Currently experiencing this issue twice with an hour apart. It has caused disconnects from my current match to the login screen with red text “unexpected server error occurred”. It tries to reenter game but times out and requires me to leave to desktop and relaunch. Worried about getting leaver penalties if these issues persist. I have scan and repaired game files after the first instance, yet it occurred after the fact so that does not seem useful.
Below are links to Overwatch Technical Forum Agents in another post that mentioned the issue being an “account specific error”. Not sure how to fix this or if a fix exists other than submitting a ticket and waiting for it to resolved on the backend.
(Jambrix - Technical Forum Agent) [PC] Unexpected Server Error Occurred - #17 by Jambrix
(Kershew - Technical Forum Agent) [PC] Unexpected Server Error Occurred - #25 by Kershew