Tweak your main


Pellet count reduced to 10
Damage per pellet increased to 14
Spread reduced by 20%

Firestrike now deals 300 damage to anyone named Brigitte

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dude I thought I hated Brigitte…

ReinHardt now only takes half the duration time of stuns if he had his shield up


  • hacked enemys are now easier to see for your team
  • reload speed increased and auto reaload by traslocation
  • shields do not regenerate while hacked


  • full charged beam decreases slower
  • +50 shield
  • let her cancle turrets and refund 50% of their cooldown

I would revert the recent nerf and change graviton radius back to 8m from 6m, and have the charge decay go back to the normal speed it was.

I should mentioned that my K/D has gone from around 4.11 to 4.30 with her in recent weeks since these changes, so I’m acc doing better with her now, but I still prefer the old her.

Probably wishful thinking.

Thanks to Blizzard releasing another overtuned hero (hanzo rework), so many people called season 10 the “worst season ever”, because it was all Hanzos in every game waiting on Zarya gravs. Once enough people complained, both Hanzo and Zarya got nerfed. Weird balance logic there.

Venom mine gets an added slow effect. A good start is 50% of Symmetra’s turrets slowing effect.

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I feel a Mercy revert would be a big change, as well as a net nerf, so…

Either increased or burst healing in Valkyrie, or instant rez in Valkyrie. Preferably the former. Dunno.

Tracers Pulse Bomb now acts as a Time Stopping Nuke that has 5 m radius. People caught up in the blow get slowed down to the point where its like what you experience at the end of each round for 4 seconds.

If tracer gets caught in it, she also will get the slow effect. This will be same for her team mates as well. :smiley:

Revert all D.Va nerfs including armor and start the apocalypse

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You know that lucio’s ult used to do that? slow everyone but himself? If you didn’t search some videos about it, it’s pretty funny.

Ana - Grenade duration 3 seconds. (he said tweak not buff, I think my main is too good for her sake at the moment, the grenade is damn op imo)

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Fix genjis bugs and give him a 1s longer ult

Beta McCree 4Head