Trust level 3 lost //again// :c

I was so happy when I got my Trust level 3, I was working on a few extensive posts for the forums [a new POTG/End card system and an art theme post] but then I was sick and during that time I lost it because I wasn’t able to post as often. I was visiting the forums almost every day it was just hard to post on my phone.

Soon after I gained it back, but then I was sick again recently and had to have surgery, during that time I lost it again :c

There used to be a website were you could see how close you were but I forgot the link [it was a guesstimate not exact because to my knowledge nobody knows the exact perquisites for T3.]

Anyone have an idea about how I should go about getting it back? I plan on posting a lot more but is there something I’m missing?

As far as I can tell you haven’t posted enough memes.

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You gotta read a lot of posts.
That’s the big thing.


You also have to give more likes, make some topics and your meme levels have to be up there.


35.2k isn’t enough?! ;____;

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I had it for half a day and never got it again. This thread is relatable.


I’ll make some big memes, then maybe my powers will grow!


You have actually recieved it four times.

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:man_shrugging: oh well

I got suspended for making a joke about Doomfist punching women and grannies and I honestly don’t care if I get it back.


It’s a huge feels bad… I’ve had really interesting threads waiting to be posted but require links/imagery to work :c!
I hope you get yours back soon!

Give me les threads and I’ll post’em.

I lost mine too… it sucks.

I was still checking the forums every day, but just hadn’t made many posts. Apparently that was enough to lose me my level 3.

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I lost mine too and now I can’t meme :frowning:

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I am sorry but I am confused, do you mean give you the links to the images/thread information and then you’ll make the threads?

How could we go about this :O!

Make a view only google doc. I’ll copy it and post it.

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Oh yay

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Kiwi spotted.

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Oh, I’m not sure how to go about that. I will defiantly try and figure it out and get back to you! Do you have discord at all? I could message you there when I’m done!