User abusing bug as Sombra

Hey all. As we all know that the new competitive season 12 is out, many of us would be grinding the ladder for our ranks. During one of my ranked games, a player named, “WeeABoo” was abusing a bug as Sombra that allowed him to somehow glitched inside the payload and push it, while the enemies are unable to attack him. This clearly the abuse of a bug. My team mates and I have reported him after the match. Please take a look into this, blizzard. I have a screenshot evidence to prove that he intended to exploit this bug.

You should remove the name from your post. It’s against CoC to use names in things like these. You can still post this type of stuff to get it fixed, just take out the name.

I’d also suggest getting a video of it if you can. That usually helps them more than screenshots can.

I’m happy this bug gets some awarness I have a Video here:

Small tip if this happens to you again:
You can pull Sombra out of it with any kind of Grav (Zarya or Orisa’s)

There are tons of Sombra bugs and even more gamebreaking expoids then this one sadly they are really unknow and don’t get fixed you find a collection here:

And some random combination of a few exploits to create the MEGA EXPLOID just for fun here:

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Thanks for the tip man. I really hope that user got banned though. This is some serious unsportsmanlike conduct. We do not need players/cheaters like him destroying the community or cheating just because we are clearly gonna lose the game