Tweak your main

Nothing outlandish like massive health or damage buffs, just a small-ish change to buff them. I’ll start.

Reinhardt’s Barrier Field recharges at a rate of 50 health per second while active and not taking damage for at least 0.5 seconds and recharges at 200 health per second while inactive (after being inactive for 0.5 seconds).

Frag Launcher grenades are reverted back to 0.3.


Reaper can fly and has a chain saw under each shotgun.

If he teleports 5m away from someone he says "Nothing Personnel, Kid"


Lucio’s projectile speed is just a wee bit faster, his aura upped to 15 meters, healing stays on when hacked, and sound barrier has a knock back effect upon being deployed.

Dva can now crouch in mech and has a short roll like Mccree outside mech.

I thought this up months ago when thinking up my ideal buffs for characters and I like this one.


  • Bail Out
    • A short disengage ability available to Pilot D.Va similar to McCree’s Combat Roll. D.Va will perform a short movement backwards, helping her to retreat to cover and safety when De-Meched.
    • 8 second cooldown.
    • Only moves backwards, even when walking forward.

More survivability and safer mech farming, and less need to die to regain mech.


Photon Projector Beam charges up at a linearly decreasing rate.
(LV1 -> LV2 = 1 second. LV2 -> LV3 = 2 seconds)

Teleporter boot up delay animation sped up by 20%

HP increased to 125 raw + 125 shields (250 overall)

Photon Barrier ultimate point cost reduced by 200 points

Symmetra frankly doesn’t need any nerfs. Her kit isn’t outright bad in any area either, she just needs a tad more strength across the board

rein can no longer be stunned by brie through his shield. it will still push him backwards.
he can still be stunned by her from other sides like when mccree throws his flashbang over.

will it be done?
most likely not, but i dont give a [butt scratch], because i will always hope for it.

Fix his bugs so he actually works instead of just replacing them with different, often worse bugs.


Defense Matrix cooldown reduced to 6 seconds.

Rationale: This mimics D.Va’s recharge rate of her 4-second matrix, while keeping the 1-second downtime window.

My proposed matrix has a theoretical max active time of: 2/(1+2+6) = 22.22%

which is still less than the previous max active matrix time of: 4/(1+4+10) = 26.67%

compared to the current nerfed matrix joke of an active time of: 2/(1+2+10) = 15.38%

This allows for a tankier D.Va, which would be a nice middle ground for Matrix nuts like myself to enjoy again while still satisfying Matrix haters for it is still merely a 2-second matrix, which still lets through more ultimates and is still subject to all the counterplay that keeps D.Va hindered, unlike the old 4 second matrix from before. Note this still preserves the requisite 1-second forced downtime window after every flash. I would even accept trading away the micro missiles for a power shift if increasing DM’s active time would end up causing a community meltdown.

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cancellable barrage

50% Discord…

A monk can dream, can’t he? :smiling_imp:

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Give D.Va mech crouch partially back.Have her move slower and reduce sound emition,but leave out the crouch animation.I just wanna be able to snek up on people.

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  • Pulse Bomb reverted to 400 damage and non-trash falloff damage from the epicenter.
  • Recall cooldown increased to 16 seconds.
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100 HP and 100 Shield

Current mains Brig so… Reduce shield health to 450-500.

Small change. Completely revert mercy to season 3 state. No invulnerability to Mercy.

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Can roll mid air.
Please, at least let me have this for my cowboy.

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Can roll Mid Deadeye (not cancelling it). It will make u less of a glowing target :smiley:

D.Va: Balanced as is
Lucio: Heal rate could be improved a bit, but balanced as is
Junkrat: Either revert his grenade size to 0.3 again or revert Rip-tire speed
Orisa: Increase Supercharger health