Unable to play game since 1.40.1 update

I open game, queue for dps in quickplay, get to the character select screen then crash to desktop. Happened 4 times in a row. Restarted blizz client, did a repair scan, restarted computer, still crashes.
Here’s my latest report ID, not sure if needed: 5A0F006E-A0E8-46D0-8360-BB4C074CD4E4


Same issue, report ID: D32F6EC5-C125-48A1-BC18-A0611B2542E2

Repair scan and restarting client doesn’t help.

Edit: I switched my Korean game voices back to English and the game launches fine now.

Same here, did one game just fine, instant crash on character selection screen, ID: 204CEC62-7FE2-4444-9106-80184645CBCC

Ontop of my render device lost bug I’m now having the ID: D37FF7C5-97F2-4D9F-B76F-FF26BFE69909 issue.

same thing, i cant even enter the servers: 15A3CC56-6518-42F2-8D90-0D0E1DDFDDAA

Yeah same thing here, i get into skirmish for Comp and get kicked after about 2 min

The game keeps crashing for me. No chance to get in anymore.
Report: 64AEE460-58F9-4AF2-BA14-C6B8E38593C3

I can play a few games before the game crashes but it still happens so :man_shrugging:

might as well play dead by daylight

Same thing here, game crashed upon entering a match and continued to crash every time i rejoined the match, costing me SR of course

Same here

Happened to me too, only it won’t even let me into the menu. Repair scan multiple times, open and close, open Battlenet again, Repair scan again, nothing. I can’t log in.


It hasn’t even beeen 45 mins since the first topic popped up and they started blaming users.
Good job, Blizz.

Really? where?
20 characters

ON another topic here on us comm forums, and on other 2 on eu.

How can they even bring up such an unstable update? Do they even test it by themself when then release it?

it wouldn’t surprise me but i can’t find any posts from the devs to the new problem. Have you any links?

for me, it happens as soon as i try to open the game

reply 1 on eu: Game is constantly crashing since the new update - #4 by Agaleith - Technical Support - Overwatch Forums

reply 2 on eu Game keep crashing at start - #2 by Agaleith - Technical Support - Overwatch Forums

Edit CS represantative, sorry

My friend, who got the error message after starting the game can play again after reinstalling the game. Maybe it will help some of you guys.

EDIT: nvm… he got an error in the queue.

EDIT2: he changed the language of the game from korean to english. Now it’s working for the moment.


Custom games seem to work for me, for those of you who can load into the game. Tried quick play and mystery heroes and both crash for me though. :confused: