(Updated) Jeff and Geoff finally responded to Mercy feedback

How would that be easier?

It’s not like Mercy players are complaining about her voice acting or anything (Lucie rocks) - people are unhappy with the design of some of her abilities.
Can you change the design without adjusting the balancing? I don’t think so.


Considering that making a boring hero fun to play requires drastic changes while balancing said boring hero requires number changes (the exception being a certain hero who caused 10 months of the Moth Meta), it makes no sense to try to make a boring hero balanced first.

You start with the big changes, and make the smaller adjustments and refinements later.

If you’re making a wooden table from several wooden planks, you don’t sand and apply finish to the wood before you pull out the saw to start cutting.


What he says here is the truth, people complain she is a must pick, people complain when she is a troll pick…players of this game are NEVER happy about ANYTHING…EVER.

Thank you for a detailed explanation, but this is not what I asked. I’ve already said earlier that reacting to an ability with a different ability as it is happening and taking an action after your team is wiped are different things for me. One is counter play, the other one is not. Again, just my opinion. So that’s why I don’t sympathize with mass rez.

They’re not as bad? Oh so Mercy, Mei, and Reaper haven’t been touched since Feb 2017? Almost 2 years now. Last time I’ve checked, at least they got something changed within the last few months. Whether it be good or bad

I have proposed a replacement for resurrect a while ago. Which I think fits within the kit of Mercy.

my smug grin after reading your post and realizing that you’re incredibly wrong or have a unique definition of what “not ignoring” means.

I was a Mercy main. I’ve literally seen nothing but most Mercy players complaining that Mercy isn’t fun in her current state. Which she isn’t. That has nothing to do with wanting her to be OP. We want her to be FUN. A character can be fun even if they’re low tier.

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If they’re reading something, it doesn’t mean they have to listen…

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If youre not having fun with her, play a different hero or game.

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Well, I’m pretty happy that they actually said something about Mercy. It kind of scratches that itch of them not saying anything about her and quickly brushing her off on dev update videos. I don’t agree with what he said, and as many other pointed out, he’s not talking about the whole “Mercy is unfun” thing, but at least we have some information and we can guess what will happen in the next few patches with her.

What I don’t like, though, is how it feels like he looks down on forum people. Not only did he call out Mercy mains as “Overly emotional people that want Mercy to be overpowered”, but he also called out everyone else with the “Overly emotional people that want Mercy to be straight up bad”.
You can think that’s true or not, but really, that’s not a good thing to say or think. Add that to the “Forum Brigitte” thing and you start wondering what’s the point of the forums if he defaults to “They’re just wrong” and doesn’t even appear on any thread that’s not “Isn’t Overwatch THE BEST GAME OUT THERE? THANK YOU, BLIZZARD :heart:

I mean, if you ask me, Moira can defend herself and is less team reliant (Not only can she dish out damage by herself, but her escape doesn’t require well positioned team mates and allows her to even dodge things like Cree’s stun), so I’d say she’s way easier to play.
I’m not that smart of a player and I still have an easier time with Moira than with Mercy, because if I get caught for whatever reason, I can fight back.

Also, sometimes I can get extremely cocky and go all the way to the enemy backline and wreck havoc if my team isn’t doing its job, so I’d say she’s the best out of the two for low level play.

This also helps people that haven’t touched a support in their whole life and are forced into the role. She has huge amounts of healing and a very good amount of damage, so they can still be a healer while dealing damage like they usually like to do.

Honestly, Moira is the best pick up and play healer right now.

Thing is, I’ve done this. What followed is they moved on to that hero and started nerfing them as well. Sooner or later I am not going to have anyone else to pick from. This type of advice is more harmful than good.

Yeah, my own personal mental health is better if I just admit I’m not having fun and leave the game all together, but is that the message Blizzard wants to be putting out there? To create this type of situation where the only choice people have is to move on to another game? Shouldn’t they care to make sure players are still at least able to keep having fun so that they stay?

I guess the player base is so big right now that they can afford losses, but this is not a healthy way to run a company. And mocking your costumers who are unhappy after changes, is REALLY stupid… and Blizzard does it all the time. It’s why I stopped playing WoW. No mater how fun your game is or not (WoW also stopped being fun so that only helped in me leaving quicker) , I don’t deserved to be mocked by people who still want my money.

