Trouble staying connected during play

I play with my husband and our computers use the same wired internet. My PC will randomly drop connection but he won’t he will stay connected. I am wondering what is going on with my PC and what settings I can change to have this stop happening.

Hullo, sorry to say that it’s a routing issue. If you scroll through the past 7-10 days on the Tech. Supp. Forums you’ll see other folks experiencing the same problem as you. Essentially, for whatever effin reason, OW2 is routing people to the incorrect server. This means that in order to resolve the problem you as the user must contact your ISP and have them connect you back to the correct servers. It’s bull crap but it is out of Blizzard’s hands.

What isn’t out of their hands IMO is figuring out why it’s happening. These server connection errors have been happening on and off since 2019. Incredibly frustrating.

I hope this helps, that you’re able to resolve the issue, and that you can get back to playing normally soon.

The OP is talking about their home network being overloaded, which isn’t related to server selection or routing. The game client places you on a server based on where your connection originates, which is in the hands of your ISP.

Royalite, you may have an IP collision issue happening, or need to replace the router. Call the ISP and tell them one of your computers can’t stay connected to the internet and their support should be able to walk you through the fixes.

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Good call. We updated our mesh network. The older units were overloading. We’ve replaced them with newer model mesh networks. Thanks for the insight!

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