Update 'poor teamwork' one-tricks!

One-tricks aren’t throwing if they’re trying their best yadda yadda etc. We’ve all heard it a million times, and we really shouldn’t be able to report them because they still are playing along the rules of the game, and it’d be way to abusable to report off-meta players. So I think your suggestion to clarify the report system is good.
Although, not to be toxic, but pretty much all flex and generally cooperative players find one-trick (insert hero here) of the day to be very annoying. Sorry attack Symmetras, but we both know that you’d be better playing someone else. I think it might be beneficial to implement a positive reinforcement system where the community can commend each other for filling the team’s needs, and being a cooperative player. The matchmaker could then give preference to matching people with high “community values” together, although with nowhere near the strength of MMR. This should help to filter one-tricks and otherwise lone-wolf players together, while separating the flexers and cooperative players, and might help to reduce the element of random chance when you get a one-trick who doesn’t help the team at all. We’ve all gotten those offense Torbs who get deleted over and over and don’t switch. (Not trying to hate on Symm and Torb players at all, but it’s the truth that they aren’t applicable in EVERY situation and sometimes you just have to switch. Just think of them as fill-ins for this argument, it could apply to a Genji or Ana too)
I know it’s a lot to put something like this in the community’s hands, but it’s worked in games like League, and the sheer amount of players should help to balance it out.


I understand hating on one tricks, but hating on off meta heroes is just dumb. Especially when you dont even check win rates or anything and just roast people for no reason.

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Thanks, it just helps remove the ‘grey-area’ from the ‘poor teamwork’ report and makes false reports more accountable.

You’re not toxic at all, I actually agree with you. I played 20 games as Sym in comp to see what it’s like and I can say from experience about 30% of my matches I felt like a dead-weight on my team but didn’t swap to have the ‘one-trick’ experience.

See, you completely looked over the entire point I made.

I wasn’t claiming that because they chose an off-meta hero we lost. I’m claiming that we lost because they were unable to work with the team. Just because a hero can be viable doesn’t mean it’s viable when the team doesn’t know what you’re trying to do.

Because the person didn’t even attempt to explain what they were trying to do, which would allow for the team to work together better, they expected for the team to fall into an (apparently) self-evident team which all of us had no knowledge of.

You’re exactly the type of person this whole post is about.

They DO NOT NEED to formulate a complex strategy with you to be considered ‘trying to be complete map objectives,’ they don’t even need to talk! They simply need to be part of the team-fights, which they likely were.

End of story friend, no report.

Blizzard should add a “refusing to switch heroes” category to the report screen, and just quietly throw away all reports in that category without taking any action. No matter what they put in the “is/isn’t” text, people will just rationalize how non-reportable behavior is really reportable if you look at it in the right way.


Can it truly be called teamwork if the team is trying to play in at least two different ways?

I don’t like the Poor Teamwork section and think it could be safely removed. I’m really not sure what goes here that couldn’t go under Griefing, Idling, or Abusive Communication. Simple negativity like ‘this team sucks’ is easy to mute / squelch.

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As I said, people like you are the reason this post exists.

You keep trying to twist this ‘not helping the team’ narrative when, in reality, if they’re fighting the enemy and using their abilities properly, there’s no problem.

The reason for this post is to have some examples added to the ‘poor teamwork’ report card so people like you cut out this rubbish argument.

I just wanted to point out that attack Symmetra can actually work very well for breaking through barrier+Bastion comps. You’re probably going to say that you didn’t mean “always,” but unfortunately that’s how most people will take it because that’s what most people already believe, and I think continually harping on attack Symmetras only poisons the well and makes things worse.

You sound very reasonable and I’m not trying to accuse you of anything you didn’t mean, but you’re still using it as an argument to not pick her. And it’s so frustrating when people complain about things like barrier+Bastion and want ways to counter it, but they’re too narrow-minded to see that there ARE ways to do it, but the strategy gets put down so much by people who don’t know what they’re talking about that no one is willing to try it. It makes for such stagnant gameplay when we constantly shut out new ideas.

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See, the only issue I see on this thread is illogical rejection of someone’s argument based on a single, irrefutable idea. The idea that I am right, and that makes you wrong.

The fact of the matter is this, if someone is playing a completely different method of play (ie. if someone play bastion on a dive-centric team), then they are not playing with the team. That’s the fact of the matter. If they want the team to play around their character, they need simply to ask for a specific team comp and a bit of a different way of thinking.

Two one-tricks, same scenarios as each other.
One of them picks Sym right off the bat, doesn’t even type anything in chat.
The other asks if they can go Sym and have a mercy pocket them, a second main healer, and an otherwise sustain-based team.

One of those Syms is playing with the team, and should not be blamed for the game going badly. The other isn’t playing with the team (which is literally what teamwork is), and should be blamed for their part in making the team do badly. If the lack of ability to work as a team is egregious enough to warrant a report, then so be it.

An aspect to working as a team is to pick heroes who synergize well with each other and use them in such a way that the best aspects of the team as a whole can be shown to it’s fullest. Some heroes simply cannot do that with most team’s that are commonly played.

Now, if you wish to show some logical thought past the simple “You’re wrong because I’m right” attitude you’ve taken thus far, I’ll be more than happy to have a nice debate to encourage growth in the community. If you don’t, then I’ll be on my way.

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If you’re getting countered and insist on playing your hero, that’s your choice and shouldn’t be reportable but it is definitely Poor Teamwork.

I do admit I was being more than slightly harsh on Sym, and I absolutely did not mean to imply that Sym shouldn’t be picked on attack in all cases. I’ll attempt to fix this really quick.

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Completely correct!!!

Any time someone says to report one tricks I report them for griefing the one trick. Blizzard has stated that abusing the report system like that is bannable and I have received many many messages thanking me for my reports because action was taken. So if you get banned and you’re wondering why, it might be because you were reporting one tricks.


So should all players have to announce their strategies to the entire team and wait for everyone seal of approval to proceed unless they want to get suspended from the game? There’s nothing wrong with encouraging people to be more cooperative and adaptive, but forcing specific playstyles on people just doesn’t make for a compelling, fun or organic game.

And who determines what heroes synergies well with what? There are tons of disagreements within the Overwatch community as to who counters who, and who’s good in what situation (obviously; why else would the forums be full of people complaining about hero changes that others are in favor of?). Unless Blizzard comes out with an official list of hero synergies and counters, you can’t report someone for not switching because they disagree with your assessment of the situation.

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And I noticed people that report one tricks are typically toxic in general. It makes sense if you think about it. A player that blames one tricks are the type to blame teammates for other reasons as well.


Get him to the objective. He can be recasting as hec if we support him.

If he is throwing, he’s a moron.

So what does a teammate who knows that their Hero is clearly not working but yet tries to force it to no avail classify as? “Don’t report and suck up the loss”?

How about, missing all your shots as Widowmaker?