Uhm.. do you guys even review your posts?

There is no new skin release for the Countdown Cup.

Source: Overwatch Streaming Rewards Guide & Troubleshooting - CLOSED

So, I just logged in and saw the OWL Countdown Cup bastion skin after having spent most of my OWL giddie coins last week on the other skins after you announced that there would be NO new skin. Now there is a new skin. I mean, everything is going downhill and stuff, I get it, but is that a reason to straight up LIE to what’s left of your playerbase? Gah.


WyomingMyst is a forum MVP. They don’t work for Blizzard.

  • do not speak your mind on these forums, they WILL cancel you. :slight_smile: -

Glad I could help.

Aim to get information from official sources next time. That way you won’t be so needlessly frustrated and will avoid spreading misinformation :+1:


So he does it for free?

It does though. The forum MVP is just some dude; they aren’t a blizzard dev and the only know what blizzard tells us.


Yeah pretty much (20chara)


Dude is Pog then I always thought he was being paid.


Its not fanboying to state the truth. Your icon is a hamster, forum mods are not Blizzard employees. Forum mods do not know what blizzard knows.

Besides, an edit button exists; why do you care if their wrong when they can just fix it and say “oops, I was wrong!”?

  • do not speak your mind on these forums, they WILL cancel you. :slight_smile: -
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Moving of goal posts aside, thank Jeff I was here to correct you so now you can actually construct somewhat of an informed opinion.

Awh shucks, thanks man! Your personality is great too :blush:


I’d need you to give me something of substance to reply to to properly do that :thinking:

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  • WyomingMyst is not a Blizzard employee. So don’t imply that Blizzard did fake advertising;
  • The post makes a recap of what is currently active, not a final ruling that something will never be there;
  • You were free to decide if you wanted to save for future better skins or not. Same for eventually All Star Skins;
  • It is more likely that in 2022-23 there will be a Vault dedicated to the new skins of 2021 (from MM-Mei to Bastion Pirate Ship) rather than another offer on currently available skins. Pure speculation, but it is reasonable to think so;

and you’re right, it probably would have been clearer without adding this extra information. But it’s not wrong either, since it’s a completely different skin, and maybe someone is asking the question if the Countdown Cup skin is planned.

it is not so bad in my opinion: in a weekend you can earn almost 100 token league if you follow the notifications of the start of the match and leave an active device. I obviously hope that you can reach the sum you are interested in to obtain the desired skin :wink:

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You’re wrong.

Ad homs don’t make you right. You’ll learn that sometime in middle school, child.

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One is giving up. One is literally not having the information by somebody who isn’t paid by blizzard. At all

They aren’t the same at all, genius.



??? Is that intentional irony? If so, bravo.


wyoming myst is the only mod i have ever seen on these forums and im pretty sure he does it for free, give him a break bro.

Don’t listen to the angry guy, Prett, I think you’re cool :point_right:t3: :point_left:t3:


Wyoming isn’t even a Mod guys. He is “just” a forum MVP. He was just around enough helping people on here to make Blizz recognize him and say “well this guy is super friendly and helpful so we should reward him somehow”.

He has got nothing to do with moderation of the forums in any way shape or form.

Plus he didn’t lie at all neither did his sources. He stated that there wouldn’t be a countdown cup skin and there isn’t. The pirateship Skin is a meta Skin just like Goats Brig is.


Easier to just double down-down on the self-righteous anger rather than admit you were wrong, huh?

Here’s all you needed to say:

“Oh, my bad. I thought WyomingMyst was some kind of moderator or Blizzard representative because of their different-coloured posts. My mistake. Thanks for the heads up.”

Or something to that effect. Is that so hard?

Be a better person.

Ps. Just so you know, there’s a streaming schedule on the Overwatch League website. If you want that sort of information from an ‘official’ source, consider checking there. Here’s the link: https://overwatchleague.com/en-us/schedule?stage=regular_season&week=19