Valkyrie is awesome (video evidence)

Okay. So you can cherrypick videos of yourself pewpewing while in Valk. People used to cherrypick videos of themselves pewpewing with Mercy 1.0, too, but that didn’t make it an accurate representation of what Mercy is like most of the time, for most people. I could also cherrypick videos of people literally flying up into the skybox and holding m1 for their entire Valk, and honestly that wouldn’t be an accurate representation either.

This whole ‘ur just doin it wrong’ argument I keep hearing is disigenous az. Let’s be real. If you’re trying to main heal as Mercy, a lot of your Valks are just holding M1 and chain healing because 50hp/s can’t keep up. Or because your teammates were out of position. Even if you have a good main healer on hand, you’re still gonna spend a lot of time holding m1 or m2 because, seriously, it’s a strong way to use the ult. It doesn’t mean ‘ur doin it wrong,’ it’s a big part of what the ult is designed to do. And a lot of people are saying that’s a boring thing for an ult to do.

But I don’t even see how the “but you can attack helicopter” argument is compelling either. If I wanted to fly around and shoot stuff, guess what? There’s already a hero that flies and shoots all of the time, and then has an actual ultimate ability on top of that There’s a whole class of heroes who get to do damage all the time. And Mercy shouldn’t have to rely on popping her ultimate just to feel enabled to move around, engage the enemy, and use her secondary weapon–either that needs to be a feature of her base kit, or Blizzard needs to rethink whether those features belong in her kit at all. Frankly almost everything you show in your videos, even the stuff that isn’t pewpew, are things that other heroes don’t need an ultimate to do. Which really, in my opinion, just supports the argument that Mercy’s impact has been undermined–whether it’s to make room for rez, or because of her low skill ceiling, or because Valk has made her too versatile. She’s just mediocre in so many ways.


This goes back to the SR exploit, though—the only reason to want a 5-man is for the SR boost. Hiding purely because you had ult and wanted to get a big rez was always extremely selfish and ineffective Mercy play. The enemy team rolls in, mops up your 5v6 as you are down your main healer, and then re-deletes the rezzed team with the ults that they should not have spent to roflstomp a 5v6 without the main healer.

The only time I hid to rez as Mercy was when I heard ults popping off, because I did not have the power to out-heal them. Mercy’s choices in those kinds of situations were a) stay in the fight and die with everyone else, or b) disengage to be able to bring everyone back.

DPS ults do not need to wait for their teammates to die, because the DPS ults lose value if they do not have a team to follow up on it. Mass Rez literally existed to rectify the fact that teammates died, and so it’s very strange to me that people get mad that Mercy waited for teammates to die to use it.

Saying, “Go in and die so I can rez you” was always a lousy thing to do, and regardless of how widespread it was, I get why the devs would want to rework it if that was a way to abuse the ability. I accept that it’s not coming back and I am not going to try to argue that it should come back.

But recognizing when you can’t keep everyone alive, and then backing off so you can re-make everyone alive, seems like good gamesense to me. I don’t see it as being wildly different from someone throwing themselves off of a cliff to avoid getting staggered—ordinarily you should not try to kill your own character, but desperate times, etc. Mercy allowing teammates to die prevented their getting staggered and allowed her to bring everyone back full health. Which might have been frustrating for the attacking team, but it was far from a sadistic, anti-support choice on Mercy’s part.


Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want it to be like any other ultimate necessarily. I just feel as though it needs a tiny bit more immediate impact. As it is currently, it is the only support ultimate that cannot be properly used defensively. Simply modifying her healing output and the duration of the ultimate could fix that issue.

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This is not true at all.

Okay i do agree with you here but Mercy’s main focus is being a Healer. I prefer to think that pistol is there to defend yourself or help clear the point when one enemy is left. Also taking out enemy snipers that are to close in Valk

Video 1. You left your team completely from what i seen was a 4 v 3 into a 3 v3 and a mei just ulted. With your valk you could have kept your team healed and Rein might have survived that That was a bad use of Valk in that situation in my opinion. but it was also understandable if no one was doing anything about that sniper.

Video 3. I really do not understand what to point of ulting was there at that moment unless you wanted to do it randomly. After saving the pharah you flew back and advanced with the team into a 6v5 fight. and pulled out your pistol. Im not even sure what to think about that Unless you were in a PSN party communicating with your group. then i would understand your safety to ult and play aggressively.

Video 4. Once again im going to assume you are communicating with the group you are in. To use your Ult in that way.

After watching Video 5 and seeing the play of the game i can only assume that not much was done in under 7 minutes in that comp game for you to get POTG with a rez and a kill all in valk. Mercy players do that everyday all day. I never get POTG for it. And as Mercy i get a POTG maybe once every month at most.

Video 6. More needs to be shown to understand how you got POTG with Valk.

