🕊 Valkyrie doesn’t feel long enough

It’s partially because outside of her ult she feels nothing like a Valkyrie being tied to people for simple movement and no offensive independence, but also because a Moira orb or spray can output more aoe healing and she already has infinite ammo. Maybe if it was 20 seconds or she had a offensive E when switching to pistol she wouldn’t encourage a duration buff.

Make the pistol hitscan, and click on them heads, boi.


best idea.

Are you serious? Like do you actually think she should be hitscan? I personally like leading shots but why not make Guardian Angel or Res more offensive with her pistol out maybe either giving her immunity instead of ressing or a targetless healing guardian angel instead of the default

Like, yes.

of all the things you could change about Valkyrie, why more duration?

If your problem is that it doesn’t do AoE healing well, why not slash the duration and increase the healing? Why not slash the AoE healing and give massive single target healing so it isn’t competing with Moria’s spray?

How about no? I like Mercy’s pistol the way it is.

How about just a velocity increase?

Valkyrie is about 12 seconds too long… It’s way too boring to be 15 seconds and I’d rather they balanced it around being 3 seconds long to avoid ruining the gameplay flow.

It already does that.

Mercy’s supposed to be a pacifist main healer… why are you trying to make her pistol better of all things?

To increase her euthanasia potential.

Ok, but that’s not what she’s supposed to be good at.

Give her D.va rockets

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