Uhm, You forgot junkrat

Of all the characters that needed some sort of buff it was him.
He’s honestly worse off now than he was with 1 mine.
you reverted pharah’s impact nerf, you can give junkrat his old projectile size back.


Yeah you’re not gonna get any support for Junkrat buffs, that guy is infuriating on every level, and nobody save a couple of sadists would miss him being deleted.


I would say trade the projectile size for his extra mine…but thats just me.

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tbh Junkrat is getting a silent small buff thanks to Baptista’s ultimate. As well the new change to how damage boost works.

Baptiste’s Ultimate increases the damage of all projectiles that pass through it.

So obviously Junkrat’s grenades would be packing a bunch of extra “OOMF”
But what about his mines?
How about his RIP Tire. OUI, imagine a RIP Tire that can do 1,200 damage just incase you have to deal with a Hammond that has Armor from Brigitte and a bunch of Shields from his own ability. :stuck_out_tongue:

Gotta be kidding me. It will only be a buff if Junkrat nades can hit


He. :clap: Needs. :clap: A. :clap: Projectile. :clap: Speed. :clap: Increase. :clap:

… and probably to explode after one bounce on the ground instead of two.

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Depending on where that square power boost is located, then there could be some moments Junkrat can do a ton of damage. Yes, Junkrat needs an actual buff. If anything I’m still looking at possible ways Junkrat can be useful throughout these patches.

He’s also getting an obvious nerf, now that McCreeUlt and SoldierUlt lock on to his RipTire ultimate.

Hope they buff him by deleting him. Awful character.


No kidding. I mained Junkrat before these nerfs and current patches. I still enjoy playing the character and always try to find ways to make him useful in many situations.

Make Junkrat hitscan you cowards


agree 100% junkrat needs buffs

Yeah, us Junkrat mains have been begging for nerfs since his projectile nerf made it so that our nades go through people. But because people don’t like fighting him, and us Junkrat mains are far and few between…

I’ve personally moved on from the game. I know a few others have too. Just not much fun playing him anymore.


says the person asking for a rein nerf not five minutes ago on a different post. :joy:

If your trolling, you gotta have some consistency my dude. Asking for a rein nerf then saying one of his could be counters is an awful character just doesn’t make sense. :joy:

A for effort I guess. :ok_hand:

Are people just that thick to understand that Junkrat mains don’t want spam to be stronger? Or that aiming a projectile (let alone with affected by gravity) actually requires a sense of aim and skill? Of course not. The only skill worth merit and praise is hitscan burst damage flicks, everything else can go to hell, apparently. People have made suggestions that show they’re willing to sacrifice spammability for some consistency in trying to actually hit something that they’re aiming at, and even if that day comes, y’all still will be mad.
*Gets direct hit from a pharah rocket: Fine and Good
*Gets direct hit from a junkrat ball: ANGERY

Part of the issue is that specialist DPSes are only allowed to do one job. In junkrat’s case, that’s blanketing an area in explosives, creating a dangerous zone for squishies. He has no real staying power outside of that, and that’s what’s frustrating.


Maybe allow his projectile to explode on impact, and increase is magazine by like 1. Also would be a nice buff if they made his rip tire have armor instead of HP.

He even got 2 nerfs! Baptiste inmortal hability and now his riptire is targeteable… u.u he needs now severe buffs and not only " some small buff"

His rez being more counterable might give them some room to buff him now. If his ult isn’t as hard to stop, he won’t be a problem if he’s good. Those days of non-stop tires got very annoying when he was good because of how reliable asnd fast charging tire is. It’s not like way op or anything it’s just hard to hit that thing and you usually lose someone to it. Most of the ults in this game could use a nerf or stronger counters.

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junkrat is the jar jar binks of overwatch.

i do hope less people play him. i’m sick of seeing his stupid tire get potg in quickplay. i’m sick of hearing his laugh. i’m sick of getting one shot by his mine because I accidentally blink/recall into it as Tracer (and he wasn’t even TRYING TO GET ME) I actually hate him, and I’m very biased against anyone who main’s him.