Turning Symmetra beam into a shield

What if they just turn her primary into a shield she projects instead of tweaking the damage? I mean her orbs are good enough on their own.


How would that work? Can you explain?

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Holding up the shield consumes ammo over time. Shield breaks when clip empties or it is broken via damage.

It’s projected at about the distance old photon barrier appeared


That sounds like a really cool idea


I miss her old barrier. :frowning:

That’s a wild idea. That would be interesting to play with.


I get it…but…why?

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Depends how large this barrier would be.

Her beam is not only redundant damage, it’s harder to use than her secondary fire. Bad combo. Makes it completely obsolete.

Might as well give her a new ability that can help her aid her team.


Couldn’t we just put her old barrier on alt weapon?

No. Having to switch weapons is a clunky mechanic. If it’s avoidable we should avoid it also having an extra weapon for seemingly no reason is a bit too much. Torb and mercy have them out of necessity

I agree her beam is weak (see my thoughts on Sym 3.0 here: Symmetra 3.0: A Summary From a 200 Hour Sym Main) but that doesn’t necessarily means it has to go. It’s still super useful against tanks and barriers and with decent tracking can still melt people.

I do get it though, having a personal barrier was amazing for Sym and I too miss it :sleepy:

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About the size of old barrier. But she can only hold it up til her clip runs out.

Probably because the current one is a joke, but Blizz is scared of buffing it or reverting to the old lock-on, because it will trigger a lot of players.

…you know, even though her SECOND rework didn’t to jack to improve her numbers yet again.

@ the top, I like the idea of the shield, but I don’t think it suits her playstyle much? It would make her sort of a tank hybrid like Brig and Symm is more of a zoner/glass cannon.

Maybe her Orbs could be her primary and the shield could be her secondary(like Hack) and it was deployable like Soldier’s Biotic field? You know, the shield stays still where she left it.

That could work. We could even get her old finger pinch animation back lol.

My reasoning was that one of her core mechanics is shielding her team from damage.

Oh man you gave me an idea. Moving her orb to primary and bring back her old barrier as M2 rename it photon shield to prevent confusion

Honestly at this point we have nothing to lose, they refuse to listen to the people that actually play the hero, so her Primary is as good as trash and will stay that way. If we have to sacrifice something for a sliver of survivability, I say take the PF, I won’t miss it.

I’d also like her Orb to be like Mey’s secondary, just click and it will charge+fire the projectile. Mimi-Orbs are mostly useless and fully charged orbs could use the consistency.

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No, I meant binding her old barrier to whatever button is alt weapon.

Alt weapon? You mean secondary fire?

I actually like this idea!
Though as compensation, they could make it slightly smaller than her last shield. Would be a good shield to outplay sudden damage, though not long sustained damage. This is where Tanks play a better role.

Oh please Blizzard! T_T
Our queen deserves it after the horrors she has faced!


Personally, I just want the beam to get a bit more bigger per level, which would increase the consistency and her close range defense. It would feel better by being more rewarding, help the older players but not eliminate that redonk aim, and do more damage.