Unknown error HF-5. Tried every forum method and no solution

literally every time i try to join any game mode of some sort or my own game created by myself still get the applying update for 30 seconds and get the error. ive tried everything from deleting Overwatch and scan for repairs to disabling antivirus to deleting cache and none of it works. restarted after all of these and no solution at all

Hey there,

Lets try this:

  1. Press Win+R
  2. Type %localappdata%
  3. Open Blizzard Entertainment folder
  4. Find Overwatch folder and delete it.
  5. Repair Overwatch in the Blizzard Desktop App.

If that doesn’t work, try creating a new administrator account then log in with that account and see if Overwatch will run properly.

i tried both of these and neaither have worked do you have any other sugestions?

check these

If you’ve tried everything else and nothing has worked…

1: Start the game.
2: Go do something else for a while.

That’s it. Just let the game sit on the title screen and do nothing for a while.

After maybe half an hour or so (longer the slower your connection is), try to go to the practice range (you could join a match, but if you get the error again, you’ll just get booted for inactivity), the applying update message will display, and if everything worked, the game should play like normal after that.

Hope this helps.

now i get error hf-2 lmao

Aha! This one has worked for me. Opened the game, had it on the login screen for 10 mins, then signed in and left it on the title screen. Left it there for a few minutes and suddenly the HF-1 error popped up on that screen.

Waited another few minutes and joined a practice range and it worked! Just joined a quick play game now and got straight in.

Thank you!

(This is on PS4)

(Also how strange that me and the person above have the same username and both have the issue)

AWESOME. I’m in the same boat i’m about to give this a try.

I’m sitting at the main menu and my sniffer confirms that it is downloading :slight_smile:

After 30 minutes it downloaded 120mb and gave me the HF-501 error and stopped downloading. My internet is just too slow… I got HF-2 when I tried to go to practice range after the download failed.

Hey there,

Does the same thing happen if you try the game in a different region? For example changing the game to Europe, Americas, or Asia from any current setting may help. Basically just load into the other region, enter a practice range, then switch back to the normal play region.

Let us know if this works for you!

ive tried switching the region to europe but it didint work

ya i had that same exact problem after 30 mins
but do you think that if we continued to do it it would download the whole thing?

Hey all,

We’re tracking this at another thread. Please keep an eye on this thread and post any reports here.