Ultimates that cannot be stunned

You just answered your own question: It’s locked away.

But transformation ults usually allow access to all abilities, I think Genji is the only character where a part of their kit is locked away. He’s a bit like a hybrid between transformation and channeled ult.

Being a hybrid where he’s even partially a transformation still makes him a transformation though.

Genji’s locks away his Shurikens
Bation’s locks away other Configurations
Winston’s locks away Bubble Shield
Soldier’s locks away Crits (not an ability, but still something)

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Not sure I agree with the Soldier one, but the other ones are correct. For some reason I never considered Primal Rage a transformation ult.

  1. Transforming ult (Not cancelable by stuns):
    An ult that changes a hero this could be a new Weapon, Buffs, Flight, etc but still gives you control over your Primary output and in most cases your abilities with some exception (Torb and Winston’s shield)

  2. Channeled Ults (cancelable with Stuns):
    Ults that lock you in its activities you don’t have control over your output it will output automatically for the whole duration and you can’t use any other abilities while locked in the ult.

  3. Casttime (Cancable with stuns):
    An ult that activates in a set duration of time and after activation acts independently of the user. Here is a list: All cancable Ultimate Casttimes [Workshop testing + Clips]

  4. Placeable (Not cancelable by stuns):
    Ult that give allow you to place your ult at a specific choosen location to place your ult. They can be stopped by a stun while in the placing “menu” but not after that because the ult is indepentend of the caster. Exampels: Sigma, Symmetra and Bap.

Soldier’s legs = hackable.

Soldier’s Tac Visor = not hackable.


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When an ult alowes you to use abilitys (at least some) it’s not stopped by stuns.

Transformation ults can’t be stunned.

Thank you, I’m well aware. What I meant was that I often forget it’s a transformation ult.

They make up that the ults that transform how you play are the only ones stoppable.

Of course when they decided that they quickly patched that Genji was not transformed in sword mode.

All ults should end with stun. Use them right or you deserve to lose them


The common excuse used is something about “Genji can’t lose his ult because it’s a transformational ult, not a channeling one!” Which has a follow up question: So bloody what? Nobody ever answers that one.

Worse comparison ever.

well Genji’s ultimate can be stunned and if he is stunned during his ult, he is most likely going to die, even with Nano, depends entirely on team communication on focus fire, same can be said about Soldier.

Genji is without a shadow of a doubt one of the most broken heroes in the game with all the animation canceling.

They took it away from Rein, and yet genji has like 6 different animation cancels he can do.

im pretty sure you can stun genji out of his ult, its just the timing is very small and genjis ult a mile away from you.


nice one

spoken like a true forum user

Why didn’t you quote the rest?

Quoting like a true forum user.

isnt canceled

transformation ults and channeled ults

There’s no consistency, which means higher skill ceiling, which is good or bad depending on how much brain processing you want to commit to this game.

Its like obstacles in the stages. Completely pointless except for players to get stuck on and die.