Turning off Chats?

Is there a way that people can turn off their chats? I was in a match with someone and they refused to correct their game play mistakes. After that they stated they were “turning off chats” and then stopped responding. If this is possible I feel it should be disabled, no one should be able to ignore criticism in a team based shooter.

All players can leave the team text and voice channels whenever they want to, and there is no game requirement to use either of them. In other words, not using team voice or team text to communicate is not a reportable offense.

Just as clicking the headset symbol will let you join and leave voice chat, clicking the chat bubble icon will turn off the chat for individuals or the match, depending on where you click.

Ok, how do I make the avoid list infinite? The players I am coming across who behave like this are people I never want to play with again but I keep getting in matches with them. If they don’t want to be in chats fine, but I should be able to avoid those people be default with no limit.

The “Avoid as Teammate” only allows you to avoid 3 players as a teammate for up to seven days.

Players have the right to use the communication tools or not in any game mode including Competitive. I myself don’t use voice comms when playing Open Queue competitive as it is more important to focus on my own skills as a player. I understand if you want to have teammates who want to communicate, but the best way to do this is by using the game’s built-in Looking for Group tool where you can specify all players on your team must provide voice comms. You can also work to build a group of players to join you if you post in the Looking for Group forums here

I feel the better option would be to make the avoid list infinite. Solves many problems, like my issue, along with avoiding anyone you know you never want to play with again. DPS who play tanks and supports for a quick queue, abusive players, bad players etc.

This is not a technical issue, as such, this thread as been closed. These forums are managed by the technical support team and the developers may not come check on these forums as often. We only assist with technical issues that can be resolved through troubleshooting. For suggestions/feedback or discussing in-game options, it’s better suited on the #general-discussion forums.