Unpopular Opinion:

Doomfist is just Demoknight from Tf2 but adapted into Overwatch. Supports have much better self defense in Overwatch than Medic does in Tf2 so I don’t see the issue.

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I think the hero in general, while arguably fun, isn’t healthy for the game. Bigger picture, entire hero build on the idea of “every ability should have CC” isn’t good.


Doomfist is demoknight but also with the movement capabilities of having a sticky jumper in your back pocket and a pyro air burst to lock people in place to combo them…


It’s great fun for the person playing it (much like widow) but causes problems when they can bypass 1000’s of shield/armor/hp and damage mitigation abilities to strike at the weakest part of the team but also fight toe to toe against immobile Damage heroes like Soldier/McCree/Torb.


It’s soft cc though, I don’t even mind it, its kinda like a rodeo ride.

No, he’s just Demoknight with more access to vertical mobility.

Meanwhile, Mercy is a flying Medic.

your hero is on the very think line of having zero movement when a Doom is jerking you around i wouldn’t call what he does soft CC.

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He’s in my face and I can still shoot him. Doesn’t sound so bad to me.

For the record, Demoknight has cc too, but he usually kills you so fast that you don’t even notice.

When he bashes your body into a brick wall you can shoot at him? wow

You get hit by that?

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Yep, that’s why I said he has a sticky jumper. Keeping in the theme he also has pyros air bust on uppercut and… air suck(?) on slam. It’s almost like it’s not a great comparison… XD

Yeh if you remove the dangerous parts about him (seemingly guaranteed crit on ubersaw melee was my favourite). Airburst/suck still hits aerial things though. Granted, if your team is good and keeps some distance/los you’ll never die to doom as Mercy.

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Its not the best but they have the same playstyles and counters, but yeah, Doomfist cc’s you instead of an actual one-shot. He’s also got a real one-shot but you’re not really meant to get hit by it unless you’re a tank.

I think Mercy’s pistol is better than any of Medic’s weapons, he’s pretty toothless.

I don’t mean it in a mean way but I legit do not understand how Mercy’s die to Doom. I’m told he counters her but he’s a melee hero and she flies.

As an aside I hate the regular demoman/sticky launcher more than anything that demoknight/Ullapool Cabre (if that’s what it’s called) can do.

I think the verticality of Doom and the limited number of heroes/classes on each team is the main difference in the comparison. Most of tf2 was played with 10 or so a side and one or two engies would be enough to shutdown any flanking shenanigans. Unless you’re talking about highlander, but I don’t think many people played it, nor would you be likely to see many demoknights XD

Outside of full charge rocket punching from behind a shield (then upper-slam back to safety) the rocket punch is not really an issue. The slam combo is the real issue where he swoops down like a friggen owl, wipes any 200 hp hero out unless they have invuln and janky-physics himself off into the night.

I liked the previous nerf that was changed before release where the was a larger gap between uppercut and shoot thereby giving your off tank/etc an opportunity to save you but still keeping him deadly (reduce cooldowns/increase other damage, just make sure that the ttk between the start and end of that problem combo was almost instant).

I dunno, if you’re any good with the blutsauger/crossbow he’s pretty nasty, though neither are particularly scary if you get up close (unless you don’t goofed as a Spy, but then you have the friggen Enforcer to save all mistakes :woman_shrugging:t6:).

I think that the sheer number of people in anyone one game was the Medics biggest defence and never really got into any 1v1s.

The main issue is screwing up GA (you either selected the wrong person, didn’t give enough distance between yourself between them and didn’t do the super jump at the end). It’s actually real easy to hit mercy mid GA with either rocket punch (if you’ve killed someone else with slam combo and are trying to snow ball) or slam due as the effect actually rises above the ground. Also even if you GA away but left it too late he can pull you back with the slam.

It’s seems like the most easy matchup to deal with but if the Mercy GA’s too soon before Doom uses Slam he can intercept her, but if she waits till he slams and does it too late he can pull her back (with the occasional spice of rocket punching a target moving in a straight line).

This is assuming that everyone’s on a more or less flattish environment. If you have higher options you’re pretty safe, but then you’re relying on your team to position well as well as you. So yeh with a good team with good positioning & you understand how he can catch you, you should never die.

Personally I just play Moira if it’s a problem and Bap if she’s taken cos I find Valk so very, very boring… Less boring than looking at the kill cam at least! XD

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As a Demoman main, that’s 100% valid :smiling_imp:

Thats true but Demoknight isn’t the only class in Tf2 that Medic is helpless against either. Doom also has that vertically but Overwatch is just a more vertical game than Tf2 in general, that’s why he needs it in the first place.

But that’s basically what Demoknight does. The difference is, Medic can’t really shoot back, but Zenyatta can.

That nerf was awful, Doomfists would fall to the ground and lie there for a fraction of a second after using their ability. Calling it a self stun wasn’t an exaggeration and he’d be unplayable if it went through.

He’s really not. Those weapons are still basically toys compared to a shotgun from Engie. They are only the smallest semblence of a threat in specific situations and most of the time aren’t really much of a weapon.

