Unable to maintain 390+fps with Acer Nitro 390hz Monitor

It’s not for most people, no doubt, but a few, yes. I caution people that spending gobs of money to get to 240 or higher is far less effective than perhaps spending the same money on coaching if your goal is to climb.

Yeah I updated the driver just for Naraka I have more aliasing, I can’t play/switch in window mode without my monitor geting a lost signal, it forced me roll back in the previous state. First time I see Nvidia release a so bad quality driver.

This is spot on and part of the problem. Your Gpu is more than capable. 1080p/high refresh rate is Cpu intensive.

While your B560 is capable of running with an 11700kf perfectly fine, the less efficient power delivery on these cheaper boards can affect consistency. There is no point in reaching your max fps if it’s not consistent. I would say a motherboard upgrade is definitely a step in the right direction.

Yeah MHz is misleading. 3200 cl16 and 3600 cl18 are effectively about the same because the difference in speed and latency even one another out for the most part. 3600 cl16 or 3600 cl14 are your best options but last I checked price was more dependent on cas latency rating than the DDR speed. So be prepared to fork out extra cash for a lower latency kit.

Keep in mind that the next generation of CPU’s and motherboards should be running DDR5. So spending sums of money on CPU’s and RAM right now that won’t be compatible with upcoming DDR5 spec isn’t the smartest move.

Good luck!


As other people have said, your best bet is better ram. I had quite the performance boost after switching from 3200cl16 to 3800cl14. They are pretty expensive though.

There’s 2 more things you can do. Firstly, you could look into overclocking your CPU if you have sufficient cooling. Other people have noted tho that your power draw is limited due to your motherboard so overclocking may not be an option for you until you upgrade your motherboard.

Another thing, which you can definitely do, is optimize windows. Look up Fr33thy’s optimization pack on YouTube. It’s an 1h long video where he optimizes windows, software, and hardware. He provides this stuff in a zip file in the description which you can just download and apply the settings as he goes through them in his video. It’s really cool and easy, and he knows his stuff.

I do get (almost) consistent 400 fps with occasional dips down to 310 in busy fights. I am pretty sure it’s impossible to never dip below 400 though, so you may have to accept that fact (while hoping that OW2 is gonna have better optimization for newer hardware). For reference my hardware is:

R9 5900x with 360mm AIO cooling
MSI x570 tomahawk motherboard
16gn Trident Z neo 3800mhzCL14

Good luck with optimizing

I’ve never heard of the Acer nitro 390 Hz monitor and just looked it up. It seems like this monitor is crazy good and cheaper than any other 360hz monitor. Seriously considering if I should get it. Thanks for that, lol

For ludicrous high FPS values, the CPU is the bottleneck when you’re not having high GPU usage (which you never want anyway unless you like high input lag). Nvidia fixes the input lag caused by high GPU usage though.

Your problem is the RAM. 3200mhz is not enough for this crazy high values. Also, you didn’t explained if you’re using single rank or dual rank.

It depends on some situations. Overwatch in particular like high bandwitch, so a higher clock speed gives you better performance.

Make sure you are running your RAM in dual channel mode, that makes a big difference.

You did not buy an RTX 3000 card for photos and videos

and people said u can’t see 144hz to 240, but now people having 390 lol :thinking:


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I haven’t seen anyone able to keep a stable fps above 299fps with any hardware. I have a 3090 with 4133Mhz RAM and still dip below 299. The best I have seen are people with Ryzen 7 5800X* CPUs but even those haven’t met 399fps stable.

Has RTX 3080

Plays games at 1080p

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I’ll kindly refer you to my comment above.

Lol. The 3800x CPU is far from being the best.

Is your RAM set up in dual channel? (also, is it in the correct slots if you have two sticks?)

Sorry, I meant the 5800X. Do you have any video of you achieving this? I haven’t seen this fps stability posted anywhere else. You aren’t going to see any improvement with a 5900X as those cores are either not utilized or are clocked lower. The OW benchmarks I have seen had the 5900X performing the same or worse than the 5800X.

I don’t usually run my fps unlocked but I can see if I can record something uncapped

As he’s playing on 1080p its definitely not gpu, as you say cpu most likely.

Amd iirc has a slight edge there but imho just cap at 370…

Or slightly oc the cpu to see if it helps.
Maybe ram too

Not that I don’t believe you but I can’t find anything on youtube where anyone has maintained 399fps stable.

For example X22OW has these specs:
CPU: Ryzen 7 5800x
Cooler: Corsair H60
Motherboard: Asus TUF GAMING X570-PLUS (WI-FI) ATX AM4 Motherboard
RAM: 16 GB Corsair Vengeance LPX 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3200 CL16 Memory
GPU: EVGA 3080 FTW3 Ultra 10gb
PSU: Focus-GX 750 Gold

And yet in their vods can hardly maintain 299fps during teamfights.

2k 4k monitors above 165hz are hard to find/affort

Not to mention the extra power needed for 4k

You’re running the optimal settings. Simply put, your machine isn’t powerful enough to hit 390fps as a minimum in this game. You won’t see much of an improvement beyond spending more money. My PC is quite a bit more powerful than yours and I know mine wouldn’t hit 390fps minimum in this game even if I ran the same settings you did- I just run the game at highest possible settings and I use a 240hz display- I like my games looking good.

You’re probably CPU limited- you could try either overclocking your CPU or upgrading to the latest Zen 3 based CPU as those outperform Intel in games.