Update - Forum Access for New Overwatch 2 Players

If they do, farewell everyone. I don’t have a number for this account, only my main game account that’s not able to post until the year 3020 :skull:

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I set my account after the beta so that my Xbox and PSN account is connected. Not only do I not have any of my previous unlocks but now i’m completely missing the watchpoint pack that I paid for. I feel robbed.

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Login Error (LC-208) disconnected from the server all day long

So we can update the forums in 1-7hours. But not resolve the issue of launch and DDOS nor the lack of communication & transparency? If I get told “Thank you for your patience” instead of a real play by play update again. I’m gonna cut off my hair.


What would be really helpful is if you could tell me how I can log my kids into their accounts to play OW2.

You see, they are KIDS and have no CELL PHONES.

Three disappointed kids who cant play a game they love bc of your BS security tactic.


Please Fix the SMS PROBLEMS I preordered the watchpoint pack for nothing I guess


I feel too idk why blizzard make the option
I have metro PCs but I guess I gotta upgrade to T-Mobile

I bought Overwatch on Xbox and Switch back in 2016… and later… and still can’t get in… this is rough

Lmao 3000 players ahead of me?

(post deleted by author)

vous auriez jamais du enlever overwatch1 vous avez juste a l ameliore vous avez briser le jeux et vous etre entrain de tuer le jeu

Funny story, actually… i took the steps listed to be able to play today, and get nothing but red bannered every single f’n time. Still havent played more than a minute since launch @1pm my time. Did that help me? Take a guess…

Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?Are we there yet? Are we there yet?

I don’t know if anyone else is having the same problem as me but when i transferred over to Overwatch2, the characters i had on overwatch1 is all locked and now i only have the default given characters. Also the credits are gone as well.

My levels and icons and sprays stayed the same, as well as my stats.
Only my characters are all locked now. And have to unlock them again.

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Hello, I was just wondering although this might have been answered, but if we had an Overwatch one account on one platform and want to play Overwatch 2 on the same account but a different platform, is it possible to do so or do we have to make a completely new account?

No you won’t! I can’t get in because of my phone service!

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What with this unacceptable 3 reply rule for new users? I have been playing OW1 for years this is the first time i had to actually use the forums due to launch


Why do we have to wait in queue with the free players?? if you owned OW1 and paid for OW2 then you should be priority. You have funded the game essentially. I do not mind the free to play is awesome, but the fact that on launch day, a person who funded the game with a pre-purchase OW2 watchpoint pack has to wait 40000 players ahead of me… not cool. Also, once it reaches 0 gives you that server error and then you have to restart the queue 400000 players ahead of you

Probably a cheater trying to boost accounts to sell might say the same… hmm

I hope i get my account back its gone and i dont know why…:sweat:
In Overwatch 1 i just merged my account like every one else and its not workin

I hope its just a small problem fron Battlenet but I trust the team and the Servers to fix it👍

I hope i get my Account back see you guys soon🙏

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Holy censorship of criticism and forced data collection batman