Explore how the Overwatch Development Team forged the Mythic Weapon Skin for Reinhardt, the Bound Demon Mythic Weapon Skin
how often are mythic weapon skins going to be released?
Many of you are probably thinking it’s a different blog…….
Depends on how many they sell this go around probably
just consume product then get excited for next product
It looks absolutely glorious!
80$ is way to mutch.
Looks ok but waaaaay overpriced and not worth that mutch money
I’m so confused why would you post pictures of literal trash and sell it to us?
Wouldn’t this item hint at Reins fall into madness in the near future?
is the killanimation bugged? i dont have any graphic there
If Reinhardt falls into madness, can we get a squeaky hammer instead? Torbjorn should not steal all the fun.
It’s pretty obvious that this weapon was originally intended for the Demon Lord skin, it’s literally the only skin the weapon matches, a skin that is never returning mind you.
Makes one think Rein was supposed to be the mythic for the DnD season, but they went with Tracer instead. They liked the ideas they had for the weapon so they separated one of the options from the skin and made it into it’s own overpriced abomination. Tier 3 is especially egregious, as the weapon flourish animations were supposed to be in the game since launch, and the first one we receive is $14AUD and exists solely to bump up the price and prevent you from unlocking the kill animations for a cheaper price.
No. Just no. This shouldn’t be the same price as a full mythic skin.
Greediest gaming company on earth.
Cool cool.
Stupidest customers on earth too, because they will buy it. Some already have !
What’s with the double posts (almost?) every time you guys do a news blog?
You could probably use it with his Bloodhardt or Blackhardt skins. I am relatively certain those were the first to feature an axe to begin with and they are somewhat edgy and match the color palette. Those are skins EVERYONE has access to.
But yeah, generally speaking the demonic weapon does go with the demonic skin.
So who here is spending $80 dollars on pixels in a game that isn’t actually yours and will more than likely have it’s servers shut off within ten years?
Any buyers?
It’s just how f2p games and players work, sadly. It’s made to tempt people to do it. It’s manipulative and should honestly be illegal, especially since children play these games who have no real concept of money and this kind of thing.
Speaking of, my sister stole my mom’s credit card and spent $50 on a mobile game because of manipulative f2p tactics.
Those two are probably the closest other skins, and they’re ok with it. Their metallic look doesn’t match it the same way Demon Lord does, the axe even has the same gem pieces that the Demon Lord skin does.
Ok bro, but where is workshop updates?