Upcoming experimental card

Do you know when the game will be available to play again? I’ve been stuck in this queue for quite a while lol.

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You really should probably stop trying to debate this when your understanding of the game is as poor as it is. Everything you’re going to say is just going to be countered by a GM, grandmaster, while you are barely in silver. This is a bottom 20% player trying to convince a top 1% player that they are wrong.


Thank you for the update! :slight_smile:

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I feel like that would be to powerful and honestly just wouldn’t make much sense.

Thanks for the info

Take your time guys, no need to rush it so much :з


Surely it makes more sense that Genji’s blade can merely cause the boulder to crumble than to immediately reverse the boulder’s direction.

Right now genji’s deflect does nothing, he just gets smacked in the face like a loony tunes cartoon.

I understand everything you’re trying to say. I get it. I also get that I’m just a Silver scrub and you’re a GM God, but here me out for a second.
Maybe Mercy is just not a hero who can’t sustain herself in the top tier meta. Maybe her skill ceiling is just not high enough to give incredible returns when actualized in pro play, especially when compared to healers like Ana and Bap. You know, there are some heroes that are simply not made for pro play, like Reaper was before he got the insane 50% life steal or like Symmetra before double barrier was a thing. You feel me? Not every hero needs to be equally viable in every single rank.


So, in regards to the changes, why nerf heroes like McCree and Brig who already have next to no time to follow up; yet allow a hero like Ana to maintain a stun duration longer than Reinhardt’s ultimate?

Yeah, I get that it’s a skill shot, but it counters your reasoning of it being frustrating to have control taken away from you. Given, you lose control for a potential full five seconds which is an eternity in a fast paced shooter.

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Not gonna lie it’d be cool if he had an animation of slicing it in half LOL

But I feel like Genji has dash and double jump and wallclimb so can’t he just dodge it anyways?

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I guess, but there needs to be somethings that go through deflect or it would just be OP. They should increase the deflect hitbox though.

Thank You for the update! Greatly appreciated! Do you have an estimated ETA for when it should be ready? Thanks in advance

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The stun durations of mcree/brig are fine as they are right now, no need to reduce them. Think about doomfist. Rein ult nerf sounds weird too.

Also, please don’t lower the sleep duration, need a small timeframe to tbag sleeping genjis and hanzo mains. :hugs:


Awesome feedback. Thanks. I got it.

Except that’s not true. She has a higher skill ceiling than both Brig and Moira, and her skill ceiling is arguably just as high as Lucio in that both have fairly easy autoaim heal/utility mechanics but hard to master movement mechanics and can carry with good ability usage.

Not to mention that she was meta when she had 60 HPS alongside Zen as the top dive main healer, she was especially good alongside Widowmaker and snipers in double sniper, etc. Her entire kit (damage boost, rez, mobility) is very valuable in the higher tiers but she just lacks the value/sustain to warrant being picked after the HPS nerf.

It’s also not a great argument considering every other support is literally meta in OWL right now. Brig and Moira are both arguably easier than Mercy with lower skill ceilings (Moira especially) yet have signifigant OWL and GM playtime.

I get that, but when she is one of 7 support options and 1 of 4 main support options, as well as being the only main support to have vertical mobility and work with spread out/mobile dive comps, it’s a bit concerning.

Especially when Tracer/Genji and most of all Winston have all not been meta since the day Mercy got her HPS nerf even though none of these heroes were nerfed.


I hope not, he’s already unbearable to vs considering he’s in literally every game. If it does, it’s just going to make people versing him hate him even more if he’s forced into becoming a Flash>fan bot.
I can respect the players that can reliably two tap. The flash>fan combo is just so scummy, unskilled, and should be removed. At least hogs hook combo requires a modicum of skill to pull off.

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Mccree is probably getting this for the sheer reason that he is extremely powerful and makes half the dps roster irrelevant, not to mention the fact that you can get in two headshots in one stun which shouldn’t be a possibility. Brig is getting this because her design isn’t to stun them and follow up on it, its to cancel cooldowns and ultimates or push flankers away, and this reinforces that.


All the “beam” attacks do. But the deal is that hitscan and projectiles don’t.

Hanzo would be better at dodging it as his leap is mostly horizontal velocity, genji’s double jump is mostly vertical.

Doomfist doesn’t need CC nerfs. His CC is the only thing that keeps him a viable pick.

you need to buff sombra so she actually can stop ddosing your servers

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You can pretty easily dodge the accretion boulders on genji, my initial comment was just addressing the fact that my brain is puny so i constantly assume I can reflect it when I cant

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