Valkyrie is awesome (video evidence)

Then why are you even attempting in trying to get in the conversation and debate.

seems useless.

in all honesty

why even use the forums?

Conversation and debate are not synonymous and I’m absolutely free to voice my thoughts and opinions. Sorry, but what’s your problem? Do I know you? You seem on the offensive and started coming at me for… some reason? I didn’t even say anything to you. Debate is one thing— you’re looking for a fight. Again, not interested. Keep it, as well as your negative attitude, away from me. Thanks!


No I just like partaking in debates and picking apart bad feedback is all.

this is common tbh on this forums and well said users are still around.

that’s a misunderstanding on your part.

Yuck. What a gross attitude to have in life. Anyway!~

To OP: Awesome clips of Valkyrie, it’s nice to see people making the most of Mercy and having fun with her.


very biased qp clips on console.


your entitled to your wrong opinion.

goodbye enjoy the other more casual threads.

“wrong opinion” “bad feedback”

who says you’re the judge when you’re “very biased” yourself?

everyone is biased, its only best to acknowledge that and try to minimize that.

and its bad feedback because its ultimately useless.

that’s it.

no need for hostility towards me for something presumed toxic or something but I likely wont be able to change your mind so I’ll just leave so you can do whatever it is you need to do here.

Main difference is that old Mercy was busted. Which comes back to balance > fun, again.


Do you know they’re a minority? Of course people who think Mercy is unfun are gonna complain on the forums. People who find her fun aren’t going to make endless topics telling the devs how fine they think she is. It’s needless to say. This is also taking into account that Mercy mains on this forum probably don’t even make up 3% of the entire OW community.

So overall, no you do not sir.

She’s already nicely designed right now, and she’s balanced on top of that. Nothing of value in this post lol.

You can’t please everyone, just said that earlier.

Says you. Other people find her fun and well designed. She’s not all of a sudden “not well designed” because Valk got switched in for Mass Rez. She’s still an M1 bot and always has been.

Nice closed mind. The world doesn’t revolve around you son.

So hold up.

A 30% damage boost and an extra 10 HPS to multiple teammates doesn’t help your team win the fight?

Yeah ok guy. That’s just straight delusional. :joy:

I mean clearly not so far.

I don’t even care about the clips. I’m just here advocating that Mercy is balanced.


No they’re not. At least not compared to the two other roles. Why do you think they rarely ever get POTGs?


No one cares about praise. Balance has priority over people wanting praise when they ult. Seriously, what is wrong with you Mercy mains? Are you guys neglected IRL or something? What’s with you guys wanting attention? Do you want people to melt over the mic and get on their knees and say “OMG THANK YOU FOR ULTING MERCY I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, YOU’RE THE BEST AND I NOTICE YOU HAHA XD” ?

This is why I can’t take you guys seriously. Sorry.

Again, I couldn’t care less about the clips. They mean nothing to me.

I’m here all day cuzzo.


That’s a Kappa.

Yeah you’ve clearly demonstrated you’re not clouded whatsoever.


Trolling would be a Mercy who only uses her pistol and never even heal (because yes, some people like going into games and troll that way), which equally bad would be any support who would prioritise dealing damage over healing all game, especially main supports. Like an Ana who would only use her nade to dps and shoots her gun to dps only, or a Moira who only use her right click and purple orb. In short, a support that concentrates on dealing damage instead of healing, even when healing is needed. Dealing damage during key moments instead of focusing on healing, as a support, can actually save a teammate or help the team even more, but it depends on the situation and it is for you to analyse and determine when it is worth to do so. Having your pistol out =/= trolling, it just depends on when/how you do it (just like as Moira, choosing if it is more worth throwing an healing orb instead of a damage one, or during her ultimate if you should focus an enemy instead of your teammates when they aren’t stacked, or as Ana, if you should use your bullet to heal your ally or finish the enemy off before needing to reload, etc). If some teammates flame you for pulling your pistol out when it was actually a good moment to do so and you got the results that were needed, I don’t see how it is the character’s fault.
Also I am not sure where it is written that her pistol is called an emergency blaster. I might have missed it but when you say “in-game text” all I can think of is the abilities’ list when you look at a character (F1), and all it says is “caduceus blaster: automatic weapon” (edit: on the website it also says something similar: [Caduceus Blaster: Mercy shoots a round from her sidearm]). Sorry I might be dumb regarding that but at the moment I don’t know where else it could be written ^^’’

Concerning Mercy’s Valkyrie, as I see it, it is made to enable your team, not save it from big incoming amount of damage, which Moira’s ultimate can’t either (mostly off-healers have ultimates that can save your team from big amounts of damage or burst damage). Even a nanoboosted ally can easily be killed if the enemy team focuses it, even though the nanoboost is meant to make the target harder to kill. Thing is, you mention your teammates dying because of the enemy team focusing their targets, but what about your own team? You have an ultimate that makes 5 teammates gain 30% more damage with the source (you) harder to kill and who can reposition at will. Valkyrie is meant to enable your team, not save them from everything. You also have access to all enemies HP bars during your ult, so you can call out targets and who to focus while you damage boost all your team, and keep them healed up as much as you can, switching between the two as needed (and you can go for key targets with the angles Valkyrie give you with flight and infinite ammo, if you see fit). With Ana you can ult your tank to save him, but if your team doesn’t follow up, chances are he will die anyway because of the enemy team’s focus.
Moira can only focus multiple targets at the same time if they stay in line, and she is vulnerable while doing so because she doesn’t have access to fade, but if her team is around her to protect her, they can push together with her ultimate, which makes it scary, like a nanoboosted Rein pushing with his team, or 5 allies damage boosted at the same time, pushing together with multiple healing available. It is a team based game, and supports are not working alone.
Using Valkyrie like you would use a Zenyatta or Lucio’s ultimate, won’t work of course, just as Ana and Moira’s ultimates wouldn’t work in these situations either (yet I still see some people complaining that Valkyrie doesn’t make your team survive in a graviton like Transcendence would).
I understand that not everyone is happy about Valkyrie and that it could maybe use some little tweak, but it seems to me that some people actually make it sounds worse as an ultimate than it is.

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Ana basically steals everything from Mercy, both from a lore and gameplay perspective.

You’re definitely right about the PoTG thing. So many times when people in genchat will go, “thanks for boost Ana” or something else when their highlight showcases the nanoboost plays.

Once upon a time, mercy had an “exploit” (lol if you want to call it that anyway) for fire points with mass Rez. So they “fixed” it and it hasn’t been the same since. I might be wrong tho. But realistically players can’t pull off a res every 30seconds, esp. if they’re keeping their team alive which is the entire point, right?

No one’s saying your feelings aren’t valid, but I don’t think you could watch any of these clips and still call the ability dull. I definitely don’t use it that way. I try to be doing as much as possible at all times with Mercy, especially in Valkyrie. She has much more to do during her ult than most.

Yeah, usually people thank you outside of the potg because you don’t really get any with Ana ^^’

Well what I mean, is that even if you were able to rez a teammate every 30 seconds (everytime the ability is out of cooldown, you would rez someone -it isn’t realistic but lets suppose someone would do so-), the period of time between each rez is still too long to be counted into the fire rate as more than 1 rez at a time, while with mass rez and pre-nerfs Valkyrie, you could rez more than 1 person in a really short time frame, which would enable you to get on fire faster.

Thanks! I can see how many players would rather have an ult that focuses more on the healing aspect of Mercy. Some players feel like they signed up for a healing role and want to use Mercy only in that way, which is fine when the team comp is built for it. I prefer to take a more active role and I always have even before the rework. It was harder back then, though, without Mercy Hop and Valkyrie. I felt like more of a heal bot.

Making a change like taking away the chain beams and amping up the single target healing would make the ability more engaging from a purely healing aspect. I’m hoping if they do that, though, that there’s still some aspect of the ability that lets me do more than that. I like that Valkyrie can serve multiple purposes and I hope it stays that way even through any potential changes.


I like to think of it as something that they appreciate in the moment, but don’t think of as much later unless it does get them potg. Valk really just can’t sustain as easily… That’s all.

Valk would be more fitting for a different hero. Valk can be fun but it also leaves big questions as to what exactly the devs want Mercy’s role to be.

I strongly agree with this. I think a lot of the hate for Valkyrie comes from people who are trying to use it in the same way they’d use transcendence. It’s not for that and trying to use it for that is just going to lead to disappointment. It’s for either giving your whole team a fifteen-second advantage or enabling Mercy to get something done herself if that’s what’s most needed at the time. The best part is that you don’t have to pick one or the other. Valkyrie is long enough that you can fill different needs throughout its duration.