Video 7 and 8 . Good plays

Video 9. Again i assume communication since it was a 5v3 and you were almost at point. There was no reason to use Valkyrie with zero LOS on the point. and what was going on there unless you had communication. You say it like you used your Valk for no reason. There are plenty of reasons to use Valk in the situation there.

[quote=“Goldlantern-1543, post:13, topic:274091”]
The one thing Valk isn’t supposed to do is counter burst damage, so I think making a compilation of trying to do that and failing would be disingenuous.
[/quote] This IS one of the things valk is supposed to do. No idea why you would say it isnt.

One thing a lot if not most Mercy players do not have is good communication with a group or team. Some of us learn on the go, some of us play with groups that dont communicate well. And some of us never communicate. In most your clips you seem to be with the same people and you are on in game comms in the Comp game. You seem to have a great team you can rely on for communication. You seem to play a Aggro Valkyrie which is great and works great with communication. Not so good when there isnt any. So your playstyle is a lot different from the majority of Mercy that are complaining about Valkyrie i think.
And this is why valkyries bad.
The problems lie in its chain healing and dmg boost capabilities.
if you dont have a team or group working in tandem or in sync during the use of a valkyrie it is wasted for most Mercy playstyles.
I think people can learn from your videos if they do have a less aggressive playstyle is to turn that wasted ult into something effective.

I use Valkyrie for many different reasons and situation. Most of the time i use it to secure our teams positions. i sometimes get agressive and go for a sniper or lone enemy out of place but most of the time im damage boosting or healing my team with Valk.

If Valkyries fun for you that is great. If you look at this from everyones point of view From beginners to top500, every gamemode and playstyle. The majority of the community from what i have seen say Valk is not good.


In most of these clips you didn’t need Valk. And its clear that the Widows and Hanzos you are killing do not have good aim.


Well to me, potg doesn’t matter much I would say. I mean, Mercy was the support who had the most potg rather easily, and people seem to still look at those past moments for comparison, while looking at it in a more general way, you would notice that a lot of other characters don’t get potg often either. However, since they were always like that and did not have a phase were they did get potg often like Mercy did, there isn’t much comparison to do.
Ana almost never gets a potg, doesn’t matter if she shut down an enemy ultimate and saved the team, or kept her tank alive with her ultimate long enough for the team to come back and win the point, she still wouldn’t get a potg for that.
Same with Zarya who’s graviton often gives the potg to the dps taking on the opportunity, or Sombra’s EMP which cancels an incoming Rein ultimate and gives the possibility for her team to push. Lucio gets a potg mostly because he pushed at least 2 enemies off the map. So yeah, while some people seem to use the “not enough potg” as an argument, I don’t think it is something worth to dwell on ^^’

Concerning the fire rate, I am not sure what caused it. Because like you said, with Ana it feels like I get on fire after simply throwing a nade on my tank and shooting my allies 2-3 times to heal them. With Mercy you can stay alive all push, keep healing low allies, rez one ally, damage boost, and maybe you will get on fire after the point is captured and you stayed on it for the duration of the cap XD
I suppose her fire rate was mostly based on the number of rez made during a certain allowed time? And that maybe after the nerfs (no possible ways to get a rez off more than once each 30 seconds), they didn’t adjust it so it looks like you are not rezzing often enough to be on fire… I don’t know, it’s just a theory, but it would indeed be nice if they could fix her fire rate.


Agree. They could make it 12 sec or 10 sec and give her the reset of resurrect cd upon activation and 1 insta-rez. (Or the only 1 insta-rez during valkyrie without reset of cd)

Thanks for the info

To be fair, Ana has a base kit that allows for her own hero moments (sleeping ultimating enemies or nading Transcendence). Mercy doesn’t really have it in her base kit either, and just keeping the damage beam on an ulting teammate isn’t really something people will remember her for.


i agree flying everywhere and superjump is fun, mercy rework is a joke.
she just need a bit of buff on the healing.

Lol, this is hilariously true.

A Silhouette of a heavenly Angel is seen above
“Heroes NEVER Die!”, she exclaims
Her fellow comrades look to her for aid with the most hopeful gaze (cough not really)
Seconds later…


Balance has priority over fun. This forum needs to get that through their heads already lmao.

Your hero moment is keeping your team up, not whooping out your pistol. Do that other stuff in QP or Arcade.

Why are you playing support if you want to be noticed like a Genji blading? Most supports will go unnoticed, that’s just the way their designed, but they lowkey carry. You don’t hear Lucio’s constantly whining that he’s unfun.

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Valkyrie is most effective when you use a playstyle commonly referred to as trolling by the majority of the playerbase and statistically has less output than the other mode?

Her sidearm is literally titled an “emergency blaster” by the in-game text. If the most effective method of playing Mercy is to use an emergency blaster and not her healing, you know, the primary reason why you would pick her, I’d be a bit concerned as to what exactly her power levels stand at.

