Unpopular Opinion; Mercy is fun

She’s boring but also fun. If you want to have the most fun, best choice is Lucio ^^

I feel the same way, the new buffs to her ultimate have me in Valkyrie nearly every team fight, which is perfectly fine considering her ultimate is mediocre compared to others.

Mercy is hella fun idc what anyone says.


I like base Mercy.

Everything the rework introduced I did, and still do hate.

Sorry, the bug that was introduced as a feature I love, everything else I could care less about being deleted.

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She actually is fun again… because her ult is up exactly when she needs it. She can truly be the flying hero now. Even though her ult has lost its effectiveness it is now evened out by how often she has it. Because every action she does now gains ultimate 15% faster, not just her healing. I believe that this state is best for everyone. (Even though putting 60 hps on her ult is completely asinine but okay)


It’s really not.

She might be balanced now, but her entire kit is deeply flawed.

I’m not saying her kit is devoid of fun… GA is still great. But it is deeply and terribly flawed.

They aren’t changing her current design. That much is obvious and if that means Mercy is the undivable hero then so be it. At least now her movement feels good with how often I have Valk.

They need to. I’m not saying they need to trash her rework or anything… but it needs some serious help.

Mercy is the root of all evil in overwatch, after all she is the reason genji walks among us.

as a Mercy Main this buff was just enough to bring back that impactfulness I was looking for!

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I have fun with her too. I like how I can have my ult ready for every team fight now. I’m only in gold but I feel like I heal through damage pretty well, especially if I have teammates with game sense. Plus I like going back and forth with my pistol.


I main her and I still feel strong with her in most games. But I don’t play her just for healing. I heal, damageboost and occasionally use the pistol. I find a lot of success playing her for the most part

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Hats off to you bro!

I don’t think this is an unpopular opinion.

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So the majority opinion (as you claim) is dumb because many people disagree with you?

I mean, to be fair, I’d call it an unpopular opinion on the forums specifically. In game, I still see Mercy quite often, so I assume people are having fun with her.

(Otherwise why else would they play her?)

It’s great that you find her fun to play. I don’t, and because of that I have been asking for another rework until recently (because actions by Blizzard have made it pretty clear that they aren’t going to do anything beyond of numbertweaking to Mercy from here on). Calling people dumb for not sharing your opinion and wanting to do something about it is pretty toxic though…

Not during the animation. Before and after, yes. As soon as you hit the button to Rez, Mercy stands up, Rezzes, then crouches again.

makes post about an opinion

says mercy is fun, by their opinion

tfw “if you use fun as a factor, you’re dumb”

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Cause no matter how awful the state, I’ll always enjoy the fast pace of her play style.