While the devs can’t implement all of the changes that 321 needs in Experimental mode, this new game style is so much better! Tanks can finally do things again, DPS queues are insanely fast, and support is more strategic and less overwhelming. It is a great start to improving the game. Do you guys agree?
I disagree.
(20 characters)
If you could, explain please.
I personally agree. I like the mode a lot and I like the changes to Dva (main) so I enjoy the mode. I do also like that if I feel like “practicing” as a dps the queue is much smaller compared to quick play.
It feels like pre-role queue when everyone just went damage regardless of what was needed. It’s chaotic and feels far more generic to me. Trying to play a solo tank, even with buffs, against 3 DPS is even more stressful than it already was.
I will say that it’ll make the queues a lot better for damage players, but the benefits end there.
I’d like to see how 1-2-2 works.
But also make it so Hogs cloud ability cleanses all CC and Debuffs.
And convert D.va’s matrix ability into absorbing a limited amount of damage, but with no cooldown. Basically a normal barrier.
while it is great, there are obvious problems.
Some tanks are way better than others. Some are great and others are just bad… no inbetween.
The “problem” DPS are OPAF.
Healers are alright.
and 2cp is an even bigger pile of poppy cocka…
Other than that I kinda like it, I am actually tanking again, I played tank for 2 years and quit when the tank nerfs didnt come with dps balancing to even it all out, so that is a big surprise.
I found it that way myself just because I had time to heal more than just the tanks and my positioning mattered more. But I am not really a support player. Ironically, I enjoyed 321 as a tank/support. It was on dps that I grew to dislike the mode.
With one less tank, supports have less total health to heal (to keep a team “full”). Moreover, supports will have higher dps on their team without sacrificing protection, as tanks are getting buffed to carry the lost protection. This means more things dying and supports staying safer.
you fool the game is more chaotic aka most likely this will be a dive / sombra meta you think an ana main gonna keep with this??? yes the game feels more FPSy but the game to crazy for some heroes and tanks might become overpower because off tanks are trash atm
It’d be a great arcade mode for sure. Maybe they could have Competitive 1/3/2 arcade for an event.
I agree with you that the balancing is wonky. This is because Experimental mode is basically workshop, so devs are limited in the changes they can make. For example, shatter and dva bomb both demand a shield from the enemy, which is unfair when half the tanks don’t even have shields.
However I think they are on a good track to improving the game. Tanks need more power, and it also gives the game a better balance of challenge between mechanical skill and game sense. They need to make more changes but this is a great start.
Not all the buffs are equal. There are still many of the tanks that are unable to fully and reliably block damage. There is less total health to heal because everything is dying so fast that your heal is more or less regulated to after the fight. Also with less healing you get less ultimate charge.
If more things are dying that means on your team as well and that doesn’t equal to safer considering that the opposing team can run CC or Support DPS without losing on much damage. Zenyatta is very vulnerable, Brig’s armor packs mean nothing against 3 DPS (potentially 3 burst DPS).
The fact that they only adjusted a handful of characters means this experiment is a bit of a joke, not even a serious attempt considering they don’t want it going on for more then a week.
I feel support requires a mindset shift for 1-3-2.
As support in a 1 tank team, you can’t rely on your tank to protect everyone. Their shield will break pretty quickly vs 3 DPS. Or they can only hook one target at a time. Or their defensive ability doesn’t work against beams. So healbotting the tank is a recipe for failure.
So, instead of simply keeping everyone topped off the second they take damage – “playing whack-a-mole with health bars” as they say in WoW – you need to prioritize whether to heal a teammate at a given moment, or to debilitate an enemy tank who let their guard down briefly, or punish an of position DPS to protect yourself and the backline.
Sometimes you have to decide that throwing your Ana grenade at the enemy tank is more effective at protecting your team than throwing it at your low health tank; it will put pressure on the enemy tank to either back off or be killed by your DPS. Typically in 2-2-2 your tank can just tag in your second tank so they can recover while waiting for cooldowns and health recovery, and your grenade won’t find offensive use in this scenario at all.
Or you have to damage orb and duel a flanker to protect your vulnerable sniper, meaning less healing for your tank but at the benefit of retaining a health sniper who can provide to your tank cover and suppressive fire. In 2-2-2, your second tank will take care of the flanker, again taking away a lot of your player agency to change the outcome of the battle.
For every game I’ve lost because I didn’t go shield tank and had a support tell me off at match end for not going shield tank, I’ve had an amazing game where I main tanked as DVa or Roadhog instead. It all comes down to the right mindset for each role in 1-3-2, team chemistry, and smart swaps to counter the enemy team or make up for the weaknesses of your team.
I cant live long enough as a support to actually heal my team… So i say

I feel support requires a mindset shift for 1-3-2.
…you can’t rely on your tank to protect everyone.
Sounds like 99% of my quickplay games.
I agree, and honestly tanks needed power shifted from protection to damage and support. That way they don’t have to rely on their teammates so much. Yes it forces teams to use cover and the map more for protection, but that is better than a meta of just locking 2 uncounterable protective shield tanks.

Do you guys agree?
I really want to, but from playing it so 3-2-1 so much before rolequeue was implemented, it boils down ton having the exact problems it did before
Healing isn’t horrible, in fact I feel like Mercy has a much better presence.
However the most glaring issues is the appeal and use of barriers. The off tanks were really modified to stand out on their own, but it just doesn’t bring that true usefulness of a barrier.
So 321 still suffers from limited hero pool being limited even more.
me, a tank role hater, really likes this new mode.
I’m even selecting tank every time i queu as its just so much better not having to rely on that other tank playing as a team.
I can do the tank work on my own and alwys have the full frontline available to me
No more terrible tank comps as THE Tank decides the tank
not, oh second tank picks this, so i either pick That or we lose. Cool gamemode
Just imagine you loose every game bc DPS A Selected Hero X and you have to select Hero Z or lose by default.
it makes the whole role much better with these changes
From a dps pov who starts liking tanks
Unfortunately, I can’t help but disagree completely with the OP, as overall 3/2/1 has been a really bad overall experience for me and tons of other people… I would even call it terrible from every aspect even if you’re playing Tank (they’re the ones who have to deal with long queue times now as well) and just a tad bit better if you’re playing Support…
Hope this change doesn’t go through and it thankfully won’t, as long as devs act logically and realize that it’s not worth it ruining the experience of so many Tank and even Support players (as if they already weren’t in a bad enough state already) and sacrificing the arguably great overall state Overwatch has been at for the past weeks for the sake of catering to the same old DPS players, due to the behaviors of many of which, systems such as role - lock had to be implemented in the first place so many months ago…