Universal abilities for each class


TLDR at the bottom for the lazy.

I think overwatch would benefit from giving each class of hero’s an ability each (attack gets 2, a passive and an active cuz they’re special) that every character had access to. This would solidify each classes identity and place within OWatch and be benificial to both balance and game play.

Quick note: these ideas were all created with the understanding they would be implimented into a 2/2/2 role queue system so you could not switch between roles and it wouldn’t allow for crazy overlap. If you don’t like 2/2/2 enforced meta cool, that’s fine this thread isn’t likely for you… unless you want to discus alternate abilities that would work within a no limits environment.

It would also require the rework of a certain very popular support hero (read on if interested)

Also all numbers are place holders.

So without further ado:

Recall: an attack character channels an animation that teleports them back to spawn. Damage interrupts the channel and stuns character for .5 seconds. Channel would likely take between 4-8 seconds (pending balancing). No CD
Power transfer: passive that allows a attack character to transfer 50% of their ultimate points from their current hero to one they switch. This caps at 50% of the second hero’s ultimate.

Notes: attack characters require the most switching. If you’re on Ashe or pharah and you see a widow it’s likely time to switch. The problem is you have to either die or walk back to spawn to do so and at a cost to 100% of your ultimate. This fixes both issues and will allow attack players to switch more freely.

No this is not to punish one tricking but rather is intended to encourage attack players that are being shut down to switch while softening the blow to the most impactful part of their kit (generally speaking)

Also think of all the super cool animations they could make for attack characters and could release more through loot boxes. Junkrat piling up a huge pile of explosives to launch him back to spawn, tracer initiating a super recall, doomfist charging up his fist for a extra powerful upper cut (list your ideas in the comments if you have a cool idea you’d like to share)

Sadly least likely to be implimented as it will require new assets for tons of hero’s ;(

Self-heal: a tank activates an ability that after a .5 second delay (balance dependent) begins to heal the tank for x hp/s (balance dependent). The heal is interrupted if the hero takes any damage. Balance would dictate if the amount of health was capped (300 or so) or if they could heal up to full hp. 30 second CD (balance dependent)

Notes: yeah bad name, suggest alternates in the comments.

Pretty straight forward, tanks mitigate damage and don’t like taking it. They HATE walking for health packs when they can avoid it.

Doubt many would get this but this is a item mechanic from WC3 orks healing item :stuck_out_tongue:

Revive: lmao you know the ability. It would be exactly like mercy’s current revive except: it starts on a 1 min CD at the beginning of the match and has a 1-2 minute CD after it’s used (manditory note that numbers are subject to balance… blah blah blah)

Notes: oh boy if you’ve stuck with me this far this is probably where the key board warriors will start smashing keys.

Yes revive is a good mechanic. it’s risky, but provides a huge reward for completing it and feels great when you’re revived. Yes it feels bad to have your kill revived but in this case you’d have chance to get double value by also picking a support and unlike mass revive does not usually blank multiple ultimates. The CD is intended to keep the same number of total revives per game the same compared to live when a mercy is on the team.

Yes mercy would need to be reworked. But with all supports now having revive maybe they could put some actual (expletive) power into her kit. They could even give her a passive that makes her the best at reviving, who knows but generally people want mercy to be fun and as long as she has the ultimate utility ability at the expense of all other support hero’s revive will deprive mercy of a huge portion of her kits power. (Make mercy an active healer plz)

Wow that was a lot, questions comments? Think I’m a nutter?! Comment below!

Attackers should be able to recall and retain ult when switching characters
Tanks should have access to self heal
Supports should all be available to revive


supports shouldn’t rez. rez is mercy’s gimmick


Nice thanks for the bump sir or Ms.

Why do you say that mercy should be the only one with Rez though?

because it is what mercy was designed off of. if rez was an ability everyone has, mercy wouldn’t feel special anymore

Oh but we could make her special in other ways while also making her the best at rezing. Maybe she rez’s Faster, or she has a lower cd on Rez… or her ult can effect Rez.

On top or maybe give her a you can’t kill me for x seconds ability or if you reduce hp to 0 I burst heal up 300 hp or 200

no. That would make her broken again. How would rez fit on Ana? How would rez fit on Lucio?

The devs have already said that mercy would not really rez in cannon, it’s a game play ability.

Lucio: “the songs not over partner”

Ana: “I won’t lose another”

Obviously mercy would be able to GA to characters vs Ana who couldn’t so different characters benefit more than others with these abilities (especially tanks and supports) but the point is that you always want access to some abilities and it makes the game play smoother if you have risk/reward plays

I initially thought I wouldn’t like this idea, but they’re actually not bad ideas. I do think other supports having Resurrect would be a good idea, if Mercy kept a much better version of it. It would allow her to specialize in other areas, without having the entirety of her kit’s power tied up in resurrect.

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I seriously dont like the idea for the support rez for the sole reason that it is indeed mercy’s speciality.

Thought im not gonna just walk away with that so here are some suggestions for alternatives:

Radiance: This is a passive ability what grants 1 health per second to everybody around the support in 20 meter range. Requies los and the hp gain increases by 1 for every 20% hp lost on the support, it also doesnt affect the support itself.

Ever been in a situation where you were almost dying but the ana concentrated on your frontline? Now its not as much of an issue.

Self sacrafice: You kill yourself instantly and at the same time a downed teammate revives instantly. You lose 50% ult but they gain 10%. 1 minute cooldown between uses.

This is a risky move what can change the flow of the battle drastically.

Angelic presence: With a sudden burst of light you release healing energy instantly restoring 25% health to all allies on the map. 2 minute cooldown, marks your char with a bright light for 1 minute.

A mighty tradeoff where you can no longer hide but most possibly saved someone with it.

I think this would almost immediately push the game into a put where it never can get out. Overwatch is a fast-paced, highly dynamic game (or at least it’s supposed to be). There’s a reason that respawn timers are so short. Allow every support to revive and the game will remain dominated by something GOATS-like. Believe it or not, but the majority of the issues that people have with this game stem (among others) from the fact that people don’t die enough in this game.

It wasn’t. Symm had cooldown rez before mercy. Mercy had instant Rez.

A mechanic is a mechanic. If every support could rez, Mercy can have something else. Or stay the same. All healers heal. Zen and mercy beam heal. Lucio and brig aoe heal. It’s whatever. It’s just a mechanic. Not her whole identity. :woman_shrugging:t5:

Rez was never broken . Consistent and rapid Rez was. Not instant Rez.

Love this

Zen “the Iris wills you in our embrace”
Brig “I won’t let you fall!”
Moira"let’s try this again" or “don’t put my efforts to waste”
:laughing::laughing::laughing: How fun!

And symms… And they took it away. This keeps Rez and mercy can have it better.

How does a one minute Rez change this? If you have ana and mercy, it kind of plays this way anyway. And blizzards never really flat said the goal for it.

And people are split on how the game should be…some say things don’t die fast enough, and there are some who say burst dmg is too high. That’s because we don’t know what the game should be. Consistent or fast?

This is a universal mechanic that keeps it just as balanced as before.

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instant rez broke the game for almost a year

It did not. 20 seconds of rezzes in rapid succession did. Please note, the cast time was one the first nerfs to valk and mass Rez was also instant and never meta.

if every single support had rez, that problem would continue to pop up

So you’re basically saying LET BRIGITTE REZ! And I’m totally cool with that.

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On a one minute cooldown? That’s literally no where near what is now. You know who also had a Rez that was less restricted that has no cooldown and it was still very very bad?
Symm. Tp was a perma cooldown rez with a ten second cast time… guess how broken that was… It wasn’t .

double rez in valkyrie was broken. now you have every support with resurrect. you will have a bad support meta

Was double Rez will symm broken? Nope. Or symms quad to hextuple rez ? Friendly reminder, mass Rez only could rez five people. Tp had all six . It wasn’t broken.
Mercy doublle Rez with everything else like chain beams and high mobility to let her Rez anywhere on the map was broken.

Not double Rez .

I seem to be in the minority here in liking the tank ability the least. Healing is the job of Supports. Tanks are already quite survivable and we’re in the middle of a meta where everyone is complaining about tank domination. Furthermore, self-healing is Roadhog’s gimmick. I don’t think it fits the role at all. Something that reduces the ult charge they grant to enemies would be much better imo since their job is to take damage for the team but they get punished for it by giving ults.

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