Unnecessarily Happy Thread!

You can post about overwatch if you’d like, but I’m listening to one of my (countless) Christmas playlists since we’re only a few months away, and it’s got me in an even happier mood than usual.

Just because happiness comes from contentment and not from performance metrics, let’s talk happy!

I love shoveling snow off of the driveway, going back inside to the smell of coffee or cookie candles, and topping it off with a cup of supersaturated hot cocoa with a little bit of vanilla cappuccino mixed in. :relaxed:

Share something that makes every year of your life a blast!


I will piggyback off this by also saying that the end of year holidays–Thanksgiving and Christmas, for me–is my favorite time of the year. Take the modern meanings and advertisements for both as what you will, but for me, it’s such a lovely time to sit down and be happy with my family, thankful and joyous that we’re still together. Love the holidays so much.

To cap it off on a different note, here’s a song that makes me happy.


Hobby Lobby on October 31st at 11:59 P.M.:
“IIII… don’t want a lot for Christmaaaaas… THERE is just one thing I neeeeed…” :notes:


Oh, dang! We’re just gonna go into sharing music?

You know what? I’m gonna be real, you and HanaSolo both give me this feeling:

I also feel this way when I get drunk and play online. I don’t sound like it at all, though. I sound like the target audience having a panic attack or night terrors. :joy:

Also, just to share from my current Christmas playlist, :crazy_face:

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Awwe! I’m flattered! Hahah.
…For what it’s worth, Applejack was always my favorite. :apple:


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We’re once again coming up on eggnog season. :joy:


Since we’re sharing music…

My second favorite song in the universe finally got officially added to YouTube.

It’s got nothing to do with Christmas but I rock out to this basically daily. Don’t ask me why.


You know, I used to really not care for Applejack, but in retrospect, I feel like I’d appreciate her on almost the same level as Pinkie Pie or Rainbow Dash if I were to watch the show again. :thinking:

:joy: I mean, it’s catchy, for sure! There’s something weirdly mesmerising about the monotonous keys, and there’s a good invigoration in the guitar solos. :thinking: Kinda makes me think of a Weird Al song, but I can’t put my finger on which one.

Its beat is almost identical to When I Was Your Age. That might be the one you’re thinking of.

Nah, I’ve maybe heard that one twice. I’m probably making a lyrical association with Dare to be Stupid or UHF because of the mention of chores at home.

Remember that episode in season 4 that had a Weird Al pony? :joy:

Also, I currently work in retail (because if I had a real job right now, I wouldn’t have as many brain cells to dedicate to college junk), and I rigged the speaker setup so that I can just play any music I want. I have a Weird Al playlist set up to play stuff that you’d expect to hear in a store, but some people tune in and catch on, and it’s freaking hilarious.


Have you heard Hardware Store? Because that’s probably my favorite Weird Al song of all time. It could also be what you’re thinking of.

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"osdnpfoiuasnrpieubp;saeof npoiwnedFokr rf poerkf psepokff apsdfkms calculators, generators, magic salt and pepper shakers."


I can’t pick a single favorite Weird Al song, myself. Got a list, though, for sure.
Polkas on 45
Eat It
Mr. Frump in the Iron Lung
The Night Santa Went Crazy
One More Minute
Polka Face
Amish Paradise
Waffle King (I love how completely unhinged the ego gets)

My old man and I went to see him in concert in 2011 during his Alpocalypse tour. The number of costume changes! It was nuts! His first song on stage was Perform This Way, and I don’t know how many costumes he stripped all in that three-minute stretch. At least six. It was freaking insane!

My favorite part, though, was when the place went dark and they started playing the introductory scene of the music video for Fat while he got into costume for the song backstage. Freaking speedrun. But no, the cool part is that I couldn’t hear the video on those loud speakers because everyone was quoting the entire scene! :joy:

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I know a lot of people who would say she was the worst, or least significant, but I dunno. I can respect a hard worker who loves their family, hahah.

Goodness, yes; only by screenshots xP. Though I think I fell off the series before then, some part of me wants to catch up and see what I missed…

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Yyyyyyyyeah, the problem with Applejack is that people who watch kids’ shows are typically more focused on the sense of humor than anything else like personalities or behaviors. Since Applejack isn’t usually all that funny, she didn’t win a ton of popularity contests.

She’s one of the most organic and well-founded characters, though, and I really love those types.

Rarity is easily my least-favorite of the mane six. She’s just so annoying. :frowning_with_open_mouth: The only times she’s kinda decent are when she’s actively mocking her archetype instead of wallowing in it, like that one episode where she kept pulling in a couch from offscreen.

The more we talk about this, the more I want to revisit it. :joy: I think I’m going to continue opting out of going beyond what I have already seen, though. It’d just take too much time, and even aside from that

I somehow don’t want to lose this sensation. It’s almost a contented “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” I don’t dread that the newer stuff might ruin the older stuff, but at the same time, 2010-2012 was a very unique time, and the stuff past it simply wasn’t a part of my life (and wasn’t really highlighted by the internet anymore).

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I found out today that I have profoundly terrible ADHD. We’re talking 99th percentile activity, 97th percentile inattentiveness, and 88th percentile impulsivity. Now that doesn’t sound like good news, but after decades of wondering wtf was wrong with me, I finally have an answer. W.

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You’re not allowed to de-frost Michael Buble just yet, that will bring unbalance to the force and who know what could happen in the future :fearful:

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I’m halfway done make my family Christmas cards. 45 detailed, handmade cards. Got my Halloween cards done too. Simple stuff like this makes daily life good.


My family arranges certain dates to celebrate Thanksgiving, Christmas, and as many birthdays as we can because of how little we like seeing each other.

And people still cancel! When it’s their birthday! :joy:


I can understand that. Part of me is in the same boat (also just trying to muster up the free time and desire to do so…) but the other part of me is like, really curious to see how my favorite characters from the time continued to change over the course of the series, see who got more screentime, etc. etc.

Felt that. Didn’t care much for her or Twilight, honestly. Main/central characters have never particularly been my jam, and Twi just never did it for me. But then this goes back to what I was saying; does she get better? Oh, now I have to know… :sob: ahahaha

Michael Buble tries too hard for the sounds he puts out. I don’t have anything against him personally, but for overall musical quality, he’s a pretty solid 3. Do not want. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Gimme Amy Grant, Jump5, and Relient K.

Just don’t let a diagnosis get you down.

There’s a long story, but my parents took me to countless doctors over the years from ages 5 to 17, each constantly diagnosing some disorder or another and prescribing a corresponding medication. ADHD was one of the early ones, but I mean… what six-year-old child on the planet has low energy and a good attention span? :joy:

Actually, on the topic of happiness, when I was 17, my parents finally trusted me to take whatever mental disorder pill I had in the morning, which was exactly when I stopped. Hid one pill in a cup in my room for about a month before my mom said they finally found the right medication to help even me out! :rofl:

I dunno what I like about Twilight in particular. Her character is decently organic, and yeah, having the main character role means the most screen time. Maybe I just felt familiar with her right away because it’s not the first time Tara Strong has voiced a main character with straightened hair who’s extremely concerned with education and organization. :thinking: