Unintended Consequences (Brigitte Change)

This is a very good point that really should be stressed. Taking away bashing through shields will make brig players look for more bashes on targets without shields.

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working as intended.

+Guys we can’t have stuns through barriers
Akande cowers a bit beside brigitte
+Brigitte you can no longer stun through barriers
Akande waits a few seconds for his name and doesn’t hear it, apparently he was able to pass under the radar.

This is a MASSIVE buff to an already mandatory hero.


This is part of my concern.

It mostly only helps Rein. And a bit on Winston/Orisa doing the shield dance.

Although it also helps teammates doing the shield dance.

But considering I was expecting them to spend another 2 months before making a post like this. It’s better than I expected.

But now those targets have the shields of their team to hide behind.