Overwatch has better tanks though. Heavy can’t hook a Demoknight.

Oh, and thanks for explaining the Mercy match up.

There could be only one!

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He is speaking the language of gods.

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That’s true. I wasn’t really intending to suggest that the Medic (or Mercy for that matter) actually pose a threat in close, more that I thought that at range the medic could be more dangerous. However that’s neither here nor there as neither of these are really relying on their own damage to do anything.

Yeh but demoknight needs a straight run and while Tf2 is certainly filled with flat spaces positioning near an obstacle or a slight+sharp change in elevation (outside of weird super ramps) will stop him dead.

Slam from an elevated spot (which I’ve probably RP-jumped too) has a much greater reach than democharge. Unless you’ve got a dash-type or invuln movement ability you’re getting caught and are probably dead.

I dunno if the reach of demo charge is anywhere near that of RP-jump into slam. Not so much total distance covered, but more in that you aren’t hindered by terrain/cover and the way you can swing the slams aoe to where you want/they move too. Buuuuuuut it’s kinda hard without putting each hero in each game with their respective maps, different games having different chars, etcetcetc :man_shrugging:t2:

Overwatch definitely has better ways of mitigating damage, managing super fast heroes (in that it actually has ways…).

I dunno… Demoknight never really bothered me on anything other than sniper cos of his tiny head and super fast moving/turning and the times he did kill me on other thing I prob would’ve been taken out by anything else faster. At least on the maps I played (mainly payload) Demoknight never really could flank and would be promptly cleaned up by sentries, pyros, soldiers, heavies etcetcetc and would mostly be a meme pick like sticky jump Ullapool or rocket jump+man treads :man_shrugging:t2:

Due in part to map design, rp jump and the way that slam lets you change direction the number of ways he can come at you is extremely high (Demo ain’t coming at you from above). Also unlike RP, his slam is mostly noiseless making it hard to work out where he’s coming from if you don’t happen to see his initial rp jump (though this isn’t limited to just doom, even footsteps have been stuffed for ages).

I’d call it an exaggeration… I may be misremembering but I thought the ttk of the entire combo that would kill a squishy was still under a second :thinking: The problem with Doom is that once your in the combo you’re dead. It’s like an even more extreme version of Brig’s “one shot” combo on Tracer as you could ensure you never got in range. Doom brings the pain to you where ever you might be.

I understand that this combo is the bread and butter to dooms kit just like left click is to McCree, but there just doesn’t feel like there’s enough you can do if doom is coming for you and nothing once your in the combo. Personally I put it in the one shot category with Widow grappling in the air ignoring barriers. I don’t think these sort of “insta kills” belong in a low numbers 6v6.

If we had archive style res (where everybody could) than this sorta assassin type plays would be much more tolerable as it would create a type of dynamic objective. Do we reposition the tanks to res X person and go for a 6v6 but in a weakened position, or hold a safer point on the objective and try the 5v6.

Anyway, I’m kinda waffling/digressing off the cuff all over the place. Hopefully some of it made some sense :sweat_smile: For what it’s worth I don’t want Doomfist to be bad like how I want Hanzo to suck, I just think that the combo has too few counters/not enough time to save someone caught in to =\

I disagree, medic in TF2 medic can land “random” übersaw crit, basically 1-2 hit kill as healer.

Now there’s obviously few limitations, heavy can tank that damage, not that you live long enough to switch your melee anyways.

It works for Tf2’s design and character limitations. Charge isn’t as good as Doomfist combos but it does the job pretty well.

Doomfist dies a lot too, its something else they have in common. [quote=“Maxy-6374, post:16, topic:504428”]
Due in part to map design, rp jump and the way that slam lets you change direction the number of ways he can come at you is extremely high (Demo ain’t coming at you from above). Also unlike RP, his slam is mostly noiseless making it hard to work out where he’s coming from if you don’t happen to see his initial rp jump (though this isn’t limited to just doom, even footsteps have been stuffed for ages).

For sure but I think thats just neccessary for the playstyle to work in Overwatch because Overwatch heroes are stronger than Tf2 classes.[quote=“Maxy-6374, post:16, topic:504428”]
I’d call it an exaggeration… I may be misremembering but I thought the ttk of the entire combo that would kill a squishy was still under a second :thinking:

It was as if the Doomfists were getting hit by flashbang mid combo. It looked and played like a stun had been built into his kit and it interfered with everything he would try to do besides spam rocket punch.

But Demoknight one shots too. The counterplay is outranging the Doomfist, he’s supposed to have a huge advantage in melee range because we get to shoot at him from afar and he can’t fight back until he gets to you. Its about teamwork and smarts, not traditional dueling.

Yeah but everyone expects it and just kills you out of range, and if you hit it you still need to get lucky. Plus, Demoknight can pack on somewhere close to 300 hp.

Well last time I checked they can still move in the air and shoot.

You shouldn’t make a post about doomfist. Mine has yet to be taken off of being flagged.

Yeh what was with that. Was it a bug?