Unaddressed and potentially serious bug. Please acknowledge / forward it


Is there by any chance that a member from Blizzard or the Overwatch team finally address the matter of a certain bug please?
I’m trying a secondary topic as it’s what I see to be one if not the only routes left to try.
So considering there is no other contact alternatives to try and reach you; Support department and Game Masters can not do anything. This felt like the best route to take currently.

Please forward this to the correct person / department. Quite honestly at this stage, it’s an annoyance that is astounding on the bases it’s not even been acknowledged by anyone who is not a player. Not once, to my knowledge.

Something had and most likely still is occurring with numerous items brought from within the game.

Here's the TL:DR quote link to my documentation

Direct URL: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/skins-missing-or-becoming-locked/1566

Please see that something is done, being ignored for quite some time does not leave anywhere near a good image at all in my opinion.
Just sadly, this sort of thing always falls between the cracks…
