Unexpected Server Error and can't rejoin

I was in the middle of a competitive game when I got kicked and “Unexpected Server Error” popped up, it then said I was entering the game again only to drop me on the main menu screen with no options to reconnect. Trying to go in through competitive que only qued me for a new game. I didn’t receive any extra loss, but my duo and the team left managed to win the game even without me and now I’m down a win I would have gotten.
This was extremely tilting.
Edit : I did in fact get a loss, thanks blizzard


+1 I also just experienced this: Unexpected Server Error. Clicking rejoin just dropped me on the main menu. No menu option to rejoin game, and clicking on Comp queue just queued me for another game.

just had this error now, and my mate had it last week

Did you find a solution?

had this happen twice today

Having this issue too

Just had this issue occur to me as well. Hit with the “Unexpected Server Issue” to reconnect to the Overwatch Servers to not have a “Rejoin Match” Button on my screen.

just had this issue as well just got booted from a ranked game and cant reconnect

Been happening to me for the last 12 hours as well… I’ve tried flushing DNS, resetting modem… the only thing that works is restarting my PC :\ but then it happens again a little later on. It is NOT stable.

yeah this has been happening to me all day lol ran into a guy that was in the previous game i disconnected in and he told me 9 people reported me from it I cant imagine how many reports I have rn

i had this happen today to me for the first time, in a bunch of games including 1 comp game. i got a loss from it and hope i didnt get reported on top. gave no option to rejoin.

Currently experiencing this issue twice with an hour apart. It has caused disconnects from my current match to the login screen with red text “unexpected server error occurred”. It tries to reenter game but times out and requires me to leave to desktop and relaunch. Worried about getting leaver penalties if these issues persist. I have scan and repaired game files after the first instance, yet it occurred after the fact so that does not seem useful.

Below are links to Overwatch Technical Forum Agents in another post that mentioned the issue being an “account specific error”. Not sure how to fix this or if a fix exists other than submitting a ticket and waiting for it to resolved on the backend.

(Jambrix - Technical Forum Agent) [PC] Unexpected Server Error Occurred - #17 by Jambrix

(Kershew - Technical Forum Agent) [PC] Unexpected Server Error Occurred - #25 by Kershew

i’m having this issue as well, i don’t even want to queue anymore in fear of being banned.

My duo has had this happen 2 out of 5 of our last games pretty annoying to say the least… one game I was having pretty big lag spikes as well with people porting all over the place… hopefully this is resolved soon kind of sucks when they just implemented the new leaver system.

So far both times it has happened at halftime when we switch sides which also might be related can anyone confirm?

i went through the process to submit a ticket and was told its on my end/my problem even though i included links to the support staff posting here about it… let alone the fact the error itself even says “server error” not “client error”… sigh

i haven’t had any issues so far today, so that’s good. anyone else still having issues?