I know that there is probably nothing Jeff can say that wont anger some group in regards to Mercy, but he some how ALWAYS manages to put his foot in his mouth by saying the wrong things. He needs a proper PR person… cause the man shoots himself in the foot all the time by saying the worst things about situations. The “people just want her OP or UP” is what people here say when they do not read any Mercy feedback. It is the “Judging a book by it’s cover” response to the Mercy feedback. It just exposes that he doesn’t read anything like he admitted he did. If he did, he would know that 1 ) People do not want that, and 2 ) that phrase is it ultimate fire starter for turning things toxic when talking about Mercy and what mains want. What a dismissive response and how he thought it was the right thing to say, baffles me.

If a hero being nerfed is what makes them less fun for you, then you should probably play a game that doesnt have balance changes.

I recommend Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

This demonstrates a lack of understanding of what made Mercy good.

Let me reiterate here:

Valkyrie is not a game changing ultimate. Examples of game changing ultimates are those that you would choose a hero just to have their ultimate.

Zarya’s ultimate is one such example. Her ultimate is so good at getting a team kill that sometimes people will switch to Zarya even if she doesn’t work with her team’s composition or against the enemy composition, just because it’s worth waiting for a graviton and using it to take point B on 2CP.

Genji’s ultimate is another such example. Sometimes Genji is a terrible choice against the enemy’s comp, but just spamming shurikens at long range to get an ult is sometimes worth it, because his ultimate wins games.

Zenyatta and Lucio are examples of support ultimates which are worth taking the hero just to use. They are the only defensive ultimates, used to counteract the other game changing ultimates such as Graviton or Dragonblade. If the enemy keeps winning fights with those ultimates, then somebody might switch to Zenyatta or Lucio, even if they are not particularly useful in your game, just to use the ultimate.

Valkyrie is not a game changing ultimate. Nobody has ever said “please go Mercy because we need a Valkyire”.

I’m not saying it’s a bad ult. It’s a great ult and it wins fights, it’s just not a game changer.

So buffing Mercy’s ultimate will not increase her viability. For it to be worth taking Mercy, she needs to be worth taking outside of her ultimate.

The only things Mercy brings to the table are:

  • Healing
  • Damage boosting
  • Survivability/mobility
  • Resurrect

They nerfed the first one, which makes her no longer worth taking over Ana or Moira.

The second one isn’t worth having if Mercy cannot keep people alive - you can’t damage boost dead people. For it to be worth it, they would have to increase the amount it increases damage, and they tried that once before and it resulted in oppressive gameplay (too high damage McCree etc).

The third one is pointless without good heals. It doesn’t matter if Mercy can survive/escape with GA and regenerate her health, if her own team dies. Her mobility and survivability is based on her own team, so effectively, it has been nerfed.

The last one would be a terrible idea to buff. Resurrect used to be more powerful and it led to regressive gameplay and made Mercy a must pick because all fights were 7v6. So they cannot buff that again.

So what are we left with? Mercy needs better healing. It’s her raison d’être and nerfing it was a mistake. It at least needs partially un-nerfing, e.g. 55 health per second.


So, basically Valkyrie is just like Supercharger, sort of a meh feeling. It’s cool.

I would agree she needs 55 hps though.

Yeah , except Mercy can move around and heal …

From Game-changing Ultimate to whatever Valkyrie is now.

Yeah but mass rez changed the game into a pile of cow poo

I partly disagree with that.

If we talk about Mass Rez as a whole , it wasn’t that bad of an Ultimate … UNTIL Mercy got the Invulnerability buff.

If it was OP before that why Mercy wasn’t META?

For some reason , I hate the argument - She could bring 5 man back and make the fight 7v6.

I think people hated it because of the SR exploit.

But In reality it was a necessary evil - For me , it worked in a way to teach people how to Manage their Ultimates. A thing that most people do not know today.

I don’t want Mass Rez back but I don’t want Valkyrie too.

Valkyrie is like - removing all the skill that Mercy requires (which is not much) and basically makes her even easier. I don’t want that.

Jeff stated in the Developer Update that Introduced Valkyrie that it will definitely increase her skill-requirement ,but in reality - it never did.


That would have been the mature thing to do from the start.

That’s fine. There are a lot of people who like her as she is.

I bet Jeff feels the same way I do about this. That this had always been more about mass-res than “fun”, even though the forum-Mercy’s refuse to admit it.

Regardless. I’m glad he’s made it clear that the Forum Mercy’s won’t be getting what they’ve been nagging about incessantly and disrupting the forum for. I’m glad that’s cleared up and over.

What’s cleared up, exactly? What statement(s) of his are you referring to?

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He made it clear through implication. He basically said “Yeah, we like what we did and even though ya’ll throwing tantrums, we think she’s fine”. In other other words, a rework or revert isn’t even on their radar, let alone being considered.

So like… ya’ll Mercy tantrum throwers can either settle with what you got, quit playing, or find joy in a different hero. Seriously, just move on please.

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