Under 30% winrate on a hero

The devs punish you if you leave a game. But you can play your 5% winrate Lucio and they don’t care.
There is an issue. And how in good faith would you want to play your 5% winrate Lucio instead of your 78% winrate Zen, outside of throwing?

that’s not what I’m talking about. If you’re taking the game too serious to enjoy it just quit. Quit playing overwatch. If it’s stressing you out more than it is fun it’s time to pick up another game that maybe isn’t so team reliant.

Well considering I’m a lucio one trick yeah I would choose the lucio over zen if they offered to play lucio cause zen wasn’t working out. I would guide them through everything they need to do to play lucio. You may not realize this but the only way to improve at a hero is to play that hero. Also with a hero like lucio their winrate might be so low because they only use it to contest in OT.

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You know what else is throwing? Coming up with random scapegoats to why you are stuck in a low rank =]


I never claimed it was holding me back? I’m just saying it’s disrespectful for your team.

Well considering you’re complaining about it on the forums I’m pretty sure it’s actually granted that people assume it.

ever think it’s desrespectful to hate on people for playing a hero they enjoy? It’s kinda like asking a little kid what they like to do. They might say cooking, are you going to start complaining if they’re not baking some 5 star meal, no you’re not they do it because they enjoy it. If someone enjoys playing a hero they should be allowed to play that hero. You have an avoid list if you dislike them so much and it’s only for one game so it shouldn’t affect your sr too much. It can be frustrating but you just gotta deal with it sometimes.


During season 18’s launch (where everyone placed 2400) I was GM and had a plat tank who kept on overextending and then at the end of the match started blaming the healers.

I ripped him a new one because he literally had a GM support with an open profile from last season showing it, and he still decided he did nothing wrong. Of course he denied my rank, but like… it was literally right in front of him


I FORGOT ABOUT THAT. Pro players were only gaining 2 sr per win also so they just farmed every other ranks players.

Yikes you’d think he’d realize that you know how to play the game and he doesn’t.


Dude was too scared to look at my profile so who knows. I’m assuming he refused to look, rather than looking and denying.


you’re the reason people make their profiles private

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people make their profiles private for multiple reasons. I don’t think that someone is going to make their profile private because they are proven wrong.

i thought i replied to the OP - being lectured by some random internet stranger on what hero to play because of statistics x and y is a pretty big reason people started doing it, iirc


Why this opinion is flawed see below…


Unfortunately due to how over-complicated MMR algorithms work, that’s not necessarily true. You have “rolling windows” that check your last couple recently played heroes, and alter the expected MMR of your performance thereof. MMR updates are also not real time, hence why people complain of streaks, and why waiting a few hours after your first loss helps more than it should (Also a set MMR tends to drift between populations for constituting equivalent expected skill). If you stomp the enemy too hard on an off hero, then swap to your main, you can often find sub 40% WR on your carry hero, as this is simply a mispredict. People often will swap between heroes and can fall back to their pigeonhole safe space, only to rough ride out the MMR system mispredicts.

Doesnt mean you should be banned tho. Many new players are placed too high and keep dropping until they reach their elo. They will have bad winrate after 2 or more hours.

What about picks that are commonly used for utility in losing games or have other reasons for naturally low winrates? Some examples are:

  • I play Sombra for ult combos in Gold, but when I’m in Silver I used her primarily counter a dive comp that we’re struggling with. That means my winrate in the season I was top of gold with her was quite high (67% I think?), while my winrate in Silver is usually floating around 30%.
  • Most people switch to stall heroes on a 2cp map were they are being snowballed. This is a good idea because it can cut a 5 min timebank down to like 3 mins, but you’re still likely to lose a 2cp map that you defended badly in the first round. The team moral is just not there in those games.
  • Small sample size is also a issue. I have a 100% winrate in a lot of seasons on Genji. I’m an okay Genji player now, but for most of those seasons I was pathetically bad at him and only played him in dive because it was better than blinking off the map constantly as Tracer.
  • It doesn’t account for people throwing around certain picks. This is a huge problem in Bronze especially where people will try to explain that Widow is a horrible pick on Ruins and Havana…
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