Upcoming experimental card

This. The amount of times i’ve been straight up stunlocked by the entire enemy team, especially in 4v4 games lol

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This patch was targeted at CC, that doesnt mean they cant change other stuff.

Though it only works at close quarters.

All 250 HP heroes are close quarter boios, so technically their downside is range.

No, it exactly means that.

Their point is to get data and feedback, so if they revolve it around one certain topic the data will be more accurate.

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No. For the love of the lord.


Never specified how much :^)

Nice, small number changes that wont improve how the game feels at all. Good work.


He is not that great against a well organized team, but as you can guess that isn’t too common for most of us. On top of this, cc is his counter, so they are nerfing his counters without nerfing him. Just seems like a huge oversight.


Not really, they can change other stuff

Their point is to get data and feedback, so if they revolve it around one certain topic the data will be more accurate.

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They can’t increase her turret hp too much, Brig only does 35 damage a swing and if she needed to hit them twice to destroy them then that would be a huge problem. Brig already has trouble even reaching them sometimes


So, no changes for Ball or Doom?
I thought they were going to reduce the CC, not to give the kings of CC free range.


Again, they can change other stuff

I understand that, though what would be good common grounds to make Brig and Sym more viable?

Symmetra has trouble reaching a reason to exist


Honestly yeah lmao, thats true

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Brig is already viable, and Symm is situationally viable. For Symm though, I think decreasing the cooldown on her turrets would be a good place to start.

BuT SyMmeTRa HaS A 23% PicKraTe oN SWiTcH

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That’s besides the point. A hard control effect (Vs a soft control like slow or knock back) on a primary simply doesn’t make sense.

no Sombra changes when her kit is full of ccs nice blizzard