Unfun to play against: The valid yet controversial reason for changes to heroes

No chance? You mean like staying away from her 7m melee range is “No chance”?

I mean McCree can hit you upto 12m away. And he can follow that up with just 1 headshot. A 2HKO.

Compared to that Brig is 3HKO with shorter range.

But you don’t complain?

Your personal bias against Brig is showing.


If tracer is oneclipping a tracer for example, the one getting shot at can react with a recall/Blink and save themselves. With Brigittes case she can’t. Thats the difference. If she bashes you, you are dead.

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If the bullets stuned you and locked you in place Id say that be a OHKO. Brigs stun is a full second. you can take your sweet time pulling the combo of. and it dosen’t need aim so its a free kill.

( Im a Brigitte 1-trick this season btw)

Dude, I’m a Pharah main. I should be fine with people playing Brigitte a lot. I don’t have problems countering her.

But even I recognize a problem character when I see one. Its not that it can’t be countered. Its just unfun to play against for vast majority of the cast.

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If you are a Pharah main then you should realize how unfun it is to play against Pharah for the rest of the cast.

Let me tell you Brig is nothing compared to how unfun Pharah is.

I don’t want Pharah to change, and I don’t want Brig changed either.

Leave the heroes alone. Stop changing everything that people love about their heroes. FFS


You make absolutely no sense. I don’t have any problem playing against stuns, you do. That makes it subjective. That’s literally the definition, you can’t argue that.

And allow me to just…

People who think fighting against Brigitte/McCree isn’t fun…lmao, the stun is only 1 second and Brigitte/McCree can’t dash all over, dealing stupid amounts of damage and then escape whenever they feel like. Would you rather try to shoot characters that can flash on and off your screen in less than seconds or characters that can stun you for a single second? Answer is obvious.


That’s why if you’re playing Tracer you poke Brig and dance around max range of bash. When you bait out the bash, blink behind and punish which will make the Brig player to turn around.

At least Doom has not only a short effective range, charge time and cooldowns. Meanwhile both snipers, who have existed since the beginning, have 0 cooldowns on sniping, 0 fall off and only 1 skill needed which is aim. Mind you aiming isnt that difficult. Every single mobility character has cooldowns who make them weaker since they cant perma dash or perma blink but nah widow and hanzo can just shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot until the end of time

The length of stun that makes it unfun is subjective, stun itself isn’t. You don’t find it unfun to get stunned for 1 second, but how about 10 seconds? 20 seconds?

And allow me to just…

But if you can move, you can track them “dashing all over” and use abilities or move to reduce their stupid amounts of damage and then shoot them as they try to escape.

All that is possible because you still have control of your hero, your game.

If you can’t move, you can’t move.

Answer to your last question isn’t so obvious because “flash on an off your screen in less than a second” doesn’t sound that bad because…what does that even mean lol. Every knows being paralyzed is horrible, far more than just running slower than others.

Try again.

The “unfun to play against” is a gangerous reason to ask or defend a nerf. I mean, is totally subjetive and depends badly on your playstyle or tastes.

For example, I find 100% unfun to play against Pharah… Should then bombing the forums until Blizz nerf her?

Also there are other point, the people that mix the “unfun to play against” with a character that is their counter.

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Or hacked.

Again, no I don’t have problems with stuns. With increased duration you have to consider decreased frequency. Just look at Rein’s ultimate. A 2.5 second stun (that I have no issue with) but it rarely happens. You wanna put in a 10 second stun? Go for it. But with that length it’ll be happening once a game, at best.

And no, tracking them can be near impossible. Tracer can blink 3 times, recharge blinks at a rate of 1 per 2 seconds and recall to where she was 3 seconds ago. Genji can dash, gets dash resets from assists and can continually double jump around and over you. That is all far more frustrating and difficult to deal with than a disable that lasts 1 second…It’s half the cast time of Shadow Step and nearly half the cast time of Resurrect. 1 second is nothing.

And the reason I’m not even considering fictional stuns of 10 or 20 seconds currently is because they do not exist. It’s a straw man argument. It’s like me saying what about a hero with unlimited dashes or blinks?


I can’t believe you forgot Hanzo, the most unfun hero to play against at the moment. However, unfun to play against is subjective and sadly is mostly what ruined Mercy into being a hero that’s isolated to being discussed in a megathread several months later and has an inconsistent kit. I don’t find Brigitte to be a problem to play against personally, annoying but not overpowered.

I think Tracer is one of the most unfun heroes to fight against because she can just blink around as she wishes while i’m trying my best to aim her. I wholeheartedly believe my concern is valid.

Now why she doesn’t get rework for that reason? Why she isn’t changed? Why community insisted that she just need more counters, only for counter to be released and community then complaining about that hero?

What i’m saying is that ultimately reworking heroes and abilities for this reason only is slippery slope. In the end of the day, dying to enemies and losing games are not exactly definition of fun, and entire game doesn’t need rework because of that.

Sure, some things in this game might be more “unfun” than others, but we have already reached the point where it’s good idea of start drawing lines between what’s okay, and what’s not, because otherwise you might as well remove most of the unique heroes, abilities and playstyles this game has, because they can be considered “unfun” by someone.

And that’s why i don’t ask for Tracer nerfs or changes, as annoying as she can be to play against.


Personally i hate liberal cc that isn’t on a long cool down. As such I think ults that cc are fine. However bridgettes stun in combination of her abilities feels a bit oppressive.

I do however think sombra’s hack is not the same as cc as you are still free to move and fight back albeit she puts you on her level. You now have no offensive abilities and just your basic attack for a short time.

On the other hand we have characters like tracer and genji who need to reined in somehow other then just Sombra if she ever gets buffed out of non-existence. I think bridgette is a heavy handed mistake on trying to make another unhealthy hard counter by giving her overall package too much versatility.

However, one hit kill combos once mastered are completely unfun to play against as once the player in question using them reaches a certain mastery level the only counter play is not to be hit by them which is asking for one side or the other to be able to do nothing. If DF/RH cant get his combo off hes not doing much of anything however if they hit you… you die and thus aren’t doing anything. Its a very polarizing game play situation that guarantees one party is having a bad time. Its just like how they dont want to buff mei too much because her combo to kill requires far less mechanical skill and mastery to perform.

‘Unfun to play against’ is inherently subjective and utterly useless feedback from a balance perspective. It is not a valid reason for reworks. All of the issues mentioned in this thread can be solved with new heroes providing counterplay or by re-balancing the ability itself.

The game needs CC to deal with high mobility but also needs abilities that cleanse CC, and so on.

The proper response to complaints about stuns is to add more tools like Zarya’s bubble or change things like duration or cooldown, not remove them entirely.


This. I believe that real reason for Mercy rework was hide and res strategy, which was not the way devs wanted her to be played. They wanted Mercy to be played as healer who doesn’t leave team to die only to res them all.

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Wrong. People would complain regardless if it became a regular thing. People already complain about skilled widows, even though they make up only a small proportion of widow players.

People will always complain.

It is literally subjective thing. I never had single problem with stuns in this game. They simply don’t last that long, and can be avoided easily with good positioning.

And i’m far from only person who thinks this way, so please stop claiming that your opinion about this is some objective truth, because it isn’t.

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i think it depends what kind of unfunness it gives and how the ability is exploited in the game.
Look at mercy. I know that you all claim “it wasn’t an issue i have never done that” but it must have been if it had been one of the reasons to make her rework a thing. And this must have been unfun to everyone but mercy players - enemy team has been robbed of the kills they managed to get (with the probability of losing one or more ults) and to mercy’s team as they knew they have no chance to survive because their healer decided to fled instead of helping them stay alive. So people didn’t like it, blizzard didn’t like it, they changed it.

On the other hand you have characters like doomfist or baguette who are also annoying to some but more acceptable. Then i think the change should take into account the easiness of that unfun ability. if it’s OBJECTIVELY low risk high reward then it should be changed, if it is OBJECTIVELY high risk high reward kind of unfun ability then maybe it should still be awarded (tho it can be toned down if it’s too oppressive/without any counter play)