Valkyrie is awesome (video evidence)

She was mandatory if the enemy team had Mercy.

You are talking about Mercy 2.0.


I remember the time when the mandatory supports were Ana and Lucio, and people were mad at your Mass Res Mercy when you decided to run with her xd

Totally Mercy 2.0. That was madness.


… no one ever said that.
You did say she was the entry hero.
I also said that Rein was an entry hero, but his skill ceiling is much higher compared to his skill floor.
Mercy should also be designed in this way but she is not. Her skill floor and skill ceiling are so close together, only made closer together by this rework.

So does every hero in the game unless they are so wildly over powered and even then they shouldn’t be able to solo a team.

The point of this game is to work with your team as best you can, this means trying to play the heroes that you feel you play best and working with your team to make those heroes work with what they are best at.

Which means having a hero like Mercy that relies on her team the way she does, is a huge weakness to her and yet it is one that many Mercy players have overcome and worked well with it. That doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t be given a skill here or there that allows them to create some sort of impact that stops letting them see Mercy as some sort of background feature unless she is rezzing or pistoling them.

What good is engaging with it when the enemy has a Moira who also has her engage style/versatile tempo ult that holds far more power and uses it to counter Mercy’s ult and actually has the capacity to heal 80 more healing on her team while being able to deal more damage than Mercy can do.

So that basically results in a Moira being able to outheal the damage boost of Mercy’s team, deal more damage than Mercy has the capacity to heal on any team mate with the added threat of the enemy team and you can’t just start going on a pistol spree becaus you won’t be able to know out the Moira with 50hps self heals and your damage won’t do anything against Moira’s team mates because of her healing.

People argue that Mercy’s ult is meant to be some versatile tempo ult like Moira’s, but I’ll see that when the stat difference isn’t so extreme.

I have already said pretty frequently that Ana’s core kit holds so much swing potential in its own right, that an ult that could swing would be too much. It would make her unbalanced. There is a reason she has a less exciting or complex ult, it is because her kit is loaded, challenging and therefore making it engaging and exciting, regardless of ult.

I am very well aware that her team enables her. I manage these weaknesses well on her because she is designed go compliment this style of play. That doesn’t mean she shouldn’t have some capacity to make some skillful actions that are within her control and can allow her to enable her team more than they enable her to be able to do her most basic tasks.

Hell, I feel like Mercy’s team reliant mobility has been made too strong by such easyband regular Sling Boost on GA. I feel like it should have a cooldown like Hanzo’s space bar jump.
But more than that I feel like when jumping on her own it should give her a vertical boost so she can perhaps independently get some height so that she can GA to people on ledges who never come to you.

So like when she jumps not using GA, she just gets a slightly bigger jump and it goes on cooldown. But when used during GA, she can still use sling boost but it goes on cooldown. She’s still mobile but it doesn’t make it so she is easily untouchable without much effort.

Nope, there’s lots more to it.

Watch some videos of GM level players, you should be able to improve your play dramatically

That’s not necessarily true. I guarantee you that if I get placed in Silver I will be able to dominate the game with literally any hero.

If you are performing the way you are claiming to perform you would be climbing steadily.

Feel free to record some of your Mercy play if you feel the following:

Because if you truly were one of the best Mercies in the game, you wouldn’t be in silver. That’s not rank shaming or me trying to put you down. You can’t be an amazing player and be in silver - those are oxymoron. And you can’t blame your team for holding you back.

I’ve played at lower elo by accident (not smurfing or breaking the game rules in any way) and I’ve literally solo carried games to the point my performance visibly swung the match in our favor.

Except my play is just fine. At my level of play, my stats compare just fine to Mercy’s of higher ranks.

People are oblivious to a Rez at low ranks. You don’t need much thought to get a rez. There is no real thought to who to Rez because the idea is to keep your team together and functional, so unless your dead team mate has been nothing but dead weight, you should be reviving them to prevent a snow ball so long as it is safe to make that rez. You don’t have to think much about what happens next in terms of ultimates because you don’t have anytjing of value in your kit to prevent that and unless you are expecting ult soon, your healer buddy will be fine walking back and preparing for their powerful ult if you revive someone else who can delay their attack for longer in the first place. It isn’t hard to think of this because it is mostly thought processes you were already thinking about with Mass Rez, except with Mass Rez there is even more after math to think about.

If you were using Mass Rez for a Mass Rez, you had to make sure you were not reviving your team into an already lost fight because a Mass Rez return was already an uphill battle. You had to keep track of the right ults, make sure there wasn’t a high noon or a bomb ready. You had to make sure that your team was ready and skillful enough to react under pressure to respond quickly to the threats that would immediately engage on them once they were tangible. You needed to make sure with planning they were not vulnerable to a rewipe the moment you commited to that Mass Rez.

