Anyone with a slow connection CANNOT play at all due to this bug

I launch the game the first time since the update. I queue and it puts and as it puts me in the match it keeps me at the main menu and says APPLYING UPDATE. This takes a long time as I have very slow internet connection ~70kbyte/s.

I’m sitting at the menu and waiting for the update to apply the chatbox says “you will be removed from the match if you remain inactive”, then it says “you have been removed from the match due to inactivity”, BUT THEN IT SAYS “you’re endorsement level has dropped from 3 to 2”

You forgot to keep players with slow internet connection in mind. Might want to fix this one as matches may be ruined, and if I had queued for comp I would have lost 50 sr and got temp banned.

Also I got the HF-501 (unable to download data) error, as I ALWAYS do. Please offer an alternative way to update the game. Every time I launch the game I will get kicked from a match, lose endorsement, as I wait 5~10 minutes for the HF-501 error.

I’m actually completely unable to play the game. I will have to wait until the next patch to be able to play unless this issue is resolved :frowning:

This is unrelated but it should would be nice to have more options than what limit server send rate offers. I use a verizon hotspot and they get throttled to 600kbit (~70kbyte/s). It’s not quite fast enough to play with 64 updates a second so my only option is to set limit server send rate to on which limits it all the way down to 20 updates a second which is really bad. A custom option or an option of say 40 would work. Or an option to set a bandwidth limit so that the server could delay sending an update rather than exceeding my bandwidth limit which will cause udp offholding (multiple updates dropped in a row) would be the best option imo, but not as easy to implement as a different update rate.

Line-of-sight style internet connections, like hotspots, don’t meet the system requirements (not considered the same as landline broadband), which they use for testing the quality of the game. This is probably due to throttling (as you mentioned), weather, and congestion degrading mobile connection quality so easily. Plus, it’s unlikely they would lower the system requirements after all this time.

So I won’t be able to play the game until the next patch.

I don’t understand what you mean. The connection requirements aren’t going to be reduced when the next patch comes out, if that’s what you’re saying?

Every other time there has been an “APPLYING UPDATE” I sit at the main menu 5~10 minutes until I get the HF501 (unable to download data) error. Once I get that error it’s no longer attempting to download the update which means I have available bandwidth to play with. It is possible to play before the error but I have massive amounts of lag and sometimes disconnect.

With the current “APPLYING UPDATE” after I get the HF501 error I try to play but it just pops up with the error again.

It’s frustrating to have to wait 5~10 minutes after every launch, but this time I can’t even play.

Hey! I’m on the same page as you. The house I’m currently living at does not have stable internet, and recently I have discovered that my hotspot has been able to allow me to play video games. I understand that the hotspot is not in the system requirements of the game, but I’ve been able to play 100% alright until this patch. I guess this just means I can’t ever play again until I get real, stable wifi :confused:

We will be able to play next patch, or when our data resets to high speed, but until then I have no solution

Leave your game open at the main menu and wait as it downloads. I’m assuming your hotspot is the same speed as mine I’ll let you know how long it takes to download

I’m really happy this also solves my hf-501 problem :slight_smile:

After 30 minutes of sitting at the menu it gave me the hf-501 error. I guess my net is too slow. My sniffer confirms the download has stopped :frowning: