:Smile: Updated list for all candidates likely for hero 30 (Confirmed not to be Echo and might come out sooner then March.)

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That reminds me, isn’t there one older then that. One based off a kid’s drawing or something.

Well not gonna include fan heroes… till that actually happens.

My favorite still Gem.

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Doubt they’ll add someone who’s barely mentioned…

Blizz always releases (A) Totally new champs (Orisa, Moira, Hammond, Ashe, etc) or (B) Passively, heavily focused champs (Ana, Sombra, Brigitte, Doomfist, etc)

Since Ashe was out of nowhere, it’s most likely a heavy-mentioned/focused champ to come out next.

Prob someone’s who’s from a cinematic most likely.
Brigitte was focused with Rein’s cinematic and she got into the roster.
Echo from McCree’s cinematic is apparently planned to be one also but is not hero 30.
The only other likely candidate who could become a hero next is the mechanic from D.VA’s cinematic if we go along with the cinematic = new hero rule…
Ashe was female/DPS so he’s more likely to come out as a male/support character (smth quite new to OW).

Who knows though, they could surprise us.

March - Well known and teased up heroes
July - Known and hyped/meme heroes
November - Surprise/Barely mentioned heroes


You know out of nowhere is actually very likely till a hint has been actually given.

Plus this whole thing that was, it’s always someone we know then someone we don’t pattern is already broken with Hammond’s release after Brig. And has just continued with Ashe.

So I don’t think there is an actual pattern.

I’ve got you, fam.

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As much as I hope it would be Maximilien, I don’t really think well have him for a long time

but man, if it were to be him, I’ll cry for one week and probably buy merch of him inmediatly

here the one I was talking about: List of Hero 29 current candidates

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I gotta admit anyone expecting heroes to be released sooner than once every 4 months is getting themselves excited over nothing.

I do not see any possible way that we will get more frequent heroes than we do atm.

We might getting heroes faster now, so this pattern no longer will work.

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Have any of the Devs mentioned the Junker Queen? She seemed a pretty popular guess for 29, obviously that was incorrect, but I assume that that carries over for 30. Where did she become so widely speculated from?

why faster? Did I miss something?

this vid is about faster hero releases.

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To matter of fact my friend.

A pattern IS there, just elusive…

Means nothing now, if heroes coming out sooner and faster.

Sorry man, even though I listed all these Candidates.

I am 50% sure currently that Hero 30 is not one of them.

Till a Hint is given.

Of course, I’m not assuming anything here. But hear me out.

But by the looks of it, deduction can prove us a key to understanding Blizz’s mind.

  1. Ana (heavily hinted in comics and voicelines = Female/Support)
  2. Sombra (hinted in MANY voicelines/map design = Female/DPS)
  3. ORISA (ONW [out-of-nowhere] = Female(?)/Tank)
  4. Doomfist (Heavily hinted, in cinematic + comics = Male/DPS)
  5. Moira (ONW = Female/Support)
  6. Brigitte (Heavily focused, in cinematic = Female/Support)
  7. Hammond (ONW = Male(?)/Tank)
  8. Ashe (ONW = Female/DPS)
    ?) Echo (ONW, in cinematic = Female/???)

Almost all of the characters who were focused in a cinematic are coming into the roster… Coincidence? I think NOT!

Yeah… You just admitted your assuming too much.

Why not go get some coffee milk and get your mind off this.

50% still likely the unknown.

Lol, maybe you’re right.
What’s it gonna matter if I blabber anything when nothing’s conclusive?

Gonna wash up and get my day started!

Have a great day

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Consider me surprised if we dont get Junker Queen next.

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You know I am surprised people still talking about her as very likely candidate after like 3-4 hero releases since.

Meanwhile no one remembers Anubis and he has existed long before anyone else here.