And you had to think about that position for multiple people. When I had Mass Rez used against me, we never used another ult to counter it because we immediately piled upon the returning players and chose to be ready to take out their greatest threats to success without expending and ult.

For example, sometimes we would split into two groups of three and one would pile their Rein and then the other three would take out their greatest dps threat and they hardly had time to do anything before they were dead and then everything snowballed onto the resurrected enemy from there.

That is a failed Mass Rez, plain and simple. Just because she casted it, didn’t make it successful.

I’d only choose Moira over Mercy if I was part of a comp that I knew would be clumped up together often so I could heal multiple targets. I don’t use Mercy much on KotH maps where everyone spends most of the match on the point, for example, but it depends on the comp. You probably shouldn’t pick Moira to support a team that you know will be very spread out (flankers, snipers, dive tanks, Pharah, etc.), especially on maps with a lot of elevation changes. That’s where Mercy shines.

Moira CAN do more healing than Mercy, but she’s limited by resources and positioning. 50 HPS consistently at all times and in all places on the map from Mercy is usually going to top occasional group healing bursts from Moira, even if Moria can do those bursts at a much higher rate of healing.

I don’t think of Valk as making Mercy’s core job easier. It just allows her to get single aspects of it done faster so that she can be free to move on to the next thing, which makes her more engaging. Outside of her ult, it’s going to take a while to top off all five other members of your team, which doesn’t leave you as much time for damage boosting or shooting people, which may be what the team needs at the moment. There are many times outside of Valkyrie where I still have to pull out the pistol and kill something nobody else can hit at the moment, but I’m less free to do that when there’s lots of healing to be done. Valkyrie enables that. Less time per task = more free time for creativity and engagement.

I am not saying I am one of the best Mercy’s flat out.
I am saying I am one of the best Mercy’s for my rank because where I sit in my rank allows me to perform to similar stats to the best Mercy’s.

You can be. But not at all levels of play.

Who you play with makes a difference.

Especially for support and tanks because you rely on your team to make the most of what you are putting out.

Still means you were smurfing.

If you didn’t belong there, then that is that. You have experience on a whole other level that can only develop as you climb.

I am good for my rank, I can play Mercy well. I do not believe I am the best but even at my level I know my worth and can tell when someone isn’t great.

I have over 900 hours in this game, most of them are quickplay to be honest with you. I only play comp to get my placements and my friends placements nowadays. I don’t try and climb because I honestly could not give a damn about my rank and I have never cared.

I’ve made Widows rage quit before Valk. I still make them now without Valk.
Before Valk I could secure kills and still do my job without all these things that made it easier. Like solo-ing a Roadhog back before his new healing canister. All those dinks, the poor hog never stood a chance.

You can call me out for being silver and not climbing, but your climb will ALWAYS be effected by the people you play with so long as you are not smurfing.

I just wanted to say that if you say “barbecue” enough that your autocorrect changed the word “because” to that word, you’re probably somebody I’d like to hang out with. I appreciate that.

Also, you’re right that some people will just report any shooting Mercy, but I think they’re pretty rare and much less likely to do so when they see Mercy healing often otherwise.

That doesn’t say a lot when the rank you are sitting in is Silver. Again, I’m not trying to put you down or shame you. Not everyone is pro, I’m not Pro either. However, silver players (anyone below Diamond really) make massive mistakes.

If you were, you wouldn’t be in Silver. No offense again, not trying to insult you.

It’s true that DPS have more carrying power in some aspects but you can still do it as support / tank.

Nah, I actually had a terrible losing streak and I lost all my placements costing me huge amounts of SR and placing me almost three tiers below my MMR. It took me about 4 hours to climb back to my original MMR level because the players I played against were vastly inferior.

That’s right and wrong. Your climb is affected by your team but it’s not the only factor. Fundamentally (unless you 6-stack), you are the only part of the equation that is an absolute constant. And if you progress individually you will progress overall. I didn’t get into masters in one day.

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If one has decided they know everything and are doing everything right, even when it is clear to others that that individual doesnt, there’s not much chance of helping that person understand

Players like this have to come to the realization that they are in low ELO in part because they are not doing as well as they could.

With that realization, there is a chance to improve, and actually understand the strengths of a character like Mercy

Until then, not so much

Autocorrect is truly a wondrous thing isn’t it? I give up on even trying some days.

Side note: I blame my state’s summer for the autocorrect lol

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