Unkillable Reaper

The winner is a team in which not all players work harmoniously, but where is the best Reaper. Yes, they are now in every game. Even if you have two more ally behind you, it’s not a fact that you kill the Reaper. The death blossom is now = goodbye, team. I never seen so many pentaple kills on ONE DAY. No one wants to play with tanks unless it is Zarya or Reinhardt. Wanna pick Roadhog, Orisa, Hammond or D.va? Get ready to hardcore mode. Speaking of which, I thought that the changes in Doomfist were bad, but the buff McCree and the Reaper simply threw him into the trash bin forever.

What is this balance? Why? What happens with your game?

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FB -> FotH = Dead Reaper

Tracer and Hanzo are also really good against reaper

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The meta will not change until OWL starts. People hate devs catering to something only very small amount of people play but it’s true.

OWL will play something, streamers will start playing the same thing, eventually your average joe will hear on reddit about what the new meta is and if it’s not Rein/Zarya they will demand you play what Dafran plays in his games even tho they’re down in gold.

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Yea honestly I feel they over balanced reaper this time. Like was it really necessary to go straight to 50% life steal. Was trying Small increases like maybe 35% at first too difficult or something?


If you know the enemy team has a Reaper and you’re getting team wiped to his ultimate… shouldn’t you be asking the question why the hell you all decided to group up and let it happen?

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Because playing away from your team gets you killed every time?

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And not even 1 of the 6 people in your team could’ve done something about a ulting Reaper? What comp can you run without CC, shields, DM or even mobility to get out…

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Literally one of the easiest dps ult to counter in the game.


have you noticed that reaper’s pickrate is strong in gold but absolutely trash in masters and gm?

those players managed to “get gud” and play around reaper and use his many easy counters via hitscan and all the cc that’s in the game and they usually have the awareness and communicating to be able to always know where he is

I don’t know, I’ve been killing Reaper a lot from a safe range (as Soldier and even Ana).

I usually see McCrees just deleting him.

dies to reaper once

plat players: "UNKILLABLE"


If 50% barely changes him, I doubt 35% would have done anything. The funny part is that all these people who do not want to play against Reaper are legit advocating for a BETTER buff. That is how backwards this situation is. I wish everyone just took a week to adapt or something.

I agree. This buff doesn’t seem too useful for the higher ranks, and just encourages the “durrrr, me run in and shoot thing” playstyle in plat and below.

(Which is freaking obnoxious to play against)

I mean clearly the intention was to counter goats, which is only played effectively at around the highest ranks, like master gm and maybe diamond. But at the lower ranks where goats is basically as useful as 2-2-2 comp, reaper is just overkill. I get that it’s impossible to balance ofr every rank but I hope that at after a while when they see that reaper dosent counter goats they will revert the buff or at least make LS less so he’s less “run in and shoot” at lower ranks

Yeh why are you on the payload or on th epoint together, duh, Spread out all over the place and it won’t happen. oO

Just throwing this out there since we’re on the topic Reaper:

Lmfao i find this to funny good one bro.

This is why I don’t understand the buff at all. Reaper isn’t difficult to play, and his weaknesses are still present post-buff, but he’s easier than ever to play if you’re not playing against competent snipers or people with on-point CC management.

Are buffs supposed to make heroes better or easier? :thinking:

here we go again comparing gm to the other trash tiers in this game…

The only counter I really hate is Brigitte. Flashbang is survivable and if you get past its a good chance. Brigitte is a lot more than a one-shot against Reaper - avoid. But I agree with OP. Tank meta gave way to CC/brute dps meta and its chopped a chunk off the game - tactical protected movement.