Valkyrie Mercy | How is Valkyrie Impactful to YOU?

So I’ve been playing Mercy for a long time, and it’s widely known that I personally don’t find Valkyrie impactful. However, that is my own opinion, and I want to have an open mind for those that disagree, and see the reasons as to why some of us like Valkyrie to get a different perspective & point of view.

I’d like to see your ideas, thoughts, and reasons, and be respectful of them, so I probably won’t respond too much in this thread. I’m just here to learn from you guys.

So if you please, I’d like to know.

  1. How is Valkyrie Impactful to YOU?
  2. What do YOU like most about Valkyrie?
  3. Is current Valkyrie your favorite version of Mercy’s ultimate? And if not, which iteration of that ultimate was your favorite? Why or Why not?
  4. Do you have an idea of a Valkyrie-based rework/tweaks? If so, what are your ideas?

Let’s keep it positive & respectful, I’d love to see your responses, and thanks for sharing your thoughts. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

  1. I find it more impactful to use it like an ability on a inconsistent cooldown.

  2. The infinite ammo, I do like to go BM (going after snipers or harassing the backline) but also if my team is doing well and we have an Orisa stacking the damage boost with the SuperCharger is pretty nice.

  3. I’ve only really REALLY played Mercy with Valk. There were only a few times I played Mass Rez Mercy outside of Uprising. I can’t say that it’s my favorite since I haven’t had as much time with Mass Rez Mercy vs Valk Mercy to make a decent comparison. (It’s why I want previous kits to be an option in Custom so people can try and then compare)

  4. I would like it if Blizzard took back the idea of “rez being core to her kit” and instead focus on GA. There is a very cool idea I saw floating around about her healing being improved while GAing a greater distance.

THIS idea just seems to be SO much better for her because it HIGHLIGHTS her mobility and her synergy with wide spread teams. ALSO it FINALLY gives Mercy something BACK when playing with MercySniper or PharaMercy because THEY can provide that greater distance for her to GA to and from-making Mercy MORE effective in return for making them more effective.


It’s a group trigger, basically like Rally, except more flexible with the option to turn into a Supercharger when needed. Also it usually keeps Mercy alive so I don’t have to worry about protecting her so much as a teammate. If I’m Mercy, I can stay pretty safe and/or kill off the enemy Pharah/Widow that’s been bugging me.

From the Mercy perspective, flight, I suppose. The auto-self-heal is also a pretty big deal. From a teammate perspective, consistency. It’s useful to know that I’m always going to get heals and boosts as long as I position properly, as opposed to someone else taking priority for a moment as I potentially die without expecting it or something (because it’s hard to keep track of other teammates’ HP from the front line).

I guess? I kind of miss the super fast Guardian Angel, but everything else caused some pretty obvious gameplay and balance issues that I definitely wouldn’t want back.

Not off the top of my head.


-It’s a great engaging ult, giving your team the upper hand in a fight and forcing them to press W
-It makes those risky rezzes a bit easier
-Quickly take out that pesky widow with a few dinks and get back to the team
-Damage boost and focus fire deletes things, so I tend to call targets while it’s up.


staff & pistol dual-wield


I hit Q and delete Widow.


As a tank main? Barely noticeable. Mercy already heals too slow for poor tanks, and her ultimate ability doesn’t seem to reflect that issue either. Mass rez (yeah yeah I said the m word, sue me) was pretty much her “burst” heal, so I didn’t mind old Mercy even if her healing was significantly slower.


We calling it an m word now?
Oh gee


It feels like it should be a swear sometimes, when using it causes other individuals to act like they are offended

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Some people go on a derailing tirade if you mention it by name.

It’s an initiator.

It’s something that I’ll use to intentionally make the team fight more difficult for the enemy or more successful for mine.

If the enemy team has a Moira and they use their ult, I’ll use Valk as a counter ult for it (because my team can very possibly kill the Moira from my ult, but it’s a slim chance the Moira can kill me from their ult.)

I like Valk because I’m a buff junkie. It’s a huge team buff and just nostalgic of Shamanistic Rage (?) a huge CD ability the shaman had in WoW. I feel like using the ability, I can say, “Now do your job!” to my team and leave it to them to know why the won or lost that big moment.

It could use some work, but I’m okay with it. I like how and when to use it. I didn’t like the moth effect of it at all… It just felt a lil gimmicky of fly in, instarez, fly out (low risk; high reward).

I have a feeling/idea why instarez isn’t a thing with it, but I think Rez could at least get range for when it’s cast when in Valk.

I just don’t like that Valk enhances everything of Mercy’s kit, except for Rez, but I am also a bit bugged that Mercy’s pistol has little to no connection with her kit, other than, “It’s better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.”


Okay I always see this as an ‘idea’ for Mercy but where does her damage boost button convert too? Would that be the alternative weapon?

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Keep seething. Mass Rez it’s not coming back.


Valk can also make a great last minute stall. Enough to touch point to prevent a loss while your team comes back, or to support that last person who is alive while your team comes back.

unrelated edit: can anyone tell my why my icon doesn’t show up?

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Where did OP mention mass res?


Ummmm…where did the OP bring up Mass Rez? Sure you can assume that they’re implying it in #3, but that’s them asking which version of Mercy you (general you) prefer.

Please keep on topic.


It needs to reload itself on forums. Take some time

It’s a bug in the forums. Logout and log back in and it will change.

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Thank you!

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