Tweaks to help Hero balance

Primarily I disagree with the turret changes as a whole. First off, 150dps a second on turrets is way more than enough, and it doesn’t need to be increased. Secondly, the whole point of the 30 hp is to make it specifically much harder for certain heroes to kill, or give them just long enough to get another tick off.

Reducing them to 15 HP may as well be putting them back at 1 for the majority of situations.

Removing the slow defeats the purpose of their primary use, which is an alert and safety net for your team. The slow is actually the scary part for many characters in the game. It’s also designed to allow you or your team to focus the target better.

I’d personally either want the shield eating gimmick of her left click removed to allow the ability to just be buffed overall to a stronger state, or make the shield eating gimmick actually good enough to deal with the tanks with said shields who usually just kill her if she tries.

Like for example, her Lazer when hitting a barrier now absorbs some of the barriers energy, giving her a short lasting personal barrier based on the damage she does to shields. This allows her to be an active threat to shield based tanks, which seems to be what they wanted.

Thank you for your feedback.

  • i suggested a reduce turret health due to the fact that, with the increased dps, any character with 200 hp or less (approx. 60% of the current 28 hero roster) would have just a little more then 1 second to kill all the turrets or to get out off the 10 m range to take out all of the turrets with out taking any damage.

  • The 1 second less charge, assuming 100% accuracy because i assumed that, given the range of her primary fire, she would most likely be hitting tanks. therefore her accuracy would be much higher then if she was shooting at smaller targets. and that the average increase in dps over 10 seconds is approximatly a 50% increase. (again assuming 100% accuracy)

  • i chose to remove the slow as it doesnt really fit the rest of her kit or lore. (since when can light slow?) it seemed to me that they gave her the slow for absolutely no reason

im intrigued with this. what if using left click against barriers halfed her charge rate?

And i understand that but your giving the turrets 2 major nerfs (these are major) in exchange for a 30 dps increase assuming a nest which is only a .2 second increase in ttk on the 200 hp heroes (less on a character like tracer or baby and combine that with the other buff which just makes the already highly situational beam a little less situational it’s just an overall nerf on a character that doesn’t need it, you’d have to suggest one or more buffs to offset this say longer beam range less ticks on beam but same dps to help it against armor or just extra shield hp so she can fight with it more often since its a close range weapon mayby a shorter cast time on the teleporter so it can work better as an in and out tool or even giving her shield generator back as an option with the ability to destroy it at will by pressing the ultimate button than interact so you can start building the wall if you change your mind

I have to admit, i dont really play sym very much. so i dont know the ins and outs of her kit.

all i can go off of is what people think is a reasonable change (nerf turret damage, buff sym left click, etc)

as for the removal of the slow, i got to be honest, i hate having to deal with a constant slow and ticking damage in a middle of a team fight only to die to a turret because my team is focusing on killing the enemy team and having every instance of tick damage granting a load of ult charge to sym even when she is dead.

it seems a little cheap to me to gain 30% ult charge while your dead when your turrets are killing everything. same goes for torb, but as torb is getting a rework soon i chose not to include him in this list.

AAAAANNNNDDD there goes my faith in this post…

  • Brigitte: No
  • Hog: Probably no, less RNG on Primary is fine w/ less feeding needed
  • Soldier: Half is too much. Sprint Speed is unnecessary
  • Doomfist: No. The salty bois would be even saltier. Fine as is right now
  • Symmetra: Only possibly the charge rate change. No to everything else
  • Reinhardt: Probably fine
  • McCree: Armor Piercing is probably okay, no to the FTH change
  • Pharah: Seems fine, I think she needs further changes tho
  • Hanzo: No
  • Mei: No real comment, probably alright
  • Bastion: Probably fine
  • Reaper: No, just needs like 0.5 seconds off the teleport
  • Sombra: No. Just needs a small damage threshold for her abilities
  • Orisa: Probably fine
  • Shotguns: Sure

As a hog main,

No. Just no.

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Lol, are you kidding?
You really think that Doomfist will be balanced with this?

This would be a OP AF buff


that doomfist change will make him a must pick across all ranks

i don’t think thats a good idea


oh I didn’t even notice what you did to sombra.

Absolutely not.

It seems to me you have a fetish for just increasing or decreasing everyone’s damage as if that’s supposed to solve all problems.

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If you want to balance Doomfist, you gotta nerf him.
He doesn’t need a hard buff, because it would kill him, but he is definitely not balanced.

I would say that in high ranks he is close to be balanced, but in Diamond and above he is probably the best and definitely not hard pick.

I dont care about brig but this is not how math works. 10% slower of 0.6 would be 0.66

If you are going to criticize, please explain why. dont just say “No. i dont like that” give a reason to why you dont think it would help balance the game in its entirety.