Unable to maintain 390+fps with Acer Nitro 390hz Monitor

Darn… I wonder what 390 Hz feels like

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It feels… Nothing lol. Help me out and I’ll let you know!

Going to say it again, it feels like nothing because it never will – you’re min/maxing FPS way above anything that anybody can do anything with.

Feels like a weird flex.


Like butter.

Remedy, again, if you have nothing useful to add, don’t say it at all. You say flex, I say finding out a solution to a common problem that’s going to be happening in the near future for this community.

If you have such a high refresh rate monitor you really need the best gear to hit those refresh rates.

GPU in overwatch isn’t that important. You can get 150 FPS with a 750 ti for example. CPU and RAM speed are the most important. In your case a Ryzen 5800X would have netted you a bit more frames. You definitely want faster RAM too, 3200 is pretty low end. DDR4 3600 CL14 will get you 8% more performance.

More important than those two is your motherboard choice. You absolutely cannot pair a B560 class motherboard with an 11700KF. HardwareUnboxed covered this and B560 motherboards can limit your performance significantly. The 11700KF consumes way too much power to run at full performance on a mid-range motherboard. You didn’t list the specific model number but in any case you are loosing out on performance.

A 3080 will never bottleneck in OW, even at 4K.

For CPU you have to look at per core usage. Overall usage doesn’t mean anything, overwatch can’t use all your CPU cores.

The higher the frame-rate the lower the input delay. This is why CSGO players seek 500+ FPS.

More RAM won’t help, 16GB is plenty for OW. 3600 will though, do note the CL of the kit though. Current best is DDR4 3600 CL14. The lower the CL, the better. CL18 3600 for example is a good amount slower.


He is basically saying the “solution” doesnt exists since it is beyond your hardware and software.
Many games will be super optimized to give a minimum FPS threshold for quality and lowkey, they also have a max “comfort” performance threshold. I dont think OW engine is made to go beyond 220 stable. You will have drops when more than X elements/entities are being rendered in the map.

Thats why on FFA you can maintain it (those modes work “different” map variables wise).

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Thanks Evernessince! Im fortunate enough to have a friend that I can borrow a few models of RAM to test before I purchase one. Let me test it out and I’ll let you know what I find out.

Thanks Hyphen. The only solutions I’m receiving is:

  • Roll back my gear in order to fully optimize OW for a high constant FPS
  • High Monitor Refresh Rates above 240 hz is not compatible with OW

This is what people said at 60 fps that 24 was good and @144 that 60 was good, @240 that 144 is enough.

But there has always been benefits esp in reaction based games.

Mr High-end is certainly flexing though :grin:

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Can confirm that 3200 RAM is pretty average. If you have a hardware bottleneck it’s there.

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Thanks Large. Ya, that’s the only concept I haven’t tested out yet in which 2 other users in here stated as well. I’ll have a chance to try out a 3600 32gb before purchasing and I’ll let the team know the results.

Appreciate the feedback homie.

Having a 3080 is not that common …


“This is what people said at 60 fps that 24 was good and @144 that 60 was good, @240 that 144 is enough. But there has always been benefits esp in reaction based games.”

I agree, thanks for your feedback. Also, that’s the essence of technology and the use of these forums. It’s to communicate with the community with on going issues with a hope of a resolution. So from 5 to 10 months from now when little Charlie has the same problem, hopefully they’ll run into this post by googling the same symptoms.

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There is barely any difference between 144hz and higher…

And with barely i mean, there might be a miniscule difference

I’d suggest focusing on your Mobo. B560’s are notoriously questionable, especially for higher end parts like yours. Could be an MCE issue, a ram XMP or timing issue How’s your cpu cooling solution?

I run a 10700k on A Z490 on my gaming PC, but my streaming PC is an Asus B560 M+ Wifi running an 11400k and the BIOS is ridiculous. I’m talking a 65w cpu that occasionally hits 165watts levels crazy, vcore of low 1.3’s, it’s nuts. If your cooling solution isn’t up to snuff I could see it constantly clocking up and down as it struggles with heat. Just a thought.

I use CPUID HWmonitor. Just load a replay and watch your cpus clocks, power, vcore and temps. If you see it jumping up and down alot you’ll know. I know it’s not “at spec” according to Intel in terms of TAU, but both my z490 and b560 run at max turbo 24/7, both running Noctua NHD15S air coolers, temps about 60-70 under load.

After all that, when I watch my cpu during gameplay I do sometimes see the 6 cores it uses at or near 100% despite my overall cpu usage being about 50%. Can be misleading.

Good luck!

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Thanks for that feedback RingKu! You’re right, along with the RAM I need to test (3200 to 3600mhz), I need to do some research as well with the mobo as this is my first time with Asus. As for the i7 11700KF, I have a heat sink (Vetroo v5) and two 120 mm fans on there. In Idle and browsing websites/movies, it stays between 30-40, but when I game on low FPS in OW with no background apps/process running, it’s around 50-65. I haven’t done heavy loads yet as in 4k editing videos/photos, so I’m not able to give you a specific temp on that.

I’ve also tried switching more loads to the GPU and vice versa to the CPU and I’m not seeing any symptoms of bottlenecking.

It’s not just the big stuff. It’s the small stuff too. On the most recent Nvidia update I got mega FPS drops on all games. I don’t think it’s OW (I could be wroung). I think it’s the newest nvidia update.

The number of people who can actually see and react as you go up in frame rates drop significantly after 144. I have no doubt 240 is better; most players problems are not going to be solved by seeing things smoother though. There are GM players at 60 hz, kid you not.

I mean there is a little difference but not by alot i saw a comparison

infact it’s miniscule like i said.

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Monitor refresh rate. If you have a 240 hz panel and you get 90 FPS you’re going to have significantly noticeable latency and frame lag compared to playing on 90 on a 60 hz panel. Granted that the jump is less noticeable on higher refresh rate monitors, but it’s still noticeable if you don’t maintain the high frame rates.

I personally have a 240 hz monitor with a last gen i9 and a 2080 ti. On my old pc I had a 144 hz and an i7 + 980 and when my frames dropped below 144 during double shield sym wall lamp lamp Moira coal double Lucio beat team fights Itd be like my mouse was on ice and watching a slideshow- even at 60 FPS or whatever it was.
Playing on lower frame rates than your monitor refresh rate (if you have it set to its normal refresh rate) it feels very similar to playing on 30 FPS on a 60 hz panel.