I said focus fire not burst damage. But even if it was the latter, it’s unacceptable that an ultimate ability cannot counter out regular burst damage when the primary focus of the ultimate is centered around healing…

I have this one clip I have watched some 20 times now where it’s a POTG, I am the only person who uses an ultimate in the fight, bar a Torbjorn firing molten core at a shield, and despite my team being +2 at the beginning, we go -4 in a matter of seconds because the McCree gets a few headshots.

Valkyrie doesn’t do what other offensive support ultimates do which is make the enemy get scared. For all intents and purposes, that is what they are meant to do. When you see a nanoboosted target, you run for cover. When you see a Moira use coalescence, you back away as you watch a tank line walk forward and crush you.

With Valkyrie? You just click heads. There’s nothing to ever be afraid of.

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Is there a reason we cannot have both at the same time?

they die to focus fire in ulti, no hero moment there

as a main healer like mercy no not really.

yes op showed us this on qp in console which is highly different then pc qp and comp.

despite what op says the metas for both are quite different in both comp and qp.

people like being recognized for doing a good job even if that’s healing their team and getting clutch rezs and or a hypothetical competent mercy ultimate.

ana boost?

moira coalescence?

lucio sound barrier?

zen trans?

brig rally?

they all get praise and acknowledged even if its slight.

valk does not get that.

because lucio is actually well designed currently.

unlike mercy 2.0 which is clearly not as detailed posts have made abundantly clear and countless videos have shown the flaws of 2.0 since its launch.



I mean, fun is subjective right? A lot of people find current Mercy fun. Don’t just tunnel vision those people out.

It all goes back to not being able to please everyone. Right now, Mercy is balanced and fun to some, unfun to others. Why ruin that just because a select few thinks she’s unfun? Sorry but I’d rather keep Mercy balanced over making her “fun” again to some.

No point bringing up what happens in random matches. I can sit here and tell you that when my Mercy valks the team, we kill everyone. Mercy is team dependent. Just because your team dies in a random specific scenario that’s benefiting your argument, doesn’t mean Mercy is bad and doesn’t have a hero moment.

Moot statement.

What? Your job is to heal, not to go 76 mode and spray people down. This shouldn’t even have to be said.

Point still stands that you should heal.

That’s just how supports are though. 9/10 they won’t get recognized. Doesn’t mean they’re useless.

Why are you not putting Valk in that category? Literally makes no sense. It’s a support ult that buffs multiple teammates for an extra 30% damage and heals multiple teammates for 10% for HPS.

You guys just let this whole fun crap cloud your judgement on everything.

That sure didn’t stop them from changing 1.0

didn’t it.

im not but they are certainly a minority.

if the numerous complaint threads about mercys state were not clear enough about this.

Theyd enjoy it more as well as others with a better designed hero.

ultimately in the end everyone benefits.

because clearly this mercy is not well designed.

plain and simple.

and that aint fun chief.

im sure you do in the fights that are already won sure yes you do wipe everyone but that was already in action and your ult didn’t help much I gurantee and know for a fact xd

my 90 hours of mercy would dictate I already know of what my main is or is not team dependent thank you.

and just because op gets abunch of qp clips of disorganized play doesn’t mean that for pc overwatch which is clearly not console that mercy is fun or even viable in a competitive setting.

this is a moot statement of yours.

Im aware.

as stated.

idk should I :thinking: yes

they are mostly though recognized


it is the awkward red head of the group.


no, that would be op trying to cloud it with faulty qp data that is clearly no representative of the pc qp or comp modes.

but please do try again.


keep talking to me like im an idiot.

Ik my stuff I assure I’ve had this conversation before.

Op is the clouded one not me.

I see the facts for what they are and they aren’t good chief.

they aren’t good.

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People like to say they are never complimented for Valkyrie but I am complimented for good gameplay and support in general. I also never hear people say “Yeah, Rally, what a great moment Brig!” or “That was a sick Coalescence!” but then again are people really seeking validation from strangers in a video game?

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I am not and neither are my friends o person with 4 posts.

I suppose that’s on not mercy then.

no you usually just get a “thanks you saved me”

they are much much more common then praise for valk.

that I can assure you fully with all honesty of the word.

I’m sorry, but did you really have to pick apart my post like that? Seems kind of extra to me. You took the time to separate my post sentence by sentence but didn’t take the time to spell check… sorry, I can’t really understand what you’re saying!


Was my English bad in some section? I would appreciate it if you would point the mistakes out for me.

honestly though.

pick apart my post.

I give you express permission.

yes, this is kinda the thing on the forums.

and or really any forums and debates.

No offense, but that’s not what I am here for. I prefer to keep my part in conversation positive. “Picking apart” posts seems like the opposite of that. But hey, you do you! Just keep it away from me. Thanks!