UK Shutting down

I know. This isn’t overwatch related. But I’m going to have several weeks stuck at home as a result of the latest announcement from boris which will equal a lot of games of overwatch.

All clubs, restaurants, cafe’s, gym’s, etc… will be completely shut down as of midnight tonight here in the UK.

I wanted to take a minute to wish everyone on the OW forums the best of health wherever you are in the world and hope you never become another victim to the coronavirus.

Always take care of yourselves.


well at least there arent any ddos attacks or something similar going on right now…enjoy! :sweat_smile:


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oughta treat yourself to a night out (safely) and go to a restaurant before they shut down, since we dont know when we’ll get the chance to go to our favorite places again

Central europe is on the second week of quarantine dont think uk is special

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There was a DDos a few hours ago.


I’m not treating the uk like it’s ‘special’

I’m merely making a thread to wish everyone good health…



Gyms restaurants etc are closing?

That’s 0% change to my daily life.

I never leave the house anyway.

Just a drive by tip: wash your hands for AT LEAST 20 seconds with soap. This video shows exactly why: How soap kills the coronavirus - YouTube

Really good video imo.

Was able to get my hands on a couple of gallons of milk after work. Felt lucky. Past week we’ve had a lot of hoarding going on here .

It’s a ghost town out here but able to knock out a lot of series that I didn’t have time to watch

thanks mate. It is ironic the healthier thread on this forum is about a health global issue.
Hope you the best, I am from Spain and we are on it too :slight_smile:

:3c if you get sick, we will take you to the nearest pokemon center.

What countries are doing because of 0.0034% world population, tsk tsk…

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What a way to kill the economy further. Wow!

Been working from home for a week now. My life hasn’t really changed much as a result :sweat_smile:

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I’m in the UK too, but unfortunately I still work at Tesco, and someone has to keep the world moving

Same in my country. Although i gotta admit, i also bought more groceries than normally. Not because I’m afraid there isn’t enough but because i just don’t want to go outside and having some stuff on my shelfs keeps me from having to go the supermarket again.

Meanwhile, Admiral Bill Burr is doing his part, sinking cruise ships xD

Hahaha, I see we have a fellow Burr man.

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