Oh, so you came back to your original position, where you don’t want to refute said arguments because you just realised you can’t.
If you don’t dismiss the oppositions arguments, they still stand.
Oh. This isn’t rank shaming you say ?
So what is it if I dare ask ?
What’s your point here ?
Refuting my arguments by implying I don’t understand the game.
By the way, I am not a “bronze star borderline silver” and I do not consider myself a Mercy one trick.
Even if I was, how is it relevant other than rank shaming ?
Enlighten me, what is soldier to you, other that shooting at whatever enters yours crosshair ?
Oh I do.
We were talking about the difficulties of a hero to be played, and you are the one who came to say “Hey ! Mechanical skill !”
Oh, you are annoyed that we point out your lack of argumentation so start trying to disvalue us.
I just said this doesn’t exist.
Sometimes I’m not sure why I bother.
Here we are, you ran out of arguments so you start attacking me personally.
This is.