Unable to get passed login screen

I used to play Overwatch, and finally tried to play Overwatch 2. I launch the game and it connects, says entering game, and goes back to the login screen. I have tried every solution offered up in the forums, and by the GMs. I just cannot play the game. It is frustrating since I have purchased the original game on PS4 and PC, and have purchased in-game skins, and I now am unable to play the game. It is an account issue, and not an actual technical issue on my end. I know a lot of people absolutely trash Blizzard and the direction they have gone, but to lose access to a game and have them have absolutely no idea how to fix it is pretty inexcusable IMO.

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Same here, I’m frustrated…

I was told at the end of my ticket, “I know it might not be the answer you’re looking for, we are really willing to give everything possible when it comes to our players’ gaming experience. However, some situations are out of our hands. We will be happily assisting you with anything else that is within our reach at any time.”

Some situations are out of your hands? I’ve paid for two copies of the original Overwatch and bought a lot of cosmetic skins, and now my only option is to make another account and buy them again? I’m never spending another cent on a Blizzard game. The recent hate towards the company is completely justified.

I was told something very similar as well.
No idea how they’re getting away with doing this to people with PAID legacy accounts.

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