Update for Competitive Play - Season 16

I mean, at this point I do spend more time watching OWL than actually playing the game because there is no competitive experience in OW.

HAHAHAH and the dictatorship has started, LFG was introduced so you can play with your friends upto a 6 stack. How the tide turns for people.
No point in LFG is there, worked out really well for people by the looks.
I wonder when they bring in forced, how are they going to work that out.


tbh no one actually uses lfg. there are like a max of about 5 groups at peak times

If youā€™re using LFG in GM, there has to be something wrong with that person haha

Itā€™s a shame that this is only of possible benefit to those in grandmaster, which letā€™s face it is a minority of the player base.

When can we actually expect some significant improvements for ranks like gold or platinum where itā€™s generally either toxicity or de-ranked players doing things like bronze to GM runs or simply playing in a rank they donā€™t belong in by throwing and then dominating? Thereā€™s virtually no competitive experience in the ā€˜busierā€™ ranks, it seems to often be stomp or be stomped or just something to plain ruin the gameplay experience.

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Yeah this is a really good point.

Arcade comp should be reviewed separately or at the very least Lucioball and 3v3 Elim.

donā€™t thank blizzard, thank people abusing 6 stacks at 3 am to get games against plats for easy wins

Every season you doing something for high ranks. How about low? We need protection from account boosters and smurfs. Weā€™re may be bad but we want our fair matches too.


That would split the playerbase by a whole hell of a lot, making games even less consistent, not more.

I, for one, welcome my new GM smurf overlords.


I think top 500 in Asia is like diamond lmao.

Thank you for this change! Please consider trialing a system where duos only get matched into other duos and solo players only get matched against other solo players. You would know better than most, is this feasible with queue times?

Iā€™m Masters but I still got queued against and then with Stevoooā€™s 3 stack. Iā€™m not complaining because we won both games, but itā€™s still annoying either being forced onto or off of a comp, or having an extreme competitive advantage because they have an Orisa 1 trick, Symmetra 1 trick AND a bastion 1 trick. Matchmaking can never stack games that bad.

Why not make it higher quality matches for all ranks then?


It would be better if you made two different ranks solo and team Rank

Listened toā€¦ who?

The game is designed to be played 6v6 premade teams and now they are preventing top tier players from playing in any form with friends / organized manner and must now experience the game the way the game is at itā€™s worst which is the solo queue experience?

If I could give you a picture of a picard face palm picture hereā€¦ I would do so in the biggest formatted way possible here.

So to recap at this point ladies and gentlemenā€¦

Diamond and above players have a specific static SR gain and loss system and not the entire player base.

GMā€™s are no longer able to play in a group queue environment and not any other bracket. (Perhaps separating solo queue and group queue this late in the game development is too late?)


Just make it so the elo you are in you can only stack with said elo players and matches are only from those elos, when you hit silver etc, you are only matched to those of the same rank.
Sick of having plat/gold/no rank/silvers on teamsā€¦

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If thereā€™s apparently so few GMs to match with as it is, just time your queue and youā€™ll probably end up with them anyway in one way or another!

Comp is still a joke and rank means nothing unless you are above gm. Never wonā€™t be true.

Blizzard making a useless update and not actually fixing any of comps real issues.

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Why dont you actually fix the matchmaking instead of worrying about the 1% of the player base?