPS is harder than a hero which has no aim as requirement. This is empirically observable and is a no-brainer logic.
Having a different opinion =/= spam. Nice try though.
One statement doesn’t contradict the other. Passing the time, doesn’t mean I’m trolling.
All so now we are getting the “no u” type of arguments. Classic. What exactly is Mercy mechanical skill? Please enlighten me.