Unpopular opinion: Mercy's viability

That is a funny opinion, where did you get that one from ? :slight_smile:

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I agree to some degree here.

I think this is all true if she were the only support on a team; however, when paired with really any other support, a good Mercy can totally carry the game.

From experience. Only time DPS ever remember about existence of healers, is when they are hurt with no healthpacks within reach, or face situation they unable to shoot their way through.

Tanks, however, are constantly taking damage, making them remember on the regular about presence of other player, that can heal their huge health pool.

Our experience differs

I have not once seen the same behavior with current single rez that I observed frequently with mass rez

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In my opinion, Valkyrie is arguably the most versatile ultimate in the game, in addition to being one of the most powerful

As such, I find it to be very, very flexible

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I read a statement earlier today that stated that it was proper to play Mercy solely as a pocket to a DPS, with the reason supplied in said statement that this is what the pros do

The statement above seems to indicate that what the pros do is irrelevant

I am having some difficulty reconciling the two statements

In my experience, most people think of the top 5-6 as the characters that are overpowered, not the ones that are merely viable

It really depends. I think she is niche but a hell of a lot more viable than picking moira (actually throwing BTW). Her res just isn’t that impactful in this meta. If GOATs dies I think her and Ana will be equally viable depending on the situation.

The meta makes her niche just like the meta makes Tracer and Winston niche. I fully expect the game to go back to Zen + Mercy as the support duo in most games once GOATs dies.

Edit: You are a console player. While I still agree with you, Ana is a ton better on PC and mercy is pretty niche at higher SR on PC

In the games I play, Mercy is viable regardless of whether there are any DPS players at all, much less whether they are better that the players on the other team

This is not true in many situations. I have a DPS account that I made recently to work on sombra. It is in high plat/low diamond since I only did placements on it. The lack of healing you get as a DPS in that SR is ridiculous. Healers latch onto tanks and have no idea who to heal when.

Our experiences differ

I am only disappointed in my use of Valkyrie if I make a mistake and mis-time its use. This is a player issue, not a an ability issue

That said, if I was a player who used Valkyrie exclusively to escape,and never to support my team, I can certainly see myself being disappointed in what I was accomplishing with Valkyrie

This leads me to then wonder why a Mercy player would ever exclusively pocket a DPS player, since they dont need any such attention

And here i thought Mercy being viable is a popular opinion? Most complains i read is just that many old mains dont like her new playstyle. They miss the “big moment” of impact she has.

I’m far away from being a Mercy main but i can understand the feeling of thinking shes boring to play.
She would probably feel better if they removed rez on a cooldown and just shifted it in some form to Valk. It doesnt have to be mass rez again, but some kind of improved version maybe?

Well that might be, last time i checked focus priority is still somewhat Healer>DPS>Tanks. So that means that they equally as much need healing, now the problem was just the fact that he mentioned it like a “niche”, giving dps healing etc. The fact is, Mercy is not Niche, she is extremely viable, function in almost anything, yet has clear limitations, She shines in aspects, where dps needs heavy pocketing cause they lack self sustain or movement, or the damage boost she offers. Now that functions pretty much with every hitscan and most projectile heroes, while still being usefull in normal comps like dive, where her movement severely helps her follow the tanks and dps.

So calling that niche is maybe an overstatemeny of, what niche means.

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Outside of this not even close to all DPS have healing or mobility to save them, yet most tanks have great defensives to keep them alive. Tanks only need more healing in the cases, where they actually succesfully do their job of taking the damage of the rather weak DPS.

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I know of several Mercy mains at M, GM, and top 500 levels who are playing her successfully in most matches, and as such I dont see her as niche inthe higher tiers of play

By far the vocal ones are the ones we are talking about and they very much seem to also be the majority.

Yes true that some mercy players complain about the lack of skill expression and the lackluster ult. Yet the huge problem is, she never had any of those to begin with, so most of the “lacklusterness”, is accurately cause she is no longe OP and carries with such a low skill requirement.

Though there are the true and informed Mercy players, that want a rework to accurately do something about her lack of skill expression etc. These players do not just want buffs and increases to her kit, they want her fundamentally easy playstyle changed to better accommondate her in higher tiers of play and seperate good mercy players from bad ones and the completely shining elite one tricks etc.

She had those pre-rework. Valkyrie, even in it’s OP state, took them away.

from what i hear, the problem is that she’s balanced but not fun

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A lot of folks do have fun playing Mercy, so this is only a problem for SOME players, not all

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