Unexpected server error occured

I was just playing comp and i got kicked out for an unexpected server error?

Has this happened to anyone else? I can’t even get back in


I have same issue, and I can’t log in the game now.

Yes, just happened to me! Just joined a game and dropped.

Same issue, I think it’s universal…

I came here to see if anyone else was having this issue. Seems like something is up. I’m currently in a call with someone who’s ingame and hasn’t had the issue. My call isn’t dropping and we’re on the same connection. It seems like a blizzard issue

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Glad it’s not just me.

There was another thread about it, but it disappeared

(Edit: It seems it was moved to the tech support section)

It’s back up for me now

Same issue here and my friend as well while playing the experimental mode

(edit) I just logged in, same with my friend.
(edit2) server error again

Hey everyone, Blizzard is aware and investigating. Please avoid Competitive play at this time.

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Thanks for sharing with us.

Sounds like things are starting to get back in shape…