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Yes it is, because Junkrat isn’t supposed to be healing his team, he’s a DPS who is supposed to be killing the enemy. So him hiding while he is actively killing the enemy with a riptire is fine. Mercy was hiding while she was supposed to be actively healing her team. Tire can also be destroyed, and junkrat sits still during it. That’s counterplay, which Mass Rez lacked.

Yes, it is, because he is actively participating in the fight during high noon, regardless of his position. It has a giant range and also it has COUNTERPLAY (he is slow, cast time, can be blocked by barriers and LOS). Mass rez had NONE of those things, and as such had zero counterplay.

Again, as stated above, all of these ultimates have counterplay: can be stunned, hacked, CC’d, killed during it, outhealed, blocked by LOS and shields, etc. etc. etc. Mass rez had none of these options. Why are you trying to compare them? No logical person will support this argument you’re trying to create.

Correct. And that’s why it was removed. The devs don’t like or want Hide and Rez. The community doesn’t like or want Hide and Rez. and the Pros don’t want or like Hide and Rez. That’s all 3 points of the balance triangle. Good riddance to mass rez, as a Mercy main I hope it never comes back :smiley:

There is a double standard, and it’s ok. There’s supposed to be a double standard. Mercy and Mcree are very different heroes with very different abilities, ultimates, and roles. Blizzard doesn’t want a MAIN HEALER, to be encouraged to STOP HEALING her team and LEAVE THE FIGHT for extended periods of time. This is their own words.

Mass rez isn’t going to come back. Hide and Rez was toxic for the game and all parts of the community. It’s not comparable to high noon or Riptire. Please stop, thank you.


Mercy is NOT a pure healer and she is NOT a main healer.
She’s an off-healer with 50 hps that is supposed to damage boost as much as possible and take a more offensive role using her gun.

At least this is how I use her.

Of course I assist the main healer with healing but when everything is under control I just damage boost or fire my gun.

There is of course plenty of other considerations in play for the McCree. Just like there is plenty of other considerations for the Mercy player who used Rez to fill the gaps where the kit could not. That reasoning does not get acknowledged.

Old Mercy at 60hps: you can out heal 3 sources of damage and can match 2. You can’t save everyone, but you can bring them back to life. How and when you do lets you bring them back after the damage has turned away from them and lets you continue the fight. As an added bonus you can also use this to flip ult and cooldown economy in your teams favor and keep them alive for even longer because there are fewer threats. If you can’t save them, the game becomes controlling when they die so that you can bring them back without getting them killed again.

Current Mercy at 50hps: you can out heal only 2 sources of damage. You can’t save everyone, or really anyone anymore, and you can bring maybe 1 person back if you risk death or let someone else go without healing. Pick and choose who is worth saving and let the rest die since you literally can’t do anything about it.

Neither are truly the healthiest option possible, but one CLEARLY has more strategic value than the other. I wouldn’t care so much if tge majority of people who had issues with Mass Rez also had issues with Valkyrie because they both have unhealthy game design aspects to them and encourage similar behavior but in different ways. But those who demonize Mass Rez largely don’t have a problem with Valk despite it being better play to acknowledge when there is nothing you can do and not even trying where as at least with Mass Rez you were encouraged to try to find a way to bring someone back if you couldn’t keep them alive.

This is fundamentally ignored and the blame is laid squarely on Mercy players for intentionally letting team mates die purely to get those fat huge Rezes but not a peep about intentionally letting someone die who they can’t save but can Rez after the damage spike has passed. That is outright casual over simplification and disregard of what is happening by taking the abusive behavior as some and assuming it as being the behavior of all while ignoring the context of what is happening.

In that clip, McCrees team was fighting a 5v6 since he was dinkin around punching a wall throwing a spray until he had the opportunity to get a high noon kill. His presence in the fight on the point could have put enough pressure to stop his Mercy from getting picked. In exactly the same way the Mercy squatting behind cover could have been healing and potentially stopping the pick that then had to be Rezed. If it’s OK to slam Mercy for not participating, it must then also be equally so to slam the McCree. Otherwise, double standard. This is where my issue is.

If nuance is considered for McCree and the state of the match, his options available, and his motivation, it must also be afforded to Mercy. If it is not (and very massively has in fact not been) considered for Mercy, then it is not fair to consider it for McCree.

In fact, a better question, since we know people will slam on Mercy for hiding and Rezing, will those same people say the same is wrong for DPS to do too? I don’t think so because frankly I haven’t seen it happen even once yet.