Unique Mei change ideas. Let me know what you think

TLDR: Mei’s icicles proc slow and freeze as follows:
Lv 1. Proc (1 icicle hit) : 10% slow
Lv2. Proc (2 icicle hits): 20% slow
Lv 3. Proc (3 icicle hits) : freeze effect.

So I’ve been thinking about what to do about Mei. She’s not underpowered per se. I think most of us can agree with that. But I think she has always struggled to find a role or place in the “meta”. So with this post I wanted to introduce an interesting idea, one which revolves around the idea of “proccing”.

So for all of you who don’t know what proccing means, “Proc” and “proccing” is used to describe whenever a random gaming item activates, or a random gaming event occurs. Particularly common for massively multiplayer online games, procs are random events where special armor or weapons provide the user with temporary extra powers, or whenever the opposing monster suddenly becomes more powerful in some way" (source: lifewire).

So now that we all know what proccing means, let’s talk about my idea: have Mei’s icicles proc a slow effect and then eventually a freeze on enemy heroes, given enough hits. For example:

Lv 1. Proc (1 icicle hit) : 10% slow
Lv2. Proc (2 icicle hits): 20% slow
Lv 3. Proc (3 icicle hits) : freeze effect.

I think this would make Mei a much more interesting hero to play. Being able to slow and freeze targets from long ranges would have an interesting effect on the way the game is played. I don’t even think it would be too powerful either, given a freeze effect would take 3 successive icicle strikes. Let me know how you guys feel about this.


Sounds pretty interesting, now the firs and second hits of the icicle slow effect, how long would it last if you can’t land the final hit? Or how big of a window would Mei have to land all three icicle in succession to get a freeze?

Wouldn’t it make more sense for one icicle hit to equal to 0,5 seconds of primary fire, so the freeze would happen on the third shot?
Also, since we’re talking Mei changes, i would like to input my ideas. :slight_smile:

  1. Endothermic Blaster has a lowered or no damage fall-off at range.
  2. Ammo is now entirely refilled when Cryo-Freeze is used.
  3. If Mei jumps before activating Cryo-Freeze, she will keep her momentum in Cryo-Freeze, allowing her to slide forward.
  4. Blizzard: Is no longer negated if Mei is stunned while casting.
    Cast time has been decreased from 1,5 to 1 second.
    Radius Increased from 10 to 13 m. (Possibly)

It’s an interesting idea, but I don’t think it would do too much to be honest. If you’re really far away, freezing someone won’t do something unless you have a sniper on your team to take advantage of it. And if we’re mid-range, 3 icicle shots will kill most heroes outside of tanks. Tanks, of which 4/5 have a way of defending themselves against those icicles, aking it exceedingly difficult to actually get a freeze off of them.

I honestly believe that Mei should be primarily a close range fighter, with the icicles being suplementary. And in order to achieve that, she needs sustain. And when I say sustain, I do not mean a 150 heal that requires you to be pinned to the floor for 4 seconds, allowing the entire enemy team to surround you like a pack of hungry hounds.

This could be achieved by giving her 150 hp and 100 shield. And changing cryo to another crowd control ability. The moment we’re getting low on health, we can wall/use the other ability, to cut ourselves off from damage, allowing the shield to be regenerated.

So younow can freeze roadhog at distance as well

No, please!

Well, I was thinking however long her slow effect lasts for her ice beam. I think it lasts a second and a half or so? Idk. Either way, this value can be fine tuned to feel viable.

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I like the idea of the endothermic blaster also changing the physics of the terrain to become slippery, i think the directional influence aspect would lead to some creative and fun situations.

The slow isn’t enough to have much of an impact for most squishies, 10% isn’t much and they’d be dead by 3 hits anyway. It would also be too effective against tanks that you can just spam against and freeze from across the map, and realistically I don’t think Mei needs to be better at fighting tanks than she already is.

its worth testing, but as we know… blizzard doesn’t like using the PTR for such testing

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Yeah, you’re right. Blizzard never uses the PTR this way. It’s been 2 years almost and the only major reworks they’ve done are for mercy and symetra. Hanzo’s is on the way buts it’